

Amari's Point of View

"Yeah, it's today. Are you coming with me?"

I rolled my eyes as I confirmed that Kaizer was going with me. 

"Okay, we'll be leaving in two hours. Don't you dare to be late" 

I told him and then hung up the call.

Oh gosh, I always feel irritated every time I talk to him. It is the perfect timing to dump him. Or not. I massage my forehead because of the irritation I feel. I let out a deep sigh as I looked out of my window. What a perfect day to leave.

I opened my suitcase and checked my things once again. My eyes averted to my phone when it vibrated. It was a text from Kaizer. 

From: Kaizer

I will pick you up, babe. See you! I love you :)

I rolled my eyes when I reached the ending phrase. 

As if it is true, I murmured.

Kaizer is my one-week boyfriend. But I do not believe him whenever he says that phrase, whether personal or text, chat, or call. I don't believe in any man every time that they will say those words.

I love you.

They are just trying to get your heart and trust to get what they want. None other than a woman's maidenhood. Then, they will leave you afterward. I optioned to have a boyfriend to have a personal assistant whenever I have a flight or something to do at my work. But feelings were not present. I never loved any guy from my past affairs, even in my current relationship. I can't love any men. I can't trust my heart to any of them.

Maybe because I believed what my Auntie Lileth always preached to me, men will treasure you first and then after they get what they want from you. They will ditch you and find another prospect. That is based on her experience. Her boyfriend dumped her after knowing she was pregnant with Patrizia, my godsister. 

After I had ensured that I had kept everything I needed for the fashion show, I closed my suitcase and grabbed my designer handbag. I stepped out of my room and locked the door. I will leave for New York for one week because of the Fashion Show. This time, I will be attending as one of the models of my brand, not only as the designer. 

I was about to step on the stairs when my eyes stirred to my mother's bedroom door. I went to her bedroom door just to say goodbye to her. And I also want to check on her because she hasn't been okay since last night. I don't know the cause, but maybe Aunt Lileth comprehends it. They are best friends and also treat each other as siblings. I was about to knock when I heard a sob. My hand was dangled in the air. 

I emit a deep sigh. I turned my back on the door. I was about to return to the stairs when I heard Auntie Lileth say something. 

It was about my father. 

"It's confirmed. Theo already has a daughter with someone else. Poor Fleur"

I froze at what I heard from Auntie Lileth.

Is it about my father? But Mom always said that my father was already dead. Why did she lie to me?

I suddenly wanted to interrupt their conversation and ask my Mom why she hid from me that my father was still alive. But I was aback when my Mom talked.

"It still hurts, Lileth. He promised me that he loved me, but he married another woman. I thought it was just for business. But now they have a daughter."

I clenched my fist as I heard what my Mom said. I closed my eyes and stopped myself from interrupting them. I chose to eavesdrop on their conversation even though I knew it was wrong.

"Shh, stop crying, Sandra." 

Auntie Lileth shushed my Mom.

"Sorry, I just can't accept it until now. Theo had a daughter with someone else. But he did not even bother to look for me, for us. He is aware that he had a daughter with me."

Mom explained while still sobbing. 

"Well, good thing that Fleur does not know about her father."

Auntie Lileth said.

"My daughter will only get hurt. It's good that she knew her father was already dead."

I felt a sudden pain in my chest at what my Mom said. 

"But Sandra, we know we can hide it from Fleur forever. Especially now that her world is expanding because she is in the same industry as her father."

Yeah. Auntie Lileth is right. And I can't believe that my Mom can hide everything from me.

"I know, but I just hope that they won't meet. I don't want my daughter to be hurt just like me."

Mom uttered with complete sadness in her voice. 

"Yeah, you have been in pain for a long time."

Auntie Lileth muttered and let out a deep sigh.

How dare he. How dare my father do this to us? 

A tear fell down my cheeks. I can't understand everything. Why does it happen? All I can know from the situation is that my Mom was in pain for many years. And all she thinks is about protecting me. 

"Good thing Fleur is an excellent woman. She is in the business industry too. I am sure she will give justice to the legacy of Guevarra."

Auntie Lileth uttered.

Justice? To the legacy of our family? For what? I dumbly asked myself. 

"I don't want my daughter to be in danger, especially now that the two families who ruined our family are now as one. The safety of my daughter is the most important for me."

Mom said with a cracked voice.

