

Jared watched as the party guests all left the house one after the other, he had a grand plan up his sleeve, he would play himself as MiKe for a while, so he could get these guys in a bind. If such souls existed in the military, it was only a matter of time before their cankerworm spread to the recruits, then it was only a matter of time before trouble started brewing, the king would demand his head if he does not stop it in time.

From what he had gathered, Commander Cole and Ortom had control of half of the town’s terrorists and miscreants combined. He wondered what Mike had been doing as they grew in power. A soldier should not be that soft, being soft could endanger the lives of the people that were put into his care to protect.

If a man like Nicholas Sanders could control military biddings then nothing was safe anymore, not even Evangeline and that was one life he would never risk, she had been handed over to him to protect and to love.

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