
Chapter Twenty-Seven

Someone touched me and I nearly jumped out of my seat to punch them.

“We've landed, miss.”

It was just the flight attendant. I was glad I hadn't started swinging.

“Thank you,” I mumbled, wiping drool off my chin. I hated the time change already, more just because it was a change.

With bleary eyes, I collected my things and hurried off the plane. A cold wind ripped at my light jacket as I stepped onto the dark tarmac and hurried away from the last bits of life with Bastian. It smelled like snow here. Snow and airplane fuel. I felt sick to my stomach. And cold. So very, very cold and alone.

Someone was waving to me at the end of the tarmac. They were big and hidden within a winter coat, but I knew that coat. I knew the worn elbows and faded blue denim of that coat like it was home. I dropped my bags and took off running. It was exactly who I needed to see. My Dad.

“Hey there, kiddo,” he greeted me, wrapping his big arms around me as I nearly knocked him over with my hug. I held on to hi
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