
Loss of Gama?

“What are you doing here, Damian?” the woman replied, looking at Damian questioningly.

Damian smiled faintly and then pulled the woman in the red dress into a quieter hallway. He confined the woman's body with one hand. "Issabella, my ex, you are so beautiful tonight!”

Issabella blushed, smiled, and stroked Damian's chest. "You followed me here?"

Issabella was Damian's ex-girlfriend before he met Glara. They were forced to end their relationship because Isabella had to follow her parents to move across the country. Damian was stunned by Issabella's body shape, which was much more attractive than Martha's. Because he consumed too much alcohol, Damian started to lose his mind.

He scraped the distance between his lips and Issa, and soon Issa felt a chewy object pressing against his lips. Because the atmosphere was getting hotter, Damian picked up Issa and took her to one of the rooms a

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