
Chapter 7: Visiting Her Parents

The following morning, Hanan dressed up and left the penthouse to her fashion house.

She had a meeting with all her workers and in the meeting she will be informing them of her plans to move to Italy and starting up a branch there.

As usual, when she got close to her fashion house, there were reporters and fans waiting for her there.

She has been receiving non-stop messages and calls from media houses requesting to have an exclusive interview with her. Even her assistant has also been receiving calls.

She has been ignoring all calls and have told her assistant to do same.

Her car drove into the underground carriage of her fashion house, preventing the reporters from seeing her.

With the bodyguards following her closely, she took the elevator to the 11th floor were the meeting room was located.

She already informed them of the emergency meeting, so everyone must be waiting for her to arrive.

The moment she stepped into the meeting room everyone got up to show respect.

Some of her designers, most especially those who haven’t seen her before, kept on admiring her. 

Before now, the young designers have all been imagining who their boss is and what she looked like. But now that she has revealed herself they were happy that they have such a young boss and wish to be like her one day.

Hanan sat down and looked at each and everyone one of her designers. From her highest designers to the lowest designers, everyone sat down according to their ranks.

“I am your anonymous boss, founder and owner of QuickFashion. I called this emergency meeting to inform y’all of my relocation to Italy and starting up a branch there”

“QuickFashion has been successful since its creation, five years ago to today. Seeing its rapid success, y’all will agree with me that it is about time we take it to the next level”

“And I have decided to do that by setting up a branch in Europe, Milan to be precise. Although Paris would have been a better option, but there is lots of competition there, so choosing a country with less competition is much better”

“Madam I would love to ask” QuickFashion top designer, Kate suddenly said

“Go ahead Kate”

“Since you are a setting up a branch, then you don’t really need to move to that place when you can just send someone else to be incharge of the branch”

The moment she said this, others nodded in agreement. “Yes madam, we need you here, you don’t have to relocate to that place” another of her top designer said.

Hanan smiled “My reasons for relocating there isn’t because of the new branch”

Her designers looked at each other “Then can I ask what your reason is?” Kate said and others agreed.

“It’s personal, but since I will be going there, I will be incharge of the branch there. But I will always be in touch with you guys through conference call. 

“But we have to prepare for the next season, madam, how are we going to do that when you aren’t here” a junior designer said and everyone turned to her.

During meetings, juniors don’t speak, but this girl called scarlet was bold enough to. But surprisingly the others agreed with her.

They had to prepare for the next season’s collection, how are they going to do that when their boss won’t be around.

“I’m going to be walking with you guys all the way from there. And I will also scout for new designers in Milan”

“Kate here has been working in this fashion house for 5 years, right from its start. So I have decided to put her in charge of things here, making her the branch director”

“Oh my god” Kate covered her mouth, she couldn’t believe it

Everyone cheered and clapped for her

“Thank you so much madam” she stood up from her sit and prostrated in gratitude “I promise not to disappoint you madam”

Hanan smiled “ I know you won’t”

Hanan headed out but stopped and turned towards Scarlet “Would you like to come with me to Italy?”

“Huh?” Scarlet couldn’t believe what she just heard. She blinked and asked “What did you just say?”

“Would you want to come with me?”

Scarlet widened her eyes “OMG!!” She stood up from her sit and jumped “Of course I want to Madam”

“Good, my assistant will prepare your passport and working visa within 48 hours”

“Thank you so much madam” Scarlet was happy, she was going to Italy with her boss.

Hanan smiled in response and then left the meeting room to her office.

Other designers congratulated Kate for her promotion and Scarlet who will be traveling with the boss.

After she was done in the office, she headed back home to prepare for her flight to St Augustine, where her parents live.

While she was packing her stuff, she received a massage from Arya, who is a top model and her close friend.

From Arya: “You are a bad friend!!”

Reading her massage felt like she was actually screaming in her ears.

Hanan smiled and replied to her massage 

Hanan: “I’m sorry for not telling you, you are busy in Paris for the fashion runway and didn’t want to disturb or distract you”

Arya: “Really? So you preferred that I heard about it from the news!! How dare you not tell me you are relocating to Italy?!! And what was that on the news, why suddenly reveal yourself when you are trying to hide from him!! Or did he find you?”

Arya left the last question with a shocked emoji. She was in the plain back to the United States so couldn’t call.

Hanan: “I will tell you everything when you get back, for now I need to pack my things. I’m going to St Augustine to visit my papa and mama”

Arya: Then ones I get to California I’m taken a plain to set Augustine, we will talk when I get to your papa and mama’s house”

Arya left serious looking emoji after her last statement.

Hanan: “Okay Arya, bye”

Hanan turned off her phone and continued with the packing. She was sure to hear it all from her friend once she came to her parents house.

After about 5 hours of flight she arrived in ST Augustine.

She arrived  in  her parants house and walked to the front door.

Since there were CCTV cameras, they must have seen her already.

So instead of knocking she just waited there

For them to open the door.

“Miss, are you not going to knock?” Don asked her, seeing that she was just standing there instead of knocking.

“There is CCTV camera, so I don’t need to knock”

“ Courtasy demands that you do”

Hanan rolled her eyes at what he said “This is my parents house, I do not need to knock”

“Fine then, let’s wait here” Don said and didn’t say anyother thing

Hanan rolled her eyes again, she prefers the other bodyguard who hardly talks compared to this one called Don. Don is annoying sometimes, most especially when he unnecessary comes to check up on her, to make sure she hadn’t run away.

He always followed the instructions of his boss to monitor her, sometimes she feels like a prison or rather she was indeed David's prisoner.

“Like boss like bodyguard” she murmured to herself and rooled her eyes.

“My baby!!” Her mother screamed in happiness the moment she opened the front door.

She saw her daughter’s face through the CCTV footage and rushed downstairs to open the door herself, not noticing the bodyguards that came with her.

“Mama!!” Hanan enveloped her mother in a warm hug.

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