
A Killer's Pilgrimage.

Zarratown is just a little town in the desert just outside of Harmony city. As the trucks drove us out of Harmony city, and I was leaving my home for the first time, I looked back and the view I saw almost made me cry, it was damn beautiful.

The Alsaebun was an organization on a different level, the little town of Zarratown allowed them so much growth, the people there basically viewed them as royalty and saviors. They were involved in everything in the town, ranging from politics to religion. The town was ninety percent Muslims and this also helped the Alsaebun to gain more popularity and influence among the population. They were involved in any and every crime in the town, ranging from international coke deals to robberies, and nobody could stop them, nobody would. 

The trucks that took us from Harmony city suddenly halted after a three hours drive and we were greeted by some other men, they were also turbaned and carried assault rifles like the ones that took u

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