
The Awakening of The Crowned White Wolf
The Awakening of The Crowned White Wolf
Penulis: Mystical Majesty

The Awakening

I am sitting on my bed, and the house is quiet. I bent my head down and my hands are thumbing through my hair. I have been so completely stressed. I graduate high school soon and I am so different from anyone in this town. If they knew what I was, I was certain they would fear me. Heck, I do not even know what I am complete.

Upon turning 13, my life changed forever. I was not this normal, everyday human girl. I remember I was in my backyard and had pitched a tent outside. I love being outside and I love the wilderness and forests. Every chance I got, I would sleep in my tent in the backyard. My parents thought it was odd, but then they just figured I was the outdoorsy type. That night, it was a crescent moon. I was laying in my sleeping bag and reading Nancy Drew 99 steps. I loved the mystery stories. I was using my cell phone as a night light to read, and I was so caught up in the book I did not even notice at first something was off with me. I flinched, and I tried to stand up only to fall back down on the bedding. My bones are bending and breaking, what is wrong with me? I just want to cry and scream, but my voice does not come out. I am burning and then after several minutes all the pain stops. I think maybe I moved a muscle wrong or maybe in gym class I worked out too hard. I lay down only to see that I am not me. I mean I am me but not me. I have this beautiful white and gold fur. There is a gold patch on my white fur on my right side. It is shaped like a small crown. I am freaking out. I do not care how gorgeous my fur is. I am a Freaking Wolf and I have claws, ears, and I cannot use a human voice. I try to speak and instead I let out a howl that is almost musical.

Now that I have really panicked, I am in a precarious situation. I had to flee, as I did not want my parents or neighbors to see me like this. My path takes me through the graveyard over another fence and through the trees. As I keep running, a voice in my head tells me to calm down. That's great, now I'm going crazy.

The voice is soft and melodic and has a soft laugh. Her words are both a command and a whisper. Alexi, stop! I halt with not enough time to stop myself from slamming into a log lying on the ground amidst a mountain of leaves. Laying in the leaves now turned brown and gold as fall showers us with its grace, I am laying there on the ground confused and a little sore from sliding into this darn log. A voice says "Alexi, I'm your wolf." It is the same being, but our spirits differ. Then I respond mentally, "Okay I'm a crazy girl now.". Despite that, let us suppose I am not crazy, although I am sure I am. Would you mind telling me your name am KiKi (Kee Kee) and we are werewolves?" The voice replies softly. I stutter as I reply, "Will I stay this way, or can I ever be me as a human being?" Sadly, I didn't expect this and asked KiKi as I was so unprepared. Who could be prepared to become a wolf from being human? KiKi hugged me from within and said, "We are one and most of the time will be in our Human form." "KiKi?". Kiki replies, "Yes? Do other beings exist like us? Are my parents like us and didn't tell me? Kiki, contemplating her statement, replies, "I know there are others like us, but I do not know where? Because of my newness in the world, I cannot answer questions about your parents. I will have to get their scent before I can be certain. Since the day you were born, I have been with you. Until a child reaches puberty, wolves hibernate. Those whose wolves awaken young (like you) are of Alpha or Royal descent. Basically, I just woke up from a deep sleep.

I am still troubled by the memories of that night as I prepare for what to do after graduation. In the years since she came into my life, Kiki has never encountered another like us. It was so disheartening to hear that. The sadness I felt then and even now could not be described. There was nothing I loved more than my parents. They aren't my genetic parents. My genetic parents could only be pure werewolves, according to Kiki. I remember thinking back then, "Why didn't they tell me I was adopted?" Kiki was not much more knowledgeable than I was. What brought us to my adopted parents' house and how we got here.

Answers were needed such as how did they adopt me? Did they know my parents? Who am I really? I will not tell them I am a werewolf. I just cannot right now. I do not want the people I love to look at me as if I am some scary horrifying monster out of a movie. I loved them so much. They have been loving and kind parents. They were so good that if I had not turned into a wolf, I would never have known I was not biologically theirs. I need to run and think and feel the night breeze against my fur.

Leaving the house, Kiki and I head out. After passing over the fence and heading for the woods, Kiki sits on the same weathered log we sat on back then. I shift to my human form as I have done this so many times. No one is ever out in the forest near the graveyard in the middle of the night.

“Kiki? What should we do? I cannot even have a boyfriend or friends here at my house. When you and I get too angry, we bare our claws and change. I never want to hurt anyone. I do not want to leave my parents. What do we do, Kiki?” Kiki puffs “Well you shouldn’t be kissing any boys, anyway! That is why I brought out my claws. I tell you that there is a special wolf out there for us. We will need to go find others like us” Kiki, I love my parents so much however you are right. I need to figure out who I am. Where I come from. I need to talk to my parents about this not knowing who I am. I will do this tomorrow after school.” I proclaim. I did not want to hurt them by asking them this however I just needed to know.

