
Penulis: J O Y C E E

Chapter 1

A slim, elegantly dressed girl with long blonde hair, plaited into a neat bond on the gap of her head, was struggling with a mattress under one arm and a suitcase in the other hand. Suddenly, she missed a step and nearly fell flat on her face. Then  a shadow fell across her line of vision, she glanced up to see a tall, handsome young man in front of her, arms outstretched to catch her.

"Can I help you with that?" He asked her, laughing,pointing to the suitcase.

"Oh please!" She simply replied.

He took the suitcase from her and found that it was quite heavy. Funny how she thought she could manage both this and the mattress, he smoked to himself, with such elegant high heels and a straight skirt too. It wasn't the right type of clothes for weightlifting at all. He was still smiling as they walked out through the gates, silently considering each other. Outside the hostel security gate, the girl pointed to a grey Bentley. A Chauffeur, clad in blue lined French suit, came hurrying to take the mattress from her. He opened the door and both the suitcase and the mattress were throne on the back seat. Then they walked back into the hostel yard together.

"I was watching you from the door of the conference room. Why are you taking the mattress home?" He asked curiously getting the better of him.

It's mine. I didn't fancy the one on my bed here. It was so hard, you see, so I brought that one form home.

"So you take it back every end of term?" He asked again, amusement written all over his face.

"Of course not," She said, smiling too. " that would look funny. It's my last day here. I've just finished my course so I'm taking all my things home," she explained happily.

"How lucky you can get? Well, congratulations! I've still got another year to go. What did you study?"

" I've just finished my course in Business studies."

"Ah! What a nice  course. I'm taking a degree course in management studies." He hesitated in front of Eagles nest hall, one of the girls' hostels. "Do you still have any luggage you'd like me to help you with?"

'Yes, if you don't mind, please. I've got one more suitcase and a lot of other things to take home, ' she said hesitantly.

She had so much luggage and so many little bits and pieces that he wondered what she needed all of them for while still a student. She hadn't lacked a single thing, as far as he could see, to make hostel life not merely comfortable but luxurious. It was a good thing that the girls' hostels were not as crowded as the men's. Otherwise, she could never have found space for all these extra items, all expensive and in excellent taste. He could see that, despite the dazzling light. Once or twice he squinted into the glare of the sun and wished his sunglasses with him. The rest of the trip from the foyer of Eagles nest hall to the Bentley were made in silence. She thanked him shyly as the last of her things were put in the Bentley. Even the big vehicle was beginning to look overloaded.

'My pleasure, ' he replied,  smiling and started to walk away.

"I'm very grateful," She repeated. But, what about your own things, or aren't you going home?

"Of course , I am. But, don't worry I can manage on my own" He assured her. I am only waiting until everywhere is peaceful and calm. I don't like all this rush.

She laughed and then said, "We don't even know each other's names. I am Joanne Kingston."

'Oh, I'm sorry. Ross Chester at your service, ' he said and gave a mock bow.

They both laughter and Joanne held out her hand. He took it and shook it. They both said 'Pleased to meet you' at the same time and burst out laughing at the formality. Ross was about to move off when Joanne stopped him.

I've got my car here. "Can i take you home please?" She asked slowly with a pleading note in her voice, afraid he might refuse.

I wouldn't want to bother you. Thanks for the offer anyway, Ross smiled at her shaking his head.

'Oh please. It's no bother. I would really love to. Please, let me. Just to say thank you. You've helped me so much today and I'm going to city myself, ' Joanne said quickly, her heart begging him to accept.

Alright then, if it's reasonably on your way. I'll just go and get my things.

Joanne went quickly to the Bentley and told the Chauffeur to take her things home. She would come later, she told him. Soon she was driving Ross Chester in her new black Rolls Royce Ghost. Both Joanne and Ross did not say much on the drive. Ross had donned his sunglasses at last and was watching Joanne critically through them. She was not the most beautiful girl he had ever seen though she had a stunning figure and he admired the silky sweep of her long dark eyelashes. He wondered if her eyelashes were really dark or if it was Mascara at work. He also wondered why he had never met her before. He knew a lot of students in the college, almost all; but Joanne he had never met.

Joanne was conscious of his eyes on her and when she dared to Steal a glance at him, their eyes met. She lowered her long lashes embarrassed, bit her lower lips and focused her eyes on the road. She concentrated solely on the traffic which was getting rather heavy and tried to forget the man sitting beside her. What a waste of golden opportunity, she thought. She had dreamed for so long of having Ross Chester by her side.

Ross could see from the way she bit her lips and used her lashes as a veil over her eyes that she was a very shy person, and was not going to risk their eyes meeting again. She might not be the most beautiful girl but she was certainly very attractive. To ease the sudden tension between them and save her further embarrassment, he decided to talk.

'You're a very good driver, for a lady.'

"Thank you."  She accepted this as a compliment without looking at him.

'I'm going to Sherbrooke. What about you?'


"Well, well, what did you say your last name was?"


She nodded.

" That rings a bell, I'm sure I'm right. You like the part- your clothes, two expensive cars, all the loads. I should have known you are the Kingston's daughter." Ross sighed.

Look, Joanne, he said, and glanced sideways quickly at him, she saw that he wore a very serious expression on his face. "I can see you're a nice, quiet and shy girl and i don't mess about with shy girls, so I have to be frank with you. We've only just met. We've exchanged a few words and two looks. I like you and I'd like to know you better. But much as I'd love to see you again, I don't think I should even suggest it.  You're a billionaire's daughter - the only child of a business tycoon. Yes, I know all that, and I am just a poor guy. I'm sorry to say, but I noticed you're snobbish. I saw the expression on your face when I said I lived at Sherbrooke. There just can't be anything between us, much as I would like there to be."

Joanne was silent. She had not expected such a long speech and it literally took the wind out of her sails. She had known and admired Ross Chester for a long time at a distance. He had never seemed to notice her, until today, when she nearly fell into his arms. He was active in everything at college, president of one club and an officer of so many others. Everybody knew him. Joanne wished her heart did not beat so, she felt sure if it continued throbbing this way, he would hear it. She had not believed it possible that he would ever notice her, and certainly not sit so closely, or talk to her. She had thought he came from a reasonably well off family. He bore himself so proudly and wore the students uniform of faded trouser and T-shirt with such style. Many young men seemed more dazzled by her family's name and reputation than by her individual personality. She had never thought her father's wealth which had always got her what she wanted, would be an obstacle to something she wanted so badly. She wanted to meet Ross again, she wanted to know him better. Unable to express her confused feelings, she stared ahead and concentrated on the road.

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