
4 ◆ Catching Up ◆

◇ KEL ◇   

New York



"How's Miles?"

"Better," Niccolo sighed over the phone.

"You sure?" I sat on the couch as I watched my Mommy Tilda tidy up the small dining table, unsure whether I should mention that I was on the phone with Niccolo, Miles' ex-boyfriend.

She'd definitely ask a barrage of questions I didn't have the will or courage to answer.  I'd rather not mention that I was also friends with Niccolo.  Otherwise I might bring up some highly confidential facts about the Falcos and their elaborate involvement with the Italian mob families.

My mother had cooked dinner and practically forced me to eat more than usual, knowing I was mentally and physically exhausted from our training.  Clinical rotations, still.  Mom said she would only be staying here for two days, and I was glad to have her company this weekend after a long week of stressful schoolwork and trainings.

"Still not telling me what he's been taking or how much, but...we're getting there," Nicco replied, his voice sounding rather gruff.  He was the one who called me this time.  

Although I hesitated at first, I took the call and was pleasantly surprised when I heard his voice again.  "Did you tell him I was asking about Ilya?"

"Yeah. But I didn't tell him I've been looking for Ilya's sons. I just found one of Magnus' properties. He's still legally married to Evie. Evonne Jablonsky, daughter of Raymund Jablonsky, real estate tycoon based in California. Magnus and Evie have a house in Calabasas."

Did he mean my brother?  Well, half-brother, to be precise.  "What's his full name?" I muttered, actually eager to know.  If Ilya's actual birth name was  "Ilija Mihajlović", then his sons must be using the same surname.

"Magnus Roiz. The eldest. Ilya said he hasn't seen him in years," Niccolo replied. "Magnus is not using Božić ''s not Ilya's real last name, like I said last time."

"So, not Magnus Mihajlović?" I whispered over the phone, careful not to startle my mom. 

She didn't know I'd already met Ilya in person.  I had mulled over it many times and decided to keep it a secret from her.  For now.  She just wasn't ready for all of it.  Not yet.   

"Not sure.  Maybe he changed his name when he moved to California, before he got married.  Businessman, too," Niccolo mumbled in reply.  "Haven't talked to him or seen him in person since I was in high school. But maybe you will. Soon."

Soon? Why did he think so?  "Why? Wait. Where are you exactly?"  I glanced at my mom.

She was now busy cleaning up the dishes in the sink  while some classical music played through my portable speaker on the dining table.

"Still here in Italy. Meeting up with Maxim later."

Again?  "Why?"  I made a face and mentally reminded myself to keep my voice down.  Although I actually felt a bit jealous that Niccolo was spending time with Miles regularly, I knew it was mostly work-related. 

Niccolo also worked for Mr. Falco, like Ricchar and Miles.  I ignored the envious thoughts most of the time.  In fact, I should be grateful for all of Niccolo's help.  If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have known the truth about my identity.  I also asked him to keep an eye on Miles and update me on his drug use. 

"We're going somewhere with Ricchar. To meet with a Sicilian underboss."

"Underboss? Where you going?"

"Stefano wants us to come up with a truce deal with the Marchesas."


"Even if I knew exactly how his brain works, I shouldn't tell you the things he's planning. To be safe." Niccolo snickered on the other line.

"Fine," I conceded.  "What else did you find out about Ilya's sons?"

"Magnus is the firstborn. So, first heir to the empire, but he's not working with the Božićs. Got his own thing going on. Some big investments here and there. Then Alexei. He's more involved in the family business but not living in Belgrade anymore. Youngest is Sacha. You're younger than Sacha by four years. He's still studying. Chemical engineering—Ilya told me."

"Cool."  Apparently my youngest half-brother liked science as much as I did.  "Thanks, Nicco. Really."

"Don't tell Maxim we've been stalking your bros. He might give me a black eye. And don't waste your time stalking them on social media. They're not active." Niccolo tsk-ed on the other end. "Magnus hasn't updated his profile in forever. It still says he's based in Amsterdam."

"But, he's not anymore? Ever since he got married?"  Maybe I could stalk his wife instead.

"Yeah. Evie, his wife. Also not active online. But her family's got some big time connections over there."

"Oh. Okay," I muttered, curious for more details.  Something in me just couldn't ignore the apparent reality that I had half-brothers I had yet to meet.  Ilya hadn't contacted me ever since I met him in Belgrade when Enzo took me there. 

Some nights, I wondered why Ilya finally decided to meet me again after all these years.  Niccolo didn't know the real reason either.  As of yet, he was as clueless as I was.

"Are you okay?  I Stefano still keeping track of you?"

"Most likely. I don't really give a shit anymore." Niccolo chuckled.  "Already told him no.  More than twice.  If he really wants to get rid of Ilya, he'll find someone else to do it, and faster. You know how money talks...and he's got a lot of it now. Thanks to Leandro."

