
Chapter 2

Since it’s my birthday today, all of my parents' time is just for me. Not long ago, Daddy cleared all of his schedules on the day of my birthday so no one would disturb him. That's how he loves me.

Mom and Dad took me to an amusement park. Even though I can’t see the whole surroundings I still know that a lot of people were strolling there because of too much noise all around.  Everyone was having fun. So, I should have fun too.

I ask my Mom and Dad to ride the ferris wheel, the caterpillar, and of course, my favorite carousel ride. Even though Da didn't want to ride the ferries wheel and caterpillar because he was easily getting dizzy, he still insisted on riding for me. My family will ride together and it makes me excited. After we rode the ferris wheel and the caterpillar, we also took pictures at the picture booth area. We eat ice cream, cotton candy and play parlor games.

I feel like a lot of eyes are focused on us especially on me but I don’t care and so I ignored them. Maybe they're just wondering why a blind person like me is present in a place that is only for people who can see.  But I don't care what they thought about me. All that matters to me right now was the feeling of happiness that I felt while I am with my family

After we strolled around the amusement park we first ate at an Italian restaurant that Daddy chose. We just took out food for Nana Violy. My parents didn't force her to come with us because she had rheumatism. 

We didn't stay long in the restaurant either because the three of us were tired, especially me. So after we ate and got our take-out food we immediately went home as well. I was so tired from sightseeing that I fell asleep in the car. When we got to our house, Daddy just picked me up, thinking I was still asleep. I didn't even bother to open my eyes. I'm too lazy to walk so I let him carry me to my room. And I also like the feeling that he is carrying me. I feel like I suddenly went back to my childhood. When dad always carries me around at his back.

I don’t know how many minutes or hours I slept but I suddenly woke up when I heard the loud sound of broken glasses outside my room. I just thought that Nana Violy might have accidentally spilled one of Mom's fragile flower vases. But the sound of the broken glass was followed by how many times.

I planned to ignore it but the sound of the broken vase was so loud that I couldn't sleep even if I want to. Out of curiosity, I got out of bed and slowly walked towards the door of my room. I opened the door of my room and slightly stick out my head.

"Mom, Dad? What's going on?" No one answered my question so I decided to go out and find out what happened. "Mom? Dad? Nana Violy? Where are you guys? What was that noise about?"

When no one answered any of my calls, my astonishment increased. The whole household seemed very quiet.

What is going on?  Did I just dream of the noise that I heard just now? The confusing question in my mind. The whole house was so quiet and the people living in our house seemed to be sleeping soundly. I thought that what I heard was only a dream or just my imagination.

I was about to walk back to my room when I suddenly heard a faint growl of a woman as if something had fallen into her mouth so she couldn't speak.

"Mom? Dad? Is that you?" I asked nervously ask. I heard a growl again.  And this time, the growl was loud so I recognized who owned that voice. It was my mother's voice. I could hear her voice coming just in front of me.

I can't go wrong. Mom's voice is what I heard and it seemed like she was just near me. But why she can't speak? Why is she moaning? And where are daddy and Nana Violy? "Mom? What's wrong with you? Can you please talk to me, Mom?"

When I could no longer hear a growl from my Mom I suddenly panicked. My chest throbbed harder. It was as if my heart wanted to come out of my chest with the sheer force of its beating. I feel so nervous right now. Maybe something bad happened to my mom. I hope that I'm wrong. But where are Daddy and Nana? Why can't they hear me calling them?

Carefully but with haste I trace my Mom’s growl that I heard just now. I was only four steps away when I was suddenly stunned.  How could I not be stunned, I suddenly stumbled and fell on the soft body of someone lying on the floor.

I was about to get up when I smelled the scent of vanilla-flavored perfume in the air. Whose this person lying on the floor? I and my parents were the only people who uses vanilla-flavored perfume here in our house. And because Mom's voice was the one I heard earlier that is moaning, so I thought that she was the one lying on the floor and seemed unconscious.

"Mom—" I suddenly stopped talking and was about to shake her body when I accidentally grabbed a knife stuck in my mom's chest. My eyes widened.  That's when I panicked. "Oh my God! Mommy! Wake up, Mom! Dad! Nana Violy! Help us, Dad!"

But no matter how loudly I shouted and asked for help no one came and helped us. I couldn't stop myself from crying. Mom's body seemed already lifeless. For the first time since I went blind, I just felt now that I'm useless and helpless.

No! This is not my mom. My mom is not the person that lies on the floor with a knife stabbed in the chest. My mom isn't dead yet.  No. I can’t accept losing my mom.

I didn't seem to be on my own thinking when I pulled out the knife from Mom's chest and just let it go. Then I hugged her body tightly while continuing to cry out loud. I didn't care even if my face was already covered in blood from her wound. I feel my chest tighten from too much crying and grief. I could not breathe until I was completely unconscious.

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