Early the next morning, the sun shines through the windowpane as I cover my eyes and toss to the side facing the other way. As my mother opens the door, I hear her footsteps. Let's go, young lady, get up! You need to get ready for school and still have time to eat first. Come on this is the last few months of High School – enjoy it. Now get out of bed!” I groan and throw my legs over the side of the bed. My mother turns and heads out of the room as soon as she knows that I am getting ready.

My closet makes me moan as I look through it. I need new clothes; I am so bored with the clothes I have right now. Have you ever looked in the fridge and there is plenty of food, but you feel as if there was nothing to eat? Seeing my closet today, I feel that way. The weather outside is so gorgeous and sunny. However, it is still quite nippy. I want to wear something that yells Spring in it. "Perfect, ", I think as I look at my baby pink sweater hanging off one shoulder. It's a white Jeans and white and pink Sketchers combination for me. I sit in front of the mirror attached to my vanity. Uggghh my hair what do I do with it? My hair is a really light blonde, more on the gold side. As it is so thick, I brushed it up into a ponytail and leave out some strands to make it look cute. I dab foundation, blush, and mascara. “I look outstanding," I think to myself. My wolf snorts “Conceited much?” I laugh at her and say, “You are just jealous Kiki” Kiki snorts again, “Whatever!”

I head downstairs to grab some toast that my mother prepared with eggs. I only grab the buttered toast as my mother protests about me not eating my breakfast, as turning to kiss her on her cheek state, “really mom I have to go” I grab my keys to the car. I head out the door and take off. I need to pick up Stephanie. She is such a riot. We have volleyball, track, and soccer together. Today is so rad we are playing against another team from a different state. Our soccer team won the State champion’s match. Now we are up against other different states. I ask “Is it cheating if I am fast because of my werewolf speed? Hey everyone has a gift this is mine.” I am so hyped up as I pull up to Stephanie's house and honk the horn. I wave to her mother out in the yard, trimming the hedges. Stephanie runs out and laughs while talking on her cell phone. She is blushing, so I know she is talking to her latest crush. She and I never had a steady boyfriend. We are waiting for “The one” after we graduate college.  

Stephanie jumps into the car through the open window. My Mustang convertible is red. It isn't shiny or new. My parents made me get a job and buy my car. Well, okay, it needs some painting, but she's my baby. Stephanie and I wave goodbye as we pull out of the driveway. "Kick their butts in today's game, girls! ", her mother yells.Laughing, we yell back, "We'll run them over! We've got this!” my wolf remarks, “Don’t be overconfident!” I reply in my head back to her, “Hey we have you and I on the team. No one can outrun us! We are more agile, with better eyesight, senses, strength, and speed. We always win!” She does a humph in my head. “We will see Alexi, today, maybe different.” I chuckle to myself as Kiki is always full of warnings. Do not kiss that boy, do not be so overconfident, she is worse than my parents. When I tried to kiss Jeremy (my ex) my claws protruded and ripped his shirt. I was never so humiliated. He looked at me and asked, “What is your problem?” I mean I had shredded his shirt. So yep, no kissing human boys.

Kids are parking and finding their cliques when we arrive at school. There are the Emu kids, the druggies, the rockers, the country (They wear like cowboy hats and stuff), The Geeks etc. Stephanie and I have all blonde friends – we did not plan it that way. So, the school calls us the Barbie gang. 1. We are so not a gang. 2. We do not, nor will we ever look like a Barbie. We are blonde and athletic. As we are pulling up to our parking space, our friends Rachel and Bethany come running up to us. Rachel is excited about the latest gossip. Rachel states “Did you know that Stacy is over there kissing Jeremy? Girls, no worries. I am so totally over Jeremy. He looks over at me and smirks, and I just ignore it.

Stephanie and I both have honors classes. We have pretty easy classes this year. By the time we reached our senior year, we had completed most of our major courses. First, we have art class. There is nothing I love more than art. The woods, nature, and waterfalls are my favorite subjects to draw. I am working on a portrait of Kiki today with her white and gold fur. While she's a nag, she's still beautiful and I love her. Besides enjoying the painting, Kiki is letting me know where she needs to have her fur colored better. I giggle, she thinks I am conceited.  

Stephanie is bored because she doesn't really like art. The only reason she took the class with me was because I begged her to do so. She's drawing a cat, I think. LOL Let's just say I will refer to it as modern art. There is a lot of commotion outside. This is the soccer team known as "The Redwood Wolves". Today they will attend some of our classes to get a feel for a different school before our game. They get out of their bus as we watch out the window. The girls and guys in our class are all in awe of the team. It's like there are athletic gods getting off the bus when the Redwood Wolves arrive. It was impossible not to stare out the window at them. They are gorgeous and hot. They diverted my attention until I caught the eye of a hot, amazing guy. I couldn't look away at first. I had to shake myself out of this. So, shaking my head I turned back to my painting and continued to paint my wolf.