"Yeah, I'm sure your parents would not be happy if Fleur got hurt. I'm sure they will get their karma."

Auntie Lileth imparted. 

Does that mean that my father and his wife's family ruin the legacy of my late grandparents?

I wipe my tears again and stand up straight. 

Then, I will make sure I will be the one to deliver their karma. I told myself with full authority.

To my father, I don't need him. I will let them taste what they deserve. I said as I grip onto my blouse.

My phone suddenly rang. I looked at the screen, and it was Kaizer.


I felt annoyed as I answered the phone and heard Kaizer's voice calling me babe. But I remain calm.

"Okay, I will be there in a minute."

I said as I ended the call.

I looked again at my mother's bedroom door before I turned away. I can't blame my mother for what she did. But I can't promise her not to get back to those who hurt her and my late grandparents.

As I was walking down the stairs, I saw Kaizer. He was waving to me while smiling. I did not smile back and just nodded at him.

"Why so serious early in the morning, babe?" 

Kaizer asked. I just stared at him as the answer and lent him my suitcase.

This one is acting like he can hide something from me. I know. He has another woman. He also agreed to visit New York to meet his fling but pretended that he wanted to be with me. Little did he know I would break up with him very soon. He is trying to make me a fool, but he can't.

We rode our plane just in time. Sitting in my seat, I heard Kaizer talking on his phone. Does he need to be made aware of turning off the phone? I asked myself. I looked at him and rolled my eyes. 

It is not healthy to be with someone who lacks common sense. It makes me more annoyed. Kaizer averted his eyes and smiled at me like his best smile. I rolled my eyes at him once again. 

Of all the boys courting me, I don't even get why I picked Kaizer. 

He is boring.

Lack of common sense most of the time.

Trying hard to be sweet.

Playboy, but that does not suit him. He doesn't look like one. He seems stupid to me. 

For the nth time, I rolled my eyes at him when he peeked at me.

I grabbed my sleeping mask and put it in my eyes. I will just sleep during departure time rather than give my attention to Kaizer. It vexes me to the highest level whenever he gives me his sweet smile.

I was about to shut my eyes when someone was seated beside me. It was a guy because of the smell of his perfume. Very masculine, but it smells great. It does not hurt my nostrils. 

I wonder who he is, but I don't have the energy to remove my sleeping masks. I feel sleepy. The perfume scent feels like sending me to sleep, and in addition to that, the guy who is sitting beside me is humming a song. I don't know what song it is, but his humming feels like it was for me. I felt like someone was singing a lullaby for me to fall asleep.

And with that, 

I became unconscious.

Narrator's Point of View 

The plane was still in the middle of the flight. Everyone took a rest. The other passengers were watching movies, and the others were busy having snacks. But most of them were sleeping.

Sitting beside Rafael, Amari is in a deep sleep and unaware of her surroundings. Rafael was staring at her for a long time.

Rafael wants to remove his intertwined fingers with Amari, but he hesitates because it might awaken her. She looks like an angel. No, a goddess one. He did not know his thoughts when he suddenly intertwined his fingers with her. He smiled at her while gazing. He knows she is a gorgeous woman even though he can't fully see her face because of the sleeping masks she has in her eyes. 

Rafael came back to his senses, and his smile suddenly disappeared.

"What am I doing?"

Rafael asked himself with a crumpled forehead.

He removed his fingers from being intertwined and shook his head in doubt.

"Not her. She looks like an angel to play with." 

Rafael said while tilting his head.

"But on second thought, playing with an angel is more fun. Right?"

He uttered again while grinning.

"Excuse me?"

Rafael looked at someone who was standing beside him. It was Kaizer.

"What do you need?" 

Rafael asked arrogantly.

"I believe this seat was taken."

Kaizer told him with seriousness on his face.

"And so?"

Rafael stated without looking at the man who he had been talking to.

"This seat was mine, and that woman beside you is my girlfriend."

Kaizer answered while pointing his fingers at the sleeping Amari. 

Rafael chuckled and then looked at Kaizer, who was glaring at him.

"I don't care."

He insolently replied.

"Is there any problem here, Mr. Villarante?"

The flight attendant asked and looked at Rafael and Kaizer, who looked very pissed.

"This is my seat."

Kaizer responded to the flight attendant's question. 

"Mr. Villarante-"

The flight attendant was about to say something, but Rafael interrupted her.

