
Chapter Ten - Bobby Trap

The whistling sound of birds and wind crashing against the tree branches violently wakes Daciana from her slumber.

Her eyes are still battling to adapt to the brightness of the world around her, as the bedroom had been slightly darker than wherever she stands.

Her memory still feels foggy and she can't clearly recall what happened, or how she ended up unconscious once more.

After what seemed like forever, her sight becomes clear, the world around is more visible and she recognizes the smell of the woods.

She looks around, hoping to find someone there. There is nobody with her, but she still senses someone's presence.

She tries to make a move, her hands are stuck and her body tied up to the tree which her back lies on.

Daciana thinks of shifting, but she can't. She's tightly chained. Forcing herself to shift in such a state would only bring harm to Nova.

Where the hell am I? she thinks to herself.

Nova can't hear her thoughts unless she allowed her access to her subconscious mind.

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