
Chapter 1


Zara's POV.

'If your sister doesn't come back before tomorrow evening you are going to get engaged to Jason and don't even think about running away. Neo is going to go everywhere with you.'' My dad says in that ridiculously calm voice of his.

''But dad... I don't even know this 'Jason' guy and you expect me to get married to him. What the fuck da...''

''Mind your language young lady.'' He warns.

Do you know what was pissing me off about this whole situation? My dad didn't so much as raise his voice but I knew not to go against him.

''Mum?'' I turn to my mum with pleading eyes. 

''I am sorry Zara.'' She whispers and I swear I can feel my heart crumbling.

''Don't do this to me dad. I am just twenty-two, I am too young to get married and I haven't even found...'' I stand up and kneel beside my dad.

''I am sorry Zara.'' He says without even meeting my eyes.

No, you are not. You are not sorry.

''I will be in my room.'' My voice wouldn't even pass as a whisper.

I slam the door behind me and curl into my bed and prepared to cry my eyes out. I didn't see this coming. I am not even ready to get married to anyone. I haven't figured my life out yet.

Crying won't solve anything right now, Zara.

I sit up and pick up my phone. I might as well call my sister. I dial her number but it wasn't even reachable, I tried her number multiple times but she still didn't answer.

Don't do this to me, Aliya.

''Zara'' I make out my mum's voice before she enters my room. I don't bother to look up at her.

The bed dips as she takes her seat on the bed.

''I am sorry, Zara.'' She whispers. 

''This not about sorry ma. You have to stop dad, you are the only one that can stop him. Please. '' I plead holding on to her hand.

''There is nothing I can do about it, Zara. This is beyond me.'' She says looking defeated.

''There must be something... Just do something. Aliya won't answer my calls and I know Aliya won't come back home. I can feel it in my guts and that only means I have to...'' I trail off. I don't even want to think about getting married to a stranger.

I have always dreamed of getting married to the love of my life and not a stranger.


''I don't even love him ma, I don't know his name not to talk of what he likes and what he doesn't. What if we don't get along? What if... I can't get married to someone I am not in love with ma.'' I cry squeezing her hands.

''I wasn't in love with your dad when I married him but look at us now...''

''Don't feed me that bull...This isn't about you and dad. It is me, Zara. I am a different person entirely.'' I cry out.

''I am sorry, Zara.'' She apologizes.

''Stop apologizing ma, it won't change anything,'' I say throwing my hands up in defeat. ''Please leave me alone ma. I want to be alone.''

She sighs and then stands up from the bed and walks to the door.

''His name is Jason King. I am sure you have heard about him before. I heard he is pretty famous.'' She says before closing the door behind her.

Jason King? The famous hotelier? How the fuck did my dad pick that man for me...I mean, Aliya. 

I know you are wondering who the fuck Jason King is. Well, Jason King is a hotelier.

You mentioned that before.

Jason is well, the heartthrob of New York. He is only twenty-six years old but he has made enough money to last him a lifetime, he has hotels around the world and he models too. He is pretty famous amongst the ladies. 

The guy is a frigging womanizer.

Makes me wonder how my dad picked him for me, I mean Aliya or whoever the fuck is going to end up marrying him.

I think that will be you, Zara.

''I know that okay,'' I say out loud.


This isn't right. I can't get married yet. What if he decides that he wants a full-time housewife? Will I have to give up on working? 

No way. No frigging way.

Calm down Zara, he wouldn't do that. We are not in the nineteenth century.

I know my parent well enough to know that if Jason says he wants me to be a full-time housewife then my parents will agree. But there is no way I will let that happen.

I mean, why won't I work? I love what I do and I won't let anybody take that away from me. I can't just sit at home and do nothing just because one crazy husband doesn't want me to. 

Chill out, Zara. No one is asking you to be a full-time wife.

I know that but... I am panicking right now. This marriage thing just popped out of the blue and you expect me not to think like a crazy person. I am sorry for thinking crazy but there is a chance that he might want a full-time wife...

