


I felt like I was overreacting. This was probably nothing and it was simply a coincidence.

It couldn't be what I was thinking. I refused to believe the man standing outside was who I thought he was.

"Kayden, is everything all with you? You seem unwell." Brandon asks his best friend with true concern.

"I'm doing fine, I think. Is there something wrong, Dr. Brandon?"

"Nothing is. You look kind of funny to me, that's all."

Kayden sighed. "I've been stressed out a lot of late. It's nothing that I can't take care of.

"Maybe, you should sit down. I can make a quick breakfast if you don't mind."

"I'm afraid I'll have to pass on your request, old friend. Forgive me, I must be on my way soon. There are matters of state that need my presence."

"Are you sure?"

Kayden nodded.

"Why did you think he would come here? He knows I'm your best friend." Brandon asks.


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