
Don't You Know That You're So Selfish To Me?!

Katheryn and Acheros had arrived at the mansion. From the moment they got in the car until they were in front of the main door, Katheryn kept her cynical face on. But her cynical face looked even more sinister when she heard what the butler said, "Sir, Miss Nicolette has come here and is waiting for you now in the living room." Acheros nodded his head. He turned his head back to look at Kath, but the woman quickly walked past him. Seeing that, Acheros could only take a deep breath.

What Kath was doing now made him remember the day when the woman confessed her feelings honestly. In fact, Kath had feelings for him since their first met.


At that time was Acheros' shooting practice schedule with Katheryn. For some reason, that day he saw Katheryn's behavior was very strange. She seemed nervous around him, well, Kath was always nervous around him, but usually never this nervous before.

They were in the car now, the practice was over and they were going to the restaurant first to eat. "What's the matter with you? You've been silent all this time. Are you not feeling good?" asked Acheros who was focused on driving, he glanced at Kath through his corner eyes.

He had been busy driving, but he could see Kath's face turned red when he asked that. "Your face is red. Do you have a fever?" asked him again starting to get worried. Kath wasn't usually like this. So he thought, Kath was in bad condition now.

Katheryn shook her head, "N-no, I'm fine, don't need to worry about me," she answered in a stuttering voice. It's obvious that she's really nervous right now, isn't it? Not wanting to think too much about it, Acheros prefers to remain silent. Until finally they arrived at one of the five-star restaurants they frequented.

"I'm serious. Why have you kept your face away from me? Is there something wrong with my face?" Acheros deliberately booked a VIP room so they could eat in a calmer atmosphere without having to listen to the chatter of other visitors.

"It's okay. I'm fine." So far, that was all Kath had given him, that she is fine.

"You really aren't sick, are you? We can go to the hospital first to check on you if you're sick, Kath."

Kath shook her head. "No." Acheros nodded his head in understanding. He invited Kath to talk again while waiting for their food to arrive. Both of them seemed solemnly enjoying the dish in front of them that was just served. Their energy was drained from the shooting practice earlier. To be precise, Acheros the one who focused on eating, while Kath? The woman was watching Acheros in silence. There's so much going on in her head right now. Like, 'He's really handsome when he eats.' Or 'Look at his firm jaw, does this guy know he's that handsome?' and various other thoughts that lead to the advantages that Acheros has. Her heart is beating very fast. It feels like her feelings are getting more and more out of control by the day. It's growing so big that it's really hard to control her feelings by now.

Why did she feel like he wanted to hug that burly body so much? Kath remembered how warm the man's embrace was. And those kissable lips. How does it feel? Is it as delicious as it looks? Her heart was pounding even more until unconsciously, her lips said something that would make the atmosphere between the two of them change drastically.

"Kath? Why don't you--"

"I like you."

Acheros frowned. Surprised to hear the statement that just came out of those pink lips.

"What are you saying?"

Katheryn had trouble even gulping down her spit. "I-I like you. Since--"

"Erase your feelings. Make it dead." Before Katheryn could finish her words, Acheros had already cut in. The man stood up, he finished with his meal. Even though the dish in front of him was still a lot left.

"Huh?" Katheryn winked. Surprised by what she had just heard. Acheros was already at the door, ready to press the knob. But before he goes out, he looked back at Kath and said, "Get rid of your feelings. It doesn't matter for you to have it and don't expect me to repay your feelings. Because that's impossible. So, quickly get rid of it!"


After that, Acheros was gone. Leaving Katheryn alone with her disbelief mixed with the sadness of a broken heart. Unknowingly, a single tear fell from her eye. "What has happened?"

*Flashback off

"Acheros? Are you daydreaming?" His future wife, Sasha looked at Acheros in confusion. Acheros blinked his eyes. "Did you hear what I said earlier?" Currently, they are discussing their wedding. Sasha looked very excited, in stark contrast to Acheros who didn't seem to care much. The man stood up.

"It's up to you. I don't want to bother," Acheros said in a cold tone.

Of course, Sasha was disappointed to hear that. But she doesn't show it. She just smiled. "Where are you going?" the woman asked in a soft voice.

"I'm going to my room. When you're done, you can go home." After saying that, Acheros left.

Sasha watched her future husband leave with an indescribable gaze. Even her hands subconsciously clenched into fists.


"Where's Kath?" asked Acheros when he saw that the woman was not in her room.

"Miss is swimming right now, Sir."

