
Sold To My Sister's Mate
Sold To My Sister's Mate
Penulis: Smith Jane


“I’d rather have you all to myself” Justin my mate grumbled.

May giggled “Aren't you being greedy?, you are already mates with my sister Millie."

“Fuck Millie, she doesn't taste as good as you do”. 

I felt tears of shamed burn in my eyes. How could Justin do this to me, how could my mate talk about me like that? After all I’d done for him, after all I had given him!

Millie's POV

The day my life fell apart was like any regular day. I had woken up very early even though I slept very late the previous night. Honestly speaking I haven't been sleeping well for two weeks now.

My twin sister’s wedding or binding ceremony is tomorrow, and because it is a very big ceremony, there is a lot of work to be done. A binding ceremony is like a weddingw ceremony for 2 people who want to become mates. Some werewolves find their mates by fate, others make the choice to become mates through a binding ceremony.

My sister made me the head of her binding ceremony preparations because she said I was dependable and I would give her the kind of wedding she wants.

So I made sure to put in everything I possibly could into the ceremony. From invitations to decorations to coordinating her rude bridesmaids, I made sure everything was perfect, just so that she can be happy.

During all this time my sister has been at the spa and has gone on little vacations to ease all the wedding stress.

She didn’t want to be stressed out on her wedding, so she asked me to help her.

I looked at the list of things I needed to do today and realised that I had to print out at least 1000 security passes for the paparazzi that would be at the wedding tomorrow. It was going to be the wedding of the century, just like how my sister has always wanted.

As a child my sister had always wanted to be a celebrity wife. So growing up, she spent all her time attracting followers on social media as an influencer while I studied event management in school.

“I don’t want to ever work a day in my life, so I’m going to marry the most powerful, richest Alpha I can find” she used to tell me.

And her wish came true, she continuously searched on social media for an Alpha to marry until she found one.

He wasn’t just the most powerful Alpha she could find, he was the richest and most dangerous Alpha in the continent!

With over 13 different battles won and 4 companies to his name, Mr Kay was the most influential Alpha anyone had ever seen.

That was why it was so hard to believe My sister, May when she had come to give us the announcement of her engagement. I mean where did she even meet a man like that?

Social media she had said, they had met online. He had told her she was the most beautiful woman in the world and instantly begged her to marry him. She immediately said yes. Even though she had never seen him before.

No one had. Alpha Kayden was a mystery to everyone, he was famous as the intelligent man who had destroyed 6 rival clans and owned global companies worth billions. But he had never shown his face in public. All his public announcements and meetings where handled by his second in command and personal Assistant Mr Sid.

His mystery was one of the reasons this binding ceremony had received so much media attention. This wedding was going to be the first time Alpha Kayden was ever going reveal his face to the world.

The media was so excited for tomorrow, there had been so many wild rumours and speculations as to why Mr Kay had chosen to remain hidden in secret from the public eye.

Some rumours said he was disfigured from all his batty, Some said he was just old and ugly, Many said he was a run away criminal, but most people had decided that he was probably just an old unattractive man that was too tired for the public life.

No matter what he looked like, Over 2 million people had sent emails, begging to attend the wedding just so that can be in the presence of the most powerful man in the continent, but they all had to be turned down.

Alpha Kayden had requested that only closest family and friends where to be invited, the rest of the public and media were to wait outside where Alpha Kayden would come and officially greet them with his new bride after the official wedding ceremony.

“Millieee, I’ve called Justin a thousand times but he isn't responding" my best friend Brenda moaned in frustration.

“He was supposed to bring her for her final fitting for her third dress… they are 3 hours late already”!.

“Did you call may?” I inquired. 

“No” Brenda shook her head.

 “ She left her phone with me remember?”

 Oh yea I remembered she said the media was stressing her out so she left her phone with Brenda for sometime yesterday while Justin drove her to a spa.

Justin was my mate of a year, we had met in our estate and instead binded, he was sweet and charming and persistent, it didn’t take long for for me to want to be with him forever.

He had been so helpful during the ceremony preparation, he had practically become My sister, May's chauffeur, driving her every where she needed to go.

I took out my phone and tried to call Justin…. but his number was switched off.

Just then Mr Sid walked into the room, he was a slim man with a sharp nose and intelligent eyes, 

“Please where is May, I’ve been looking everywhere for her, Mr Kay has a few documents for her to sign”. 

“Oh OK, we've been trying to reach her too”, I said trying once again to contact her with my phone. “She’s due to come back early tomorrow morning.” I said finally when her line was unreachable once again.

“No,” Mr Sid shook his head, “That’s not good enough, Its quite important that she signs this papers before the wedding…” he said with urgency.

 Wow I thought, if Mr Sid said it was urgent then it must be very urgent.

I thought of what to do for a minute, May was in a spa and she specifically asked not to be disturbed. But these problems were urgent, so I had to make up my mind quickly.

“Ok,” I said resigned… “lets just make a quick stop at the spa, we’ll just deliver the message and return quickly, OK?”.

“Great idea” Mr Sid clapped, flashing his pearly white teeth at me in a warm smile.

I stretched out my hand to him “You can give me the papers, I’ll give her to sign it… “oh no no no no” Mr Sid declined as he shook his head.

“This papers are very sensitive, Alpha Kay has ordered that I personally watch it get signed in person”, …

Okayyyy, that was a little weird, the way Mr Sid tightly held the documents was like he didn’t even want me to accidentally see the papers.

What were they hiding? I thought curiously..

“Alright fine”, I sighed, “You can come with me, lets go together”.

Mr Sid smiled a very big smile that made me wonder again just what they were hiding.

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