

It felt as if Sam had been plucked from the depths of the ocean, her response akin to a fish suddenly finding itself in unfamiliar territory yet undeniably responding to the currents around it. The softness of her skin under his touch was like a delicate petal, inviting and irresistible.

“Your skin is so soft,” he murmured against her lips before delving back into the passionate exchange between their mouths. Each kiss was a dance, a symphony of desire and longing that seemed to echo in the air around them, drawing them closer with every breath.

Sam’s breath, a symphony of fragrant allure, filled the air as Marius continued his tender explorations of her intimacy. Each inhalation seemed to carry with it the essence of their passion, weaving a seductive tapestry around them.

With deliberate intent, his fingers traced a path of longing along the curves of her body, igniting a cascade of sensations that danced through her nerves. He refused to prolong her anticipation, understanding t
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