
Chapter seventeen

Jacob knew before he even opened his eyes that morning that it was going to be another bad scene.  He'd been half awake, savoring the feel of her in his arms, wondering about his chance for some cuddling; maybe even another round of hot yummy sex to get the day started off right. He'd sensed the exact moment when she woke, figured out where she was, and went as rigid as a steel rail. Shit. He braced himself.  

Sure enough, she started her now familiar I don't want to- be-rude-but-get- the-hell away- from- me  morning wiggle. He resigned himself and let go , even though her sweet rounded ass running against his cock was having its predictable effect. She unzipped the bag with a sharp snap of her wrist. Cold air rushed in, shocking him and his hopeful privates brutally awake. 

Annie clambered out and started digging for her underwear. He enjoyed the view, since it was clearly the only satisfaction he was going to get. Annie was definitely not the lazy morning sex type. 

She shot him an uncertain glance. "Jacob, do you mind......"

"Getting the hell out of your sleeping bag and your tent?" He asked wearily. "Yes, I do mind. Since you've asked."

She had the grace to blush as she wiggled into her panties.

"All I mean is , I really have to get on the road, and ....."

"Yeah, you have that incredibly urgent appointment with a slot machine in Louisiana somewhere. "

She made a furious little sound in her throat.  "I never should have told yoy that," she hissed

" maybe not. What is it with yoy , Annie? He demanded. "What's the formula? Don't you feel our bond every time we have sex?" Cause I'm sure I feel it. Every multiple orgasm earns me a snotty remark the next day? The better the sex, the bitchier you are in the morning?"

She whirled on him, her eyes snapping with fury. "Do not ever call me a bitch," she snarled. "Ever. Have you got that?"

He recoiled from her vehemence, drawing in a slow breath "whoa," he said quietly. "Ok. I 've got that. The B word is totally off limits.  Bit bt bit, by trial and error. I'm getting it Annie. "

"Sorry,' she whispered, groping for her toiletries. "I'm going to take a shower," she said tightly. "When I get back, please be decent. I can't think straight when you're... When you're....."

"Stark naked and on fire for your touch? Sporting an enormous erection in your honor?" He offered. 

"Smart ass." She tried not to smile as she crawled out of the tent. 

Jacob's eyes fell on her purse as he was dressing, and he grabbed it without hesitation. He was sorry to do it behind her back, but there were things he needed to know, and she was too prickly this morning to ask directions. He rummaged through it. Sunglasses, Kleenex.  Perpper-Gard,  defense spray. Wintergreen lifesaver. A pack of saltiness, battered to crumbs. A little velvet sack of silver dollars. A wallet. 

He put it all back in except for the wallet, and thumbed through it with methodical precision. A New York driver's license, staten Island address. Annie Simon. Now he had a surname. He dug deeper. A library card. A membership in a Block buster video club. No credit card, no gas card , no bank card. He counted the cash in the billfold and cursed softly. No wonder she was driving on bald tires.

He put the wallet back in tis place and poked around the rest of her stuff. A back pack of clothes.  No winter coat, but she was headed for the deep south, so that could be considered superfluous. Food, however, could not . He rummaged through the box. Canned fruit, some freeze-dried instant soups. A bag of marshmallows. That was it.

It was making him angry. He did not know why she kept rejecting him, making life very difficult for herself while she knew that he can take good care of her without any problem.

He gathered up the foam containers from last night's feasts q, and shoved them violently into the dumpster, just as she came trotting back down the path, shivering. 

"Showers are cold," she said shortly. 

"Thanks for the warning," he replied 

She hurried on without another word and began dismantling the tent with clumsy haste. He stared after her, tight-lipped.,wondering how he going to ask her about herself without making her angry or making the all matters worse since her mood swings easily. Just leave , he thought If he had any pride left, that would be his cue now leave. Maybe on a good he will ask her,day but definitely not today.

He wouldn't let her see him follow her her today. It was the only concession to pride he was capable of marking after last night. The woman's ability with her tongue had brought him to his knees.  She wasn't getting away from him now. No way. Not Ever. Pushed little more Jacob, he said to himself, Just little more, she will be all yours. He looked at her for some time without saying anything and left. 

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