
Chapter 18


      I followed Braden when I saw him shift to Atticus. I am hurt by his decisions. I can't believe that because he thinks I am human, I can easily be dumped. Masha was mad at him and she wants to rip the head of that slut, Pepper.

      Atticus ran fast in his bullet speed but I followed him by his scent in my human form. I frowned when I remember the place of his track, to the south border of the pack.

    What is he will do there? I asked myself. I carefully followed him, with his alpha senses, he can easily sense my presence. I leap my feet towards the huge branch of the tree. Atticus was behind a large oak tree. Through my enhanced hearing, I heard some male voices, I tailed where the voices came from and saw rogues having a bonfire. My eyes went wide went I heard what they were talking about, a black she-wolf with fiery eyes. I heard one of the rogues say.

   Then I saw Braden in his human form coming out from a tree and asking about the she-wolf, but those rogues refused. Then I saw a bloodbath battle between my mate and the rogues then in just a few seconds, the lifeless body of those rogues, bathed in their blood fell on the floor. I looked at Atticus walking towards the stream and shifted into Braden.

Then an idea came into my mind. I heard rustles of dried leaves when my feet feel the floor of the ground. Then I shifted into my wolf, Masha. I saw Braden's dark grey eyes on me. I saw disbelief and sparks in his eye, I didn't sense any fear while his looking into my wolf's fiery eyes. Masha let out a loud and powerful roar, to let him know that I am mad at him before we disappeared and teleport myself back to the pack. I heave a deep sigh when I remember what the rogue said.

I should talk to Wilson. We need to find Calix and Camille. Braden may search for them too. 

"Wilson, I need to talk to you," I mind linking him.  "I am in the training ground Luna," he replied. "okay, just wait for me, I will be there," I told him.

I walk out of my room, I was in front of the hallway when I saw Pepper come out from Braden's room. She smiled at me, sweetly. I just nodded at her and turned my back on her. 

"you should show some respect to your Luna, human," I heard her speaking.

My brow automatically arch about what she said. I can't help to roll my eyes at her. I faced her and smiled. "Apology for my behavior Luna," I replied to her then bowed my head. Then turned my back, I was about to start walking away from her when I felt her grip on my arm. 

"you should not turn your back to your Luna," she said. I frowned in pain when I felt her claws on my skin. I saw the blood dripping from my arm. "Kill her," I heard Masha in my head. "Shhhh, let's just give her what she wants," I replied to her. She just rolled her eyes at me. 

"Do you want me to punish you for disrespecting your Luna?" she said in anger. Her eyes were dark and her wolf is taking over.

"I am sorry-" my voice we're cut off when I heard Wilson's voice.

"Geez, Pepper, what are you doing to her?" he asked and ran towards me. He pushed Pepper which made her fall to the floor.

"Don't ever hurt my Luna," Wilson growled at her. I was taken aback by what he did.

"what's going on here?" I heard Braden's voice behind us. Then Pepper stood up and ran towards him. I felt hurt when Braden's arm snaked to Pepper's waist. 

I lift my face and meet his eyes. His jaw was clenched while his eyes were on Wilson's arms on my shoulder. His eye was dark. Pepper flinched from his touch and I saw protruding vein in his arm. 

"Wilson pushed me," Pepper said in her pitiful voice.  Braden's cold eyes piercing on us. "Why did you do that to your Luna, gamma?" he asked in a cold voice. Wilson face him, "Pepper was hurting Allison that's why I accidentally push her," he explained then he showed my arm to him. I saw concern in his eyes but it immediately fade. 

"I didn't mean to do that to her, but she disrespected me like I am not her Luna," Pepper interjected. "Allison is the luna here, and my luna," Wilson replied. I saw how Pepper glared at him.

"Is it not clear to you, Gamma that Pepper is my chosen Luna," Braden said. "I just announce it earlier," he added. 

"My loyalty is with Allison, and she's my friend. I am stripping off my gamma position if she's not my Luna," Wilson said. My eyes went wide with what he said. 

"Wilson, don't!" I told him. But his serious about what he said. I don't see any regrets in his eyes. "I am sorry, Alpha, but I need to bring the Luna to the infirmary to treat her wounds," Wilson said. We both bowed our heads and turned our back to them. 

"Are you okay?" he asked. I smiled at him. "I am good," I replied to him and showed my already healed wound. He took a deep breath. "I don't know what happened to that jerk," he hissed.  

"Just let him do what he wants, but never stripped down your Gamma title for me," I told him. He shook his head.

"I vowed my loyalty and to protect you," he said. I was touched by what he said. I found a brother and a friend from him.

"Thank you, Wilson," I told him. I hugged him due to an outburst of emotions. "I am grateful to have you," I added. Wilson rubs my back. " I am always here," he said.

"Gamma, the alpha commanded to punish you for hurting, Luna Pepper," a male voice caught our attention.

My eyes went wide when they took Wilson. I looked at Wilson, he has that cold stare. 

"Hey, you should not do that, it's all my fault," I told the guards. They bowed their heads to me and bring Wilson to the training ground. I followed them, they tied Wilson and let him kneel on the ground, they ripped his clothes.

