
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Jaden's POV:

I despise Sir Carrington! 

I can't believe it. He thinks he can just blackmail me into going to his little party, and it certainly wasn't just because of the investment deal, but also because of the relations he has with my family, my Mother to be exact. He called her earlier to remind me. 

Oh, you will pay for it soon you old fool.

I instructed my staff that I'm closing early today, I was sure they were curious enough to wonder what changed my mind and prompted me into going to the party, but I can't just simply tell them why. 

"Yes... That's it, so everyone should get their asses back to work!"

I sighed, but not for relief. It was in anticipation of the horrible evening that was to come. I was looking forward to a night in my home bar with Daniel and maybe others. Speaking of which, I should invite him to this boring party, then we can head back home for some drinks and a card game.

I gave Daniel a call, fortunately, he was available so I told him the time. We agreed to meet there and leave together without wasting too much time at the event.

It was almost time so I got out of the company building, I ordered my Chauffeur to drive me to my guest house with was close by, so I can take a quick shower, change into the tuxedo I ordered him to get for me and head to the Carrington's hell-hole.

Daniel and Steve got there just as I stepped out of the car. The Chauffeur closes my door and proceeds to park the Dark pigmented G-Wagon. We entered the hall and as soon as we did, Sir Carrington came over and welcomed us 

"It is such a pleasure to have you all here, Jaden."

"Carrington, you know my friend Daniel, this is Steve..."

"Indeed, so nice to meet you, gentlemen. I'm honoured to have your presence, please feel comfortable and let me know if there's anything you need. Especially you, Jaden. I didn't know you had it in you to have any 'fun'. Anyway, look around, I'll just welcome other guests and we'll meet again soon, hopefully."

That did it. I suddenly regret coming here. I can feel my necktie choking the pipeline in my neck, the room felt heated up and suddenly I'm thirsty as f**k.

"I need a drink."

"Wow, really? That is sudden, perhaps you deserve it, though, Carrington is one son of a b*tch I'm telling ya." Replied Daniel.

"The garçons are nowhere to be found, I wonder what the heck they pay these pieces of crap with." Added Steve. "I'm going to just talk to a few familiar faces and return in a jiffy. Hey pal, have that drink and chill, yeah?"

"Thanks, man, suit yourself." Just as I said that I noticed a girl who seems to have kept a salver on a stool.

You can't be idle yet sweetheart, not until you quench my thirst, I thought to myself as I approached her and asked, "Hey you there with the tray, go fetch us some wine. Be quick about it."

She abruptly turned around to look at me, and soon I was staring into the eyes of the most beautiful waitress I'd ever seen. 

Her golden hair reminded me of the sunshine ray on an exotic beach, her eyes glanced into mine, and twinkled like racing comets, everything about her was dreamy. 

She is so pretty, too pretty to be a waitress, maybe I was mistaken to think of her as such, but the lack of quality in her clothing doesn't define someone worthy of an invite to the Carrington's. 

Well, there's one way to find out, so I slapped my mind back into reality and asked once more, more demanding this time, of course. "Are you deaf? I said to get us more drinks, girl!"

When she spoke, it was clear that she wasn't a waitress, it was also obvious that she doesn't look like she came to this event.

Who wears those shoes? 

However, what was very outstandingly clear, was the sweet and bewitching tone she spoke with. And I somehow tried to get more of that tone by triggering more arguments on what she seemed like to me, but in turn, I got the shock of the day.

One second I was talking to this girl, next thing I know she poured wine all over my face and brand new Tux. 

I tried to speak but a lump got stuck in my throat.

What will I say? Everyone was already staring at us. If I regretted coming to this party before, I now lamented ever knowing that damned Carrington.

The girl didn't stand there, she dropped the glass and headed out to God knows where. I just stared at her passing, as an overcharged rage passionately boils my insides.

"You will pay for this, I swear it..." was all I managed to silently contrive. I'm so done with this damned party.


It was 10:17 am when I checked the time, I just woke up as a sharp headache welcomed me back to reality. Along with the headache came the realization of what occurred the night before. 

Reversely starting from my return home, alone, in which I drowned myself in every drink I could get my hands on, (still booze, yes. But not the way I planned the night), back to when I stormed out of that stupid Carrington's joke of a party, and finally, to when I got embarrassed in front of everyone. 

The thought of it alone burns my skin from the insides, I can feel my ego hurting as clear as a headache, I wish I can just forget it, I wish it never happened.

Even in all the confusing pain, I can still clearly recall her face. I thought she was a beautiful creature, but she turns out to be such a disgusting snake. This was Carrington's fault and I care not what the world thinks, but never in hell am I making any deals with that bastard!

I wore my robe and walked downstairs to the parlour. Just as I sat down feeling miserable, two of my security operatives came in.

"Good morning, Sir... We just thought that maybe we should check up on you now, due to how yesterday you..." They couldn't continue.

"Check up on me?" I was already getting infuriated.

"Well, you see, Sir... You weren't really in the right mind then..."

I'm going to enjoy this.

"What's your name?"

"Martin. Martin Ford, Sir."

"Martin, I see you are very caring. Tell you what, why don't you write down the names of the people you care about the most, so I can take very good care of them for you too, and then we'll see how you like it when you return home to a screwed up family and a f*cking termination letter!"

At this point, I can feel the trembling movements his body is experiencing.

"You heard me right you damn fool, you're fired!"

He left the building, but not as fast as the other security guy.

It's going to be a grumpy weekend." I murmured to myself.

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