
Three: Safina

“Thanks for letting me work here on short notice Mama Benj, I really needed the cash.” I smiled weakly as I cleaned some shot glasses at the bar “The tips are already freaking insane.” I mused as I already earned $400 tips from customers in my first two hours working as a waitress in the nightclub I’m working for as a stripper.

“You need the money sweets, consider this a thank you for helping Jack revise his term paper for law school.” He smiles as he was busy arranging drinks behind the bar. “Are you sure that we can’t pay you for it?” he asks

“No, I’m just happy to help your husband Ma.” I chuckled “And between you and me, he needed it badly.” I joked, earning a laugh from him.

“Remind me to warn your next boyfriend to not break your heart. You turn into a savage b*tch!” he giggles, but his facial expression changed into a softer one as he looks at me with concern “Speaking of boyfriend, how are you feeling? It has been a few hours since you saw Max cheating on you, you’re allowed to wallow in sadness and heartbreak sweetie.” He smiled sadly at me.

“I don’t get the luxury of that since he fired me today. I still need to pay for my mom’s house too, I’m ⅓ of the payments away.” I sighed and shook my head.

“As much as it is fulfilling to pay off things you owe, you don’t have to overwork yourself! You need a distraction from work and from your breakup.” He suggested

“Mama Benj, have you seen my makeup bag?” Ruby, one of my co workers asked as she looked at her nails “Who is this charity case?” she looked at me with a scoff

“This is Safina, she’s the new waitress I hired.” Mama Benj ignored the insult towards me “And your makeup bag is in the dressing room.” He adds

“Is Angel going to show up today? That b*tch barely shows up early. I have no clue why Mr. Matthews would keep her, there are plenty of girls who can draw in more customers than her.” She rolls her eyes “And word of advice new girl, use a bit more makeup. Here at Fire and Desire, we give customers a good time, we don’t remind them of the ugly wives they leave back home, even if you are a waitress.” She adds

I fought the urge to roll my eyes and faked a smile “Thanks for the tip.” I say as I kept on polishing shot glasses.

“Tell Fawn that we’re dressing up as celestial goddesses tonight Mama Benj.” She says before going to the dressing room

“What an insecure b*tch, the only reason she’s still here is because she’s the former owner’s niece and that’s why she’s been getting hot shot patrons.” Mama Benj spat “But even then, her own patrons would ask for Angel.” He winks at me

“She has a point though Ma, why would Angel be better than her? Angel refuses to sleep with customers and wears a mask to hide her identity and yet it’s Angel who draws in more customers here at the nightclub.” I sighed and went to clean up some dirty tables, wondering why people would want Angel than the other dancers.

“Married men want what they can’t have sweetie, even more so when the girl’s acting all mysterious.” He chuckled

“Hey Benj!” our boss Mr. Matthews greeted with a friendly grin “Is Angel in yet?” he asks

“Not yet Leo, she’ll be in later on tonight. Is there something you need?” Mama Benj asked back

“Well I was wondering if she could give my best friend a VIP dance for his birthday this Friday? I’ll pay her quadruple just by giving him the best birthday he’s had in years.” He says in a hopeful tone.

“Angel doesn’t give private shows but I’ll try to persuade her.” Benj promised as he secretly gave me a glance.

“Hopefully she says yes.” He sighs “Tell her to come to my office with her answer.” He pats Benj’s shoulder and went to his office, ignoring my presence all together.

Once he was gone I approached Mama Benj “I will accept the job Ma.” I whispered

“What? Why? I thought you said you’re not going to accept any private dances no matter how big they pay you.” He frowns

“You said it yourself that I needed to distract myself from the breakup right? I’m going to perform my first private show for the distraction and the money.” I faked a smile “Let’s just hope he’s not some creep.” I joked to lighten the mood.

“If he is, I’ll be ready to kick him in his nuts.” He joked back, making us both laugh

Little did we know, he’s going to be different than any customer that I’ve ever encountered in Fire and Desire.


“You wanted to see me Mr. Matthews?” I ask as I was already in my costume, blonde wig and mask a few hours later.

“Ah yes Angel, I’m assuming Benj told you that I wanted to hire you for my best friend’s birthday.” He says, standing up from his desk “I know you said that you don’t do private dances but I was hoping I can pay you for it?” he asks hopefully and sighed “He needs a break from working too much and taking care of his daughter.” He added

I can see how much he cares for his friend as he talks about him.

And the money he’s going to pay me could help a lot with my mom’s house at the bank.

Here goes nothing…

“I’m not going to be hypocritical and say I don’t need the money Mr. Matthews. But I also want to help you since you seem to care about your friend’s enjoyment on his birthday so I’ll do it.” I say kindly with a soft smile.

“Thank you Angel, I’ll give you the check once the dance is finished.” He stated “And I promise you that my friend isn’t like any other patron we usually get here in our nightclub.” He promises

I inwardly cringe at his promise but nodded nonetheless “Of course Mr. Matthews.”

“Have a productive night Angel.” He says, nodding back as I exit his office and sighed once I left to go onto the main stage.

I doubt that Mr. Matthews' friend is going to be different than any customer I’ve encountered in the seven years that I’ve worked here…

I’m slowly regretting my decision to accept this private show… but I really need the money.

I’ll just have to suck it up and hope for the best.

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