
Chapter 2

Denver's point of view:

The sun was setting, the moon was finally showing... It was a long day and I was looking forward to one thing.

To find her. Finally...

“Alpha Denver, Someone…”

I raised a finger thus silencing the new arrival. He had just ruined the perfect silence of the room.

With my fine sense of smell I could already know that it was the new beta who had just made this mistake that no one would make...

An angry look appeared on my forehead and even though I wanted to have him executed, I was going to have to hold back for tonight.

I had a bigger fish to catch.

“I asked not to be disturbed, Hyodie.”

The fear that had gripped him was detectable and he almost instantly began to tremble.

Trembling like I was going to jump on him.

Yes, normally that's what I would have done and he was right to be afraid...

“Give me a good reason not to kill you, Hyodie.” I said in a dry voice.

His heartbeat accelerated and the fear inside him made me feel good...

This one wasn't going to last a week. I said to myself with a little smile.

“Have the driver prepare the car… It’s time to leave.”

There was a brief moment, probably until he realized that he wasn't going to die today, then he stammered a few words before leaving the room as quickly as he had come...

Calm returns to the room a few seconds later and I end up throwing away my cigarette butt before crushing it under my heels...

My gaze wandered into the distance and soon a blonde with blue eyes ended up intruding into my thoughts.


A small smile appeared on my lips despite myself...

Had she changed? It was an absurd question but it was the only thing I could think of to ask.

I couldn't wait to see her again. Can't wait to trap her between my nets. Can't wait to reduce her to my will...

I was finally going to get revenge... Avenge my family.

A current of excitement ran through me and in three years, I have never been so...excited and impatient.

However... I was skeptical.

It was as if nature was going after me...

Alas, Anaïs was my soul mate.

For werewolves, love is not a choice. Once you find your soul mate, you instantly fall in love... And it was this mistake that almost cost me my life 6 years ago...

When I found out she was my Luna my world fell apart. The daughter of the man who destroyed my life was my destiny...

It was intolerable for me... But... She was tender and gentle with me and had even saved my life on several occasions. She wasn't like her cruel father. At least that's what I thought...

She ended up disappointing me and it cost me the worst torture of my 10 years of slavery...

I silenced my thoughts as horrible images came to mind. My mother raped... My father beheaded, my big sister sold. And even this woman who took me under her wing died before my eyes...

And all that... Because of her bastard father...

This criminal died too well and now it's up to her to pay the ultimate price...


The sound of shattering glass rent the air and with one glance at my hand, the blood dripping from my palm made me realize that I had squeezed the glass too hard.

I watched my wound slowly heal as I took a deep breath.

This wasn't going to happen again...

I had spent the last five years harboring a hatred within myself for her. I was consumed by remorse. I was a pure-blood Alpha, I could have protected my family...

But I wasn't up to it... Her father was stronger than me. A culprit was needed and now it was her.

She was the one who would have to pay for her father's horrors.

My gaze wandered into the distance and after a few seconds I got up from the chair.

It was time to leave.

I couldn't wait to see the fear in his eyes. Finally this evening... I was going to start seeing the fruit of my efforts...

I looked into my reflection once again and although I wasn't wearing anything too festive, I was very well dressed for an occasion like this...

The cage.

The chains.

Everything was ready to welcome her.

Because yes, I intended to treat her just like her father had treated me.

I was going to lock her up, put her in chains. Punish her and I was already thinking about any kind of punishment...

Some more interesting than others.

One thing was certain... I was really going to make her regret coming into this world...

"Good. Time to go hunting." I said to myself, proud of myself.

My Bentley was waiting for me in the courtyard and accompanied by my driver and a few bodyguards I left my mansion...

On the way, I couldn't help but feel apprehension creeping over me. I hadn't seen her for over five years and certainly during those five years I learned to hate her but what would happen when she was in front of me...?

Was my wolf going to get out of control... Am I going to get out of control...? Would I have the heart to put my plans into action?

I didn't know how to explain it but... I had the strong impression that it wouldn't be as easy as I had thought... And even if I hated her... My wolf suffered from her absence and he still suffers from it and that... It's something that even a powerful Alpha like me can't stop.