"It's okay Alli, I will be fine," Wilson replied. He screamed when he was hit by a silver whipping, I smell the scent of the burning skin and his blood. I looked at Braden, who still have a serious and dark aura while looking at us. I saw Pepper's smirking beside him. 

"Braden stop this!" I told him. Rage was about to burst out and I felt that my eyes were starting to change color when I saw Wilson shake his head at me, his protecting me.

I saw Jaxon and Jade run from the packhouse. Wilson's scream was heard, and all of the pack members are looking at him with pitiful eyes and confusion about why the gamma of the pack, was punished. Then, I saw Braden walk toward Wilson and whispered something.

"Another 20 whips for your gamma, that's his punishment for disobeying me and hurting your Luna Pepper. And to everyone, you'll know what will happen if I heard that you disrespect my chosen Luna. 

"Braden, please stop this, you're hurting your friend," I told him but he just looked at me and turned his back on me. I looked at Wilson with tears in my eyes, his in pain and weak. I ran towards him to protect him from the lashes. I screamed when I felt the whip in my skin. 

"Don't do this, Alli, I can manage," Wilson said. "No, you don't deserve this," I told him.

A few moments had passed and I don't feel the whip in my skin when I looked at the guard he was shocked about what I did. I looked around and saw the same expression in their eyes. My tears fall due to pain and pity for Wilson, he was unconscious due to a lot of lashes he received. 

"stop now," Braden commanded. He looked at me for the last time and turn his back on me. Then, Pepper walked toward us, "That's what will you get, human," she said and smirked. I ran towards Wilson. "Wilson, wake up," I told him, he just groaned. 

"Please help me to bring him to his room," I told Jaxon, his face frowned from what I said.

"We should bring him to the infirmary and not to his room, and you as well, you need to be treated too," he added. I shook my head. "My mother taught me how to cure wounds caused by silver," I told him. Jaxon nodded his head and carry Wilson back to the pack house.

I still feel the burning pain in my back because of the lashes.

Wilson was burning due to silver. "Braden you will pay for this," I cursed in my mind. "What happened, why was the alpha mad at him?" Jade ask. When we settled Wilson to his bed, I told them what happened, jade rolled her eyes. "That bitch, she feels the luna position," she said. Jaxon took a deep breath. "I don't know what the alpha's thinking and his doing this," he said. "he can't accept me as a mate because I am human and weak," I said.

"That bastard, if he's not my best friend, I'm gonna-" Jaxon was cut off by jade. " Stop that, have you heard what he said, you will be punished as well," she said. I look at Wilson he was shivering. "Masha, I need your help, "I told her.  "Used our blood to treat him," she replied.

"Jax, jade, Thank you, I'll take care of Wilson, it's all my fault," I told them. Jade shook her head. "It's nobody's fault, that chosen luna was sick and paired with your jerk mate," Jade said.  Jaxon caressed her back to make her calm. "Let's not think them for a moment, Wilson needs us," I told them.

Jade and Jaxon went out, they say that they will come back after they'd talked with Braden.

I locked the door and walked toward Wilson. "I am sorry, it's because of me, you're hurting," 

"Masha!" I called my wolf. I felt a sudden gush of energy then my eyes color turned into a fiery red. My right hand morphed into claws and I slashes my left palm. I let my blood drop to Wilson's wounds. When my blood mixed with his wound, it started to heal and Wilson's breathing is getting normal.

Just in a few moments, his strength will be back, I smiled before everything turns into black.


I am mad with Pepper for hurting Allison. She's such a bitch to be a luna, I don't like her since we were kids. Seeing her clawing the luna made my blood boil. I don't care if she was the chosen luna of the alpha. 

She's just lucky that Allison didn't shift to her wolf, or else she will be dead. I still can't get over it when I saw her wolf. It's bigger and screamed with power and dominance.

"Thank you, Wilson," I smiled at her. "I am grateful to have you," she added. I rub her back, I felt the emotions in her words. I know that she's hurting because of her mate. 

"I am always here," I told her. She smiled at me. I was taken aback when I heard one of the guards that the alpha commanded to punish me.

I screamed in pain when the silver whip hit my skin, I smell my burning skin. Silver is lethal to us, werewolves, we can be killed if we got too much. My vision started to blurry but I saw Braden coming near me, my brow knotted when he lend closer.

"I am punishing for touching my mate, you dumbass," he whispered. I smirked, jealousy was in his voice. 

"You idiot, whatever your problem is, you suck," I replied to him. I don't care if he was my alpha, he was best friends first before we got out titles.

"Another 20 whips for your gamma, that's his punishment for disobeying me and hurting your Luna Pepper. And to everyone, you'll know what will happen if I heard that you disrespect my chosen Luna." I heard him. 

In my weak state, I felt Allison's touch and her scream. "Don't do this, Alli, I can manage," I told her. "No, you don't deserve this," she replied before I lost my consciousness. 

A Zie Ans

Thank you guys, looking forward to your support, sorry for the long waits for updates.

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