"Darn it." I reclined in the couch and somewhat cringed after hearing the psycho's name again.  Distracted, I suppressed a sigh with my palm, unsure whether I swore loudly.  I glanced at my mom again.  She was still busy rinsing the plates.  "What d'you mean 'get rid'?" 

Did Ilya really want to kill Stefano and vice versa?  All because of a stupid drug war, from what I could comprehend.  I didn't have all the facts straight—Miles wouldn't tell me much about his father's real business plans with Enzo's family.  With Leandro Tomassini, especially.  

"Better you know less, for now," Niccolo said in a hushed tone, seconding Miles' opinion. "Just don't meet up with Ilya. Okay? Even if he tries to convince you again and again, just don't."

Hmm.  Warning me again.  Did he really think Ilya would hurt me or something?  "You think he'll do something to me?"

"No—I know he will, Kel." Nicco's voice got louder now.  "So don't fall for his lies. You can talk to him on the phone all you want, but don't meet up with him and never tell him where you live. Make up an excuse and lie to him if he asks. Okay?"

"Um...yeah. Okay."

"How's med school?"

"Difficult," I replied in a murmur, not bothering to sugarcoat my sentiments.   I kinda missed talking to him as much as I missed hanging out with Miles. 

The last time the three of us were together was back in San Pietro, Leandro's private island. Nicco had tended to my injuries after Leandro shoved the fear of God into me.  

"Yeah. I imagine. But you'll push through it." Nicco sounded convincingly optimistic now. "Just take care of your health. Then get your degree. Make your mom proud."


"Your dad would've been so proud. Rest his soul," he mumbled with a short sigh.

Yeah. Probably. My Daddy Jim would be quite proud that I was pursuing my medical degree now and would be graduating in a year.  Then I'd be off to residency.  I still thought of my dad most days.  Lately, the only thing that relieved my grief was the fact that he was no longer suffering in pain and probably in heaven now with his angels.  

"Yeah. We miss him," I sighed, imagining my graduation and our oath-taking ceremonies next year. 

Most likely it would just be my Mommy Tilda, Jill, little Meesha and David cheering me on by the sidelines.  I could imagine Gaia being too busy that time with her blossoming career as a full-fledged lawyer.  But maybe she'd make time for me then.  And perhaps, Miles as well?

"Maxim's calling. Don't worry;  I'll tell him again to stop popping pills and snorting shit up his brain."

"Okay. Thanks." I grinned at his blunt words. 

"Talk soon," Niccolo said before we said goodbye to each other.  He ended the call just as my mom approached me and sat beside me on the couch.

"You goin' to bed?" I asked with a slight smile.  I watched her massage her temples with her favorite liniment rub. 

Her migraine was having another episode again, it seemed.  "It's almost ten," my Mommy Tilda replied.  "What d'you want for breakfast tomorrow?"

"Um..." I combed some of her hair away from her face. "Just poached eggs. You? Want me to cook pancakes?"

"Okay." She smiled at me and started checking her phone notifications. "But I don't think you have much butter left. Let's go shopping tomorrow."

"Ugh. In the morning?"

"Want me to stay overnight tomorrow?" she asked with a slight grin. "So you can eat real food for another day."

I snickered.  "Can you? I thought you gotta meet up with your boss?"

"Only if you promise to eat healthier while I'm not here."

"Eh...tough one. But, I'll try."  I hugged her and sniffed her long and fairly wavy brown hair that reached the top of her arms.  Her shampoo smelled of jasmine.

"How's Miles?" Mommy asked after a minute of us just quietly sitting on the small sofa while she replied to her new messages.

"Fine. Busy." 

"Is he gonna visit you this Christmas?"

"Probably not. He's real busy with his job," I muttered while my chin rested on her shoulder. 

"He's not dating someone, is he?"

"Um..." I paused to think.  Was Miles seeing someone seriously?  I wasn't sure.  He didn't say he'd stopped meeting up with strangers for his "regular dose"—nor did he mention anything about him dating someone there in Italy.  I held back a frown, recalling the last time I was with him.

We were at the airport then.  We had quite a lengthy talk that night, and I could vividly recall those last ten minutes I'd spent with him in his car. 

So short memorable.  I could even remember the rusty smell and metallic taste of my own blood in his breath while we were kissing in the backseat of his car.  Did he think of me every night before he went to bed?  Because I often thought of him at night whenever my brain was in the mood to reminisce.

Before I could answer my mom's question and before I could daydream about Miles again, my mom got busy with a work-related call.  Then my phone screen lit up with my best friend's name on top of the notifications panel.

Gaia just sent me two texts.

2 New Chats

from:  Gaia - New

"Is this a joke?"

Today 21:51

"What the total fuckery is this? U owe him almost 100k?!"

Today 21:51

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