Ahem! Mrs. Greens states to the class. We have some students joining our class right now. Mrs. Greens looks at the incoming students and asks them to take any available stool and canvas. She (Mrs. Greens) then asks the Redwood wolves kids to introduce themselves. The guy with the dark hair I locked eyes with earlier was sitting right behind me. He leans over and whispers in my ear, asking what pack I am from? What??? That is the silliest question I have ever heard. “What pack am I from?” I reply. He never gets to respond as Mrs. Green asked him to introduce himself next.

Looking around the class, he stands up. An enormous smile spread across his face. I am Nicholas Wood and the Captain of our soccer team. We are Redwood High School students. In today's game, we're here to kick your butts. As he laughed, he smiled. Suddenly, I stand up and point my finger into his chest, saying, "Whatever, I am the Captain of our team, "The Warrior Falcons." We will annihilate your team." I turn to the rest of the class. "Go, Falcons," I yell with my fisted hand. The entire class yells back. Mrs. Greens asks me to sit down and welcome our recent visitors. I slam my behind back on my stool and huff. I mutter in a low voice welcome to our school – then humph.

I glare at Mr. Tall. Dark hair and gorgeous turning around to resume my painting of Kiki. Nicholas is staring at my painting over my shoulder. I can feel his eyes just staring. I ignore him as he whispers in my ear, “Is that your wolf?” I turn in shock!! I then reply, “Why would I own a wolf? “Kiki is laughing really hard in the back of my head. I tell her, “Really? You are laughing at me?” I can’t let anyone know I am a wolf.” She laughs back. “So is he.” “I know Kiki. He is a wolf from their team.” I reply. Being snapped out of my conversation I hear Nicholas whispering “I can tell you are talking to your wolf” “If that is her you are painting, she is beautiful” Kiki in the back of my head starts preening and stating, “I like this boy. What a smart boy!” I decided not to reply as I am not sure how to reply. I just look at him like he is crazy. As soon as the bell rings I dash out of class before Nicholas tries to talk to me more or even worst yet follows me. That pompous, overconfident idiot would annoy the heck out of me.

I make it to my next class, and right behind me is Nicolas. “Really??” I am wondering how he had followed me. I am faster because of my wolf speed and can usually shake off anyone from my trail. How did he follow me? I turn, I am getting so angry – calm down I tell myself. I need to control the wolf in me. I take a deep breath and exhale. I look at Nicholas once again, pointing my finger into his chest and asked, “How did you follow me?” He laughed as he states, “I followed your scent”. I think I smell bad. 

My girls walk into class, raising their eyebrows, watching me talk to Nicholas. I glare back at them, as it is not what they think. Nicholas was about to talk to me however I had no intention of continuing this conversation. I walk over to my girls and sit down. Stephanie asks, “Who is the Hottie?” I roll my eyes. “Don’t you remember he introduced himself in art? I snort” “Remember he is that arrogant Captain of the Redwood Wolves. He thinks he can kick our butts. Whatever!!” The girls laughed and teased me that he and I are so much alike.”

I look over and see Jeremy sitting next to Nicolas. I have werewolf hearing, so I can hear what they are talking about. Nicolas is just staring at me, and Jeremy noticed. Jeremy stated to him, “Man, don’t even think about her.” She is a part of the Barbie clan over there. They really do not date. I thought maybe we were going to hit it off. Alexi and I that is. I went to give her a kiss and, you know what she did? She totally ripped up my shirt and then ran.” “She hasn’t talked to me since. I even tried to make her jealous by kissing Stacy in front of her. No effect on her dude.” Hearing that, I laughed to myself. Jeremy continues to talk to Nicolas, stating, “She is going to beat you guys in soccer, she is really that good. She is like a one-person team. She is faster and athletically more gifted than anyone I know.” Nicolas mutters, “Today she will lose I guarantee you.” He smirks.

Every class he follows me as I continue to ignore him. He will not get me angry. I am not letting him get to me. I will take my anger out on the field. I will show him who is going to win and what school is the boss. He is going to eat my dirt later. Kiki again laughs. “What Kiki are you a traitor?” Kiki replies, “You will see.” Then she retreats into the back of my mind.

It is the last class and yes you guessed it, Nicolas followed me. As the class is ending and the bell rings. It looks like he is going to continue following me. I stop him and growl at him, “Listen creepy stalker don’t you have practice or something? You will need it to beat me and my team” I laughed and walked away. He states, “Later Barbie” He knows I can feel it, that I hate being called Barbie” I will not let him see he is upsetting me. I just smirk and leave.

I am headed to the West end of the field where our team for the school is warming up. I have already changed into my soccer uniform. It is almost time for the game.

**I am working on grammatical errors for each chapter**

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goodnovel comment avatar
nathan blas
nice story
goodnovel comment avatar
I thought it was Jessica he was kissing not a stacy???

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