Don't go there again, Zara.

I need to call Lucy. I pick up my phone and dial Lucy's number. She answers on the third ring.

''Hey, bitch.'' She screams into the phone. 

She does this all the time. 

Meet Lucy Edwards, my childhood friend, and best friend. She is the craziest person you could ever come across but I won't trade her for anything.

''Help me, Lucy.'' I cry out.

''Huh-uh. Is everything okay?'' She asks l. I could sense the worry in her voice.

''Everything is not okay,'' I say.

''Are you at home?'' She asks.

''Yes,'' I answer.

''I will be there in let's say, five minutes.'' She says and I could hear her shuffling around. 

''I will be waiting. '' I said before hanging up.


''Spill.'' Lucy orders while taking her seat. It took her exactly five minutes to get here.

Yes, I was checking the time.

''I am getting married. '' I deadpan. 

''Say what?'' She asks staring at me like I have grown two heads.

''Funny how that was my reaction when my dad told me,'' I mutter under my breath but I know she heard me anyway.

''But... How? It is just too....sudden?'' She says.

''He told me this morning while we were having breakfast. Aliya was supposed to be the one to get married but nobody knows where she is now, she is nowhere to be found.. She just disappeared and now my dad wants me to get married to Jason... And...''

''Hold up, hold up.... Jason? Is it the Jason?'' She interrupts.

''Yes. Jason King.''

''You mean Jason King? Like Jason King ?'' She asks. 

There is this weird look in her eyes that is scaring me.

''Yes, Jason King, the hotelier. '' I say.

''Oh, my fuck... Shit... You are getting married to Jason King? Wow.... This is just great. I mean, shit... The Jason king... That guy is so hot, he is a frigging snack and...''

''Wait a minute Lucy. Why do you sound so happy about this?'' I interrupt her fangirling.

''Of course, I am happy, you will be getting married to Jason King. The Jason King... He is a big deal bitch, I mean he is so hot and hot and hot and hot...I will...'' She screams.

I know just how hot Jason is but she isn't getting the point yet. 

''I know he is hot, Lucy but I am not ready to get married. I don't want to get married. I am still so young and I haven't even found 'the one' yet. I don't want to get married to someone I am not in love with. I want to experience all those things that come with being in love... The butterflies, the toe-curling kisses, the goofy smiles...everything. I want all those things but I will never be able to experience that because I am getting married and...'' I trail off. 

''Shit. I am so sorry for acting so... I don't know. You have always talked about getting married to someone you loved and I acted so...'' She says looking everywhere but me

''I understand Lucy. I just need you to help me out. Think of something, anything. We just have to stop this wedding from happening. '' I plead with her.

''Huh-uh, you know I would do anything for you but I don't know how I am supposed to... Wait, should we elope?'' She asks her black eyes twinkling with excitement. 

''I can't go anywhere without Neo,'' I tell her.

''Ohh... That explains why he is standing outside your room.'' She says pointing at the door.

Just great, my dad isn't taking any chances.

''What do I do?'' I ask her.

''I think eloping is out of it now. Have you asked your mum to talk to your dad?'' She asks.

''Done that, but she said there is nothing she can do about it,'' I tell her.

''Okay. I have another idea.. '' She says warily.


''How about you talk to Jason? I mean you can...''

''How is talking to Jason going to help me. I have never met the guy personally before and I don't think talking to him will be of any help.'' I say and she shakes her head at me.

''Listen to me, Zara. You can just talk to him about how you feel about this marriage thing, tell him you don't want to get married and I am pretty sure he doesn't want to get married either. All you have to do is to get him to call off the wedding.'' She explains.

''I could do that. I mean he wouldn't want to get married. Why will he want to settle for one woman when he can get the whole New York.'' I exclaim. I am starting to feel good about this plan of ours.

''Exactly. So get your ass off that bed and get ready to meet your future husband.. I mean, not future husband..or soon to be ex future husband... What the fuck am I saying?'' She says and I burst out laughing. 

I guess I will be going with Lucy's plan. I just hope this works.

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