
Flirting With Adam Smith

Angry shouts exploded from Adam even though he was on the phone. Nadhea is sure that Adam's face is bright red played by a woman who asks for his claim. However, one night's rough play will be rewarded as well as Nadhea by disturbing Adam's busyness. Zayn played tug of war so that Adam's anger subsided. If it wasn't for Nadhea's good intentions, it is certain that Zayn would not have come here.

Zayn repeatedly instilled his sentence that Nadhea did not play outdated tricks. Even Nadhea did not panic at the sudden appearance of Zayn in Adam's residence. The appearance of the wind is one of the brother's plans to start a game to destroy the reputation of Adam and Nadhea together. Usually other women will consider the arrival of other men and not alert is food eaten to continue the crime.

Be patient and don't yell even though alpha Nadhea thrashed don't like over traitor Zayn in sight. Calls remain the same as small negotiations. Nadhea drew a sweet smile and then turned the hearts of the two men over her strange behavior. Nadhea grabbed Zayn's hp with a smooth snore. The eyes aroused his excitement as the scent of Adam traced through his memory.

"Why do you refuse to see me, dear? Does your busy life prevent me from giving warm and nutritious food to my own partner? I need you. Maybe my womb is warm just imagining you. Oops, you like my black coffee."The soft tone went into Zayn and Adam's ears. Didn't expect Nadhea to say something embarrassing in public. But applies if it occurs in a couple purely in love. Adam's response was muted with small coughs.

This is the first time Nadhea uses her beloved name openly. Zayn condemns anyone who teaches Nadhea with a sensual tone enough to destroy the person. "Are you kidding me, Nadia? It's not like you're used to it."Nadhea shifted her body near the end of the sofa while noticing the sheer stupidity of Zayn's face.

Nadhea chuckled amused to see the response was unexpected. Nadhea's fingers play around on the sofa in a small circle and then talk back. "Of course I am. Nadhea Martinez or Nadhea Smith. The proud Lady of The Smiths if you want me to change my family name. I'm fine with your package and this makes me happy. "You smell good," Nadia replied. Not to forget Adam heard Nadhea soft voice caused swelling in his heart.

Employees see the emotions of immediate superiors confusion. At first glance like a puppy wagging his tail very happy. His anger rose two octaves and disappeared in an instant. The whispers were ignored by Adam and his mood gradually improved because of Nadhea's response.

'Adam ate the bait. Zayn, you be damned. Because of you and Brittany, I got a bad ending.'Zayn is looking for an excuse by taking another sweet cake on the table. It seemed that the rotten man beside Nadhea was stunned to hear Nadhea's answer loudly and shamelessly.

In his old life, Adam overheard all of Zayn and Nadhea's conversations where Zayn didn't tell him the phone was from Adam. Nadhea stupidly said the statement sentence "Can You Be With Me, Zayn? I want to get away from the torment of my life now. I hate Adam. It's true what Brittany said that Adam was an asshole!"with a hoarse voice in need. Adam's heavy voice replies to Nadhea's speech where Zayn deliberately turns on the speaker.

Adam's words successfully penetrated Nadhea's solar plexus by snapping loudly that the warning tone was "imprisoned" for life without seeing the conditions of the outside world. Zayn closed his mouth pretending to be in shock using his wrist even though a terrible laugh was tucked in there.

Since learning from her mistake, Nadhea revealed clearly loves Adam completely as long as his life is fine. The call ended happily in which both sides hummed a little conquering each other's hearts. The catch on both of Nadhea's shoulders changed one expression unbearably. Zayn's face painted far-fetched worries.

"You know Adam Smith was a cranky, paranoid Alpha? you staying with him would be demeaning, too."Nadhea let out a short sigh, grabbed his shoulder and asked to be released well before Xander came. It was a case of avoiding the initial cause of the rift in her relationship with Adam. Zayn