

Jared knew he would never be able to forgive himself, if Mary got hurt from his recklessness, he should have killed Ortom when he first entered Western Creek.

He always protected everyone else, he protected his brother, Evangeline he protected Western Creek, but never had he protected what was truly his, Mary was his and he had let her down.

 He had been unable to protect her father. And now she was in the hands of Ortom, who Jared knew, the monster won’t keep his hands to himself as Mary was within his reach.

Ortom’s whereabouts was not a mystery to him as it was to Michael, He had once roamed the jungle so he knew all the places where hidden buildings lay. There was just one such upright building in Western Creek and it was a military fortress and easily accessible to Ortom and his goons. All other such fortresses in Western Creek were all in ruins.

He had come across the building before on his many wandering.  He had been greeted

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