

Ashley’s Pov

From today you will be replacing my secretary until I get someone else, Rico said handing over files to me.. Uhhm... I thought I was suppose to be working for my dad I asked him.

well as you can see my secretary just got fired, there’s nobody to replace her for now.

I took a deep breath trying to calm myself.

God , is this how you want to punish me??

What offense did I commit??

How do I cope with someone like Rico?

I might as well just die before the end of this contract .. I thought to myself

I carried all the files Rico gave me and was about to go into his secretary’s office when he stopped me.

Where you do think you’re going?? He asked

To the secretary’s office, I replied him pointing towards the office.

To do what exactly??

You’re will be staying in this office with me.

What do you expect people to say when they find out you’re staying in my secretary’s office. How do you expect them to believe we are married if you stay there?? Your common sense should have tol
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