
They Inseminated Me ( Is Not Alex 2 Cont)

Let me see if she is available and let you

have some time with her. She is very

good and she will help you remember

if you were inseminated or not.

If you were drugged, you would still be able to remember bits of the procedure

because insemination does take some

time for the egg to reach its destination.

Are you interested?" She asked me

"Yes we are," Tanya said answering for me suddenly.

"Okay give me a few minutes to find

out" she said leaving the room to look for the doctor and she came back 10 minutes later.

"Okay Mrs. Pierce, Dr. Rose will see

you now. So I will take you to her office.

However, your friend would not be

able to go with you" the doctor said

smiling slyly at Tanya.

"Listen doc" Tanya was about to go off

on the doctor but I stopped her.

" Tanya, it's alright. I will be okay" I said

reassuring her.

Tanya was like my own personal bulldog.

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