“Speed up Youhri…” I ordered.

The sooner I see her, the sooner I will know. Either way, there was a little excitement that grew as the car approached the scene...

When the car parked, I left the car... I closed my eyes and with my powerful sense of smell I tried to smell her. It's been more than 5 years but I was still sure that among all the smells emanating from the people around me, I was going to end up identifying hers...

But nothing happened.

“Welcome and have a good evening, Alpha.”

I nodded at the greeter as he gave me his best smile. I entered the grounds of the mansion where the auction was going to be held.

As I moved forward, a strong frustration took over me. I still didn't feel her... Could it be that... the bond between her and me is broken?

This simple idea gave me a strange impression. Like someone was ripping my ribcage off...

And yet it would have suited me. After everything I had been through, love for me is not an option...

I knew what love was, I thought I had found it in my soul mate.

Sadly, it cost me dearly.

I didn't want to relive that...

And especially not with her.

Revenge. That's all that mattered to me now.

With this last thought, I entered the room and was escorted to my table after serving me a glass of wine...

I was already looking forward to this whole charade ending so I could go back with her.

Courage has never really been my strong point...

"Ladies and gentlemen, Good evening. Welcome to the Sterling mansion which is hosting this week's auction..." The presenter's voice rang through the microphone.

I sipped my glass of wine as I heard him introduce the evening.

"Today we bring you humans... We have children, young women, women and even men. It's up to you to choose the one you like..."

I could hear giggling in the room. They were probably as excited as I was. I couldn't wait to buy my little human. She was already mine, I had no doubt about it.

"Don't empty your pockets too quickly, I've just been told that we're saving the best for last... Without further ado, we'll begin..."

My muscles tensed and I felt enormous discomfort.

Now it was only a matter of time before she was mine.

But why... Why couldn't I detect her scent? Could it be that my contact lied to me, or was wrong?

A deep doubt invaded me... The minutes passed and the purchases took forever. Each slave presented to the public discouraged me even more.

It certainly wasn't Anaïs, the girl my contact was talking about.

It was probably someone else. Yes, in five years we had never caught it so it wasn't sure that it was going to happen today.

Discouraged, I took another glass of wine, telling myself that it would be the last since I wasn't going to stay another minute...

I was extremely angry and disappointed. Paul had led me on and I was planning to take revenge on him...

As I raised the glass of wine to my lips, I was overcome with amazement...

A strong sensation ran through my spine along its entire length, making me shudder. Unpleasant ? Not really. Pleasant ? Maybe. I didn't know how to describe what I was feeling. The only thing I knew was that I stiffened. With open ears and all senses open.

It was her.


Instinctively, my eyes began to search for her...

Look for her on stage, in the room and even among the waitresses.

Her scent grew stronger.

With every second that passed, I was going crazy. Her scent was exquisite but where the hell was she? Where could she be?

"And now our very last sale. Another little human but... Drum roll."

It was her. I had the firm conviction that it was her.

I instantly stopped breathing.

"It's Anaïs. A beautiful young woman with blue eyes and..."

And the next moment she appeared. Let's say he was pushed onto the stage. My heart was threatening to come out of my chest, all my senses were alert. My wolf was stirring inside me...

My soulmate, she was finally here.

Even more beautiful was her long blonde hair and her captivating blue eyes. She had become thinner and with this dress she was wearing, I could see that she had become... A woman.

In her eyes, it wasn't fear that I read. She was courageous, the opposite would have surprised me. She stood there stiffly as she looked at the crowd of deranged people surrounding her.

"She's Mayor Montgomery's daughter. Beautiful and virgin..."

Virgin ?

My heart skipped a beat in surprise. A strong apprehension seized me. I knew that for the plans I had, this wasn't good news.

Why didn't Paul tell me about it?

That... complicated everything.

As much as it meant she was pure and I would be her first man.

I liked it.

She continued to look around the crowd and there, at one point, her gaze met mine...

Intense, unique, special. And then... All the protective barriers that I have erected for myself over the last five years collapse...

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