
Chapter 1

"Are you sure about this?" Elle asks me for the hundredth time. "Think about it again."

I walk towards Elle in a fit of range. "There's nothing to think about, Elle. You know how he treats us. He's completely indifferent to our feelings. He's selfish and will never change." I lean on the wardrobe and continue, "It's time for us to take action. We can either take the necessary steps now or continue to remain stuck in this situation forever."

"But is there any other way? I'm feeling scared. What will happen if we get caught?"

"I have been expecting this day and I am confident that we will find a way out. There's no turning back now."

"I understand but..."

"We are no longer normal girls, Elle. Let's face it. He has changed us. This organization, this environment, has turned us into monsters. To free ourselves, we'll have to embrace the monsters we've become. I won't think twice before planting a bullet in his head and that's exactly what I'm going to do tonight. We take our revenge now or never." I watch her. In pain and fury.

The world doesn't deserve her. It's unbelievable how she's still scared and worried about the man who had hurt us the most. Despite her desire for revenge, her kind nature hadn't completely turned to stone. It was heartwarming, but I also worried that her compassion might hinder our progress. I hope that her soft heart won't leave me standing alone in this race.

"I'll be waiting in the cab."

I nod and walk to the window in thought as she gathers our things.

I stare at my hands thinking of what I plan on doing tonight. I can't believe I'll have blood on my hands. My parents must look down on me, sad about how I've grown up to become a monster, but they led me into it since they handed me over to him, Salvatore Lucchese.

I walk to the drawer and grab the knife I had stolen from the kitchen. I couldn't get a hold of Salvatore's gun or that of his guards. A knife would mean close contact with him to execute my plan. I planned to slit his throat and put an end to this misery.

I run my index finger along the blade of the knife. So many reasons to rethink my decision and spare his life, yet the little reasons to slit his throat were greater and pushed me forward to his demise.

"When do we leave?"

I stay silent and move my eyes away from the knife at the clock hanging on the wall. It was five minutes before it clocked midnight. I was getting impatient. It was choking and with every second that passed, I wanted to get out of here.

"Wait for me in the cab, Elle." I tell her as I stand and walk out of our room door. "Don't come out no matter what you hear and if I'm not out to you in ten minutes. Leave." I instruct her.

"I'm the older one here. I should be the one taking the risk, not you."

"Age doesn't make us the bravest. You're gullible." I watched her expression turn into a sad one like she was hurt by my words or hurt by the fact she couldn't be what I needed her to be. "It's nice, but in the long run, it will take you nowhere in our world. Especially not out of here."

"Be careful." That is all she says. "Watch out for his guards. I'll text you if I find anything...trouble."

I nod and pat her back to hurry to the cab. I follow her to the secret door Salvatore doesn't know we've figured it out. It was a short hallway that led to a staircase. The stairs led to a door that led to the backroad outside his mansion. No one knew of the door. It was made with bricks just like the fence on his mansion. The environment was also quiet and empty. No one used it but it did lead to a very busy street.

I didn't follow Elle past the door but stood waiting for her text that she'd reached the cab, and then I proceeded to Salvatore's room.

It was midnight now, I assume. Most of Salvatore's guards were loitering around the compound protecting him from attacks. He was a mafia lord, so of course he attracted danger. He is powerful in rank, wealth, and New York. The world knew him as a wealthy businessman but few knew him for who he truly was. I, on the other hand, knew him to be a monster.

A few of his guards were scattered around the house while two were loitering in the corridor, one of whom I knew was Marco. I stood in the corridor that led to his room corridor, peeping at the guards and how to execute my plan. I had planned my attack perfectly and the vase behind me was part of it. I turn to grab it then move opposite where it was positioned and stretched to a switch at the top.

The moment I turned it off, I hit the vase on the wooden desk, shattering half of it to pieces then I quickly moved to hit Marco who I know will be heading my way. He dodged it, but before he could stabilize himself, I attacked his head. The other one came along and I grabbed the knife out of my back pocket to slice his ribs. He wince in pain and I quickly move behind him, grabbing his gun from the side of his waistband before kicking him to the floor. I shot at his knee. The vase already made a sound, the gunshot would be no different.

I quickly turned off the light in this corridor and used my proprioception to find Salvatore's room.

His room was dark when I got in. I took slow steps with the help of the ray of moonlight sneaking through his curtains. I was alert to the big space his room offered as I carefully made my way to his bed. He was covered in his duvet up to his head. It was strange but I didn't care. I moved closer.

Now closer to his bed, my eyes cringed at his duvet. I've been in here several times for eight years but I've never seen him use the color, blue, for his bed. Oh, he hated blue so it was off seeing it now, but then again, I chose not to care. I shouldn't lose focus.

I felt it. The heat of his body. I felt it on my legs. I took up my knife to slit his throat, but then my knife is met with a pillow. My eyes widen and I angrily take away the duvet to see pillows arranged in a linear order.

This was a trick.

The lights turn on and my eyes dart up to see a strange room. A room I've never seen in all my years here. Before I could turn to react, a large hand came before me, pulling my hands behind me. I fall to the bed, pinned by a man I don't know.

I should have known since I saw the duvet covered up so high, that I had walked into the wrong room.

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