

I seized Marius’s robust frame, wrapping my arms around him with a fervent urgency as soon as the opportunity presented itself. This prompted him to release my hands, but he securely anchored himself by gripping my thighs instead, as if he knew exactly how to navigate and explore my desires.

The moment his touch intensified, a surge of electric anticipation rippled through me, igniting every nerve ending and setting my senses ablaze. His movements, deliberate and confident, sent waves of pleasure coursing through me, each touch a testament to his mastery over my body’s responses.

In an instant, I found myself lost in a whirlwind of sensations, a symphony of pleasure and desire orchestrated by Marius’s skilled hands and passionate intent. The rush of adrenaline mixed with the heat of desire, created an intoxicating blend that left me gasping for breath and yearning for more.

With each calculated movement, Marius unlocked a realm of ecstasy I hadn’t known existed, his touch igniting
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