"Swimming?" The maid nodded her head. Without any further questions, Acheros walked towards the place where Kath was. And well, he could see Kath swimming calmly in the pool. She hadn't noticed his existence yet, or maybe she had? 'Cause, when she's pulled over,

"Haa...." She breathed. Tidy her long hair back. "Your woman already went from here?" asked Kath in a cold tone.

Acheros drank the juice that had been prepared for Kath and then drank it. "Do you hate her that much? She's a nice woman, you just don't know her yet."

Kath snorted loudly. She came out of the pool. Acheros looked at Kath's great body which was only wrapped in a bikini. Kath noticed that. The woman snorted again. "Men will always be men," she said sarcastically.

Acheros was silent, not responding at all. "Have you had breakfast?" he asked suddenly.

"You look thinner than the last time I saw you. You don't eat much? That bastard didn't give you some meal?"

"Thanks for caring, but I don't need your attention. Really not, Sir!"

"How long are you going to be this angry?"

"Until I don't see you again?"

"You mean until you die?" Kath immediately cursed.

"You will have a wife after a week from now. She'd be thinking all kinds of things if I was still living with you. We're not closely related at all. You're just a distant cousin of mine. Aren't you worried that she'll think all kinds of things?" Kath had no idea how they had become distant cousins. It was a little strange to her, but that's what Acheros said when they first met. And when he asked her father about this, he said it was true. This was actually the reason why Kath readily agreed to live with Acheros. Not knowing that it would be very dangerous for her because Kath knew that she would fall for this man easily, and that would break her. She's already 22 years old, but she's still like a normal teenager when it comes to things like this. It's annoying.

"If you don't want her to stay here, I can buy her a new house to live in. But for you, you stay here." Katheryn was taken aback by those words.

"Are you crazy?! That's not what I meant! You know that I want to move. That's what I mean!"

"So you want to talk about this again? Not satisfied with my explanation in the elevator?"

"Tsk! Come on! You also know the real reason why! Please understand me too. If you want me to forget my feelings, then let me go! I promise the feelings will go away soon. Maybe I can start living together with Aric. That's a good idea isn't it?"

"Very bad idea," replied Acheros disinterestedly.


"Once I say no, it means no. Why did you always argue with me?" They stare at each other. Both of them display a sharp gaze. No one wants to give up.

"Then what do you want, HA?! You want me to get rid of my feelings for you, you even got yourself married to that disgusting woman so I kill my feelings, but you still force me to live with you? You're crazy?! Why? Can't you just kick me out so I hate you! If this is how you play, how can I get rid of it, huh?! Do you know how selfish you are?! It's like, you're so happy to see me hurting." A single tear fell from the corner of her eye. Katheryn quickly erased it roughly.

"Tch! Why am I crying for! It's useless!" Unwilling to argue with this selfish man, Kath decided to leave. She had already taken four steps, but her steps immediately stopped when Acheros spoke again, "Put your towel on before you go."

"I don't want to!" Katheryn replied quickly, she was about to continue on her way again, but again, Acheros managed to stop her. The man stood up and walked quickly towards her. Her hand was gripped quite tightly. Again their eyes met. It's like fire meets fire. It's very hot between them.

"You want to go inside and looking like this? You want to give a free show to my workers?"

"I don't care! My body looks very very great! I want to show it off!" she said angrily. She has no idea, it seems that Acheros is very good at provoking ers emotions to the top.

Katheryn turned around and quickly left. Unfortunately, her wrist was grabbed again. "What agai--"

"Use your towel," was all Acheros said as he put on a bathrobe that managed to cover Kath's body up to her knees. After doing that, Acheros was the first to walk forward.

"And who said your body is great? I can even see your bones come through. Eat a little more. You look like a walking skeleton." Kath's lips parted in a big O circle.

"Why are you so annoying?!"


"Why are you smiling like that?" Acheros flinched at the sound. He had just entered his room and had to see the figure of a woman who he thought was quite annoying today.

"What are you doing in my room?" asked Acheros in a tone that could clearly describe his annoyance.

Sasha who was sitting with her legs crossed on the edge of the bed smiled. She stood up and walked over to her future husband. Acheros was silent, neither responding nor resisting when this woman rubbed her broad chest. "Don't you miss me? Why did you just let me go?" Sasha tiptoed her feet and whispered there, "Want to fuck? It's been two weeks since we did it. Don't you miss my touch? I really miss your touch, Acheros. Make me moan again like that time."

To be continued...

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