

Mrs. Jones P.O.V. I couldn't take my mind off what the Librarian said concerning Mr. Escobar, how come I didn't know about this move of his? I reached for my phone and dialed Mr. Micheal's number, it rang for a few minutes before he picked up. "Do you have any news about Mr. Escobar?" "No, I don't, besides its already late, if I find out about anything I won't hesitate in letting you know" "Shut the fuck up, are you aware he went to the library to look for a book?" I asked. He laughed, "Mr. Escobar in a library, no no no, that can't be possible". "I see, then explain to me why he went to the library looking for a book?". "What?! You mean Mr. Escobar visited the Library today?". "I know you aren't deaf and you perfectly heard what I said, yes he did moron" I answered. "Gosh, this means something is wrong somewhere" he replied. "Wait a minute, how come you didn't know he visited a Library?". "Hmmm, hello oh, hello" he hung up. I smiled, "Micheal, if Nicholas gets the upper
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