

Violence is a behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something, but poverty is the greatest violence that can be unleashed on a person or people. A hungry man is an angry man like the saying goes. Later in my life, I sat down to think if given better chances, maybe I would have made better choices. I mean I didn't dream of being a career criminal but at a point, I thought I  decided there was nothing else out there for me. I and a lot of other kids like me. But the truth is somehow that choice had been made for us before we were born. We were born poor and struggling, just like our parents before us, and the same people who made us poor did everything in their power to keep us down. I, like others like me just had to do everything to break out of the chains, the chains that held us down was poverty, their very effective weapon of control. Of course, things could have gone differently. I could have gone to school, stay away from the gangs,

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