"You don't need to repeat it. I am not deaf."

He replied and threw a cold stare at the flight attendant. 

The flight stewardess just bowed her head to Rafael and looked embarrassed. Rafael stood up from the seat and headed somewhere else. 

Amari woke up due to a murmuring man beside her. She removed her sleeping mask and picked up her compact mirror inside her bag to check her face.

"So, how's your sleep? Did you enjoy it?"

She furrowed her forehead at what Kaizer uttered. She can perceive a sarcastic tone in the way Kaizer asks her.


Amari replied while fixing herself.

"Holding hands while sleeping, huh?"

Kaizer started with an irritated voice.


Amari replied exasperatedly.

"You two looked good together, both haughty too."

Kaizer answered, then stood up from his seat and headed someplace. Amari was left shocked. She needs to get on what Kaizer is talking about. An attendant asked if Amari needed something. She smiled and shook her head in response.


Amari should have bothered to look at Kaizer. She is still annoyed at how he acted a few minutes ago.

"I am sorry, I was just jealous."

Amari raised her eyebrows at Kaizer. 

"I don't know what you're talking about"

Amari uttered to him.

"Look, a while ago, as you were sleeping."

Amari stared at Kaizer, waiting for him to continue his explanation. But he stopped and looked somewhere.

"Forget it, Kaizer."

She rolled her eyes at him, but he still looked at something.

Amari grabbed her sleeping mask again to sleep, but her eyes caught Kaizer. He was glaring at something—at someone rather. Amari trailed Kaizer's eyes and then discovered he was looking at someone—it was Rafael, and he was glaring too at Kaizer. 

Amari fixed her eyes on the guy, and when the guy shifted his gaze to her, she raised her brows. But Rafael seemed to like it; he smiled at Amari and then winked. Amari does not recognize Rafael because she does not know him personally. Rafael is wearing a face mask, and only his eyes can be shown. He is sitting five-seat away from Amari's seat.


Amari shifted her eyes to Kaizer and shook her head. 

Well, look who's talking about being a moron. Amari said in her mind. She put on her sleeping masks and was to continue her withdrawn sleep, but she can't return anymore. Her mind was off somewhere else—about her father and his family. She suddenly felt discomfort in her chest. 

Amari shrugged her thoughts and diverted her mind to other things. She pulled out from the handbag her planner to check her schedule. 

Amari was busy writing reminders when she felt someone was staring at her. Out of the blue, she looked directly at Rafael sitting five seat-apart from her.

She was right. Rafael was staring at her. She stared back at him as if they were in a staring contest. He winked at her once again and then closed his eyes.

She can't take her eyes off him. He looked familiar, but she was not sure if he was. 

Rafael abruptly opened his eyes again. This time, he stared differently. It was a cold stare, but there was something about it. Amari felt that those blue eyes of his were enthralling her.


Amari came to reality when Kaizer called her. She averted her eyes to him.


She replied.


Kaizer said and smiled at her, but Amari just looked back at her planner and made herself busy.

Amari could still feel someone staring at her occasionally, but she ignored it.

The airplane was about to land at the airport. The flight attendant instructed everyone to put their seatbelt back on and return the tray to its original position. 

As the plane landed at New York International Airport, the flight attendant welcomed each passenger to their destination.

Amari picked up her handbag and planner. She was too busy with her planner when someone whispered in her ear.

"Nice ass, baby."

Rafael uttered at Amari's ear, then left. Amari was startled by it. She looked behind her but only saw Kaizer chatting with other passengers.

"Welcome to the New York International Airport, Miss Amari Fleur"

The flight attendant said politely. Amari smiled at the attendant in response.

Amari was already out of the plane. She opened her phone, and notifications started displaying on the screen. She had a bunch of messages and lots of missed calls from her Mom.

Amari dialed her Mom's number. She was waiting for the call to be picked up when she felt a hot breath in her ears.

"I will love to see you around, baby."

Rafael whispered in Amari's ear and walked directly to his bodyguards. Amari felt dazed if who it was.

She turned around and looked, but she found no one near her. 

Not so far away, Amari saw the man wearing a face mask. It was the man who kept staring at her on the whole flight. He was talking to two men who looked like his bodyguard. They started walking him to the parked sports car.

For the last time, Rafael looked at Amari. He winked at her, then drove away.


The only thing that came out of her mouth was as she watched the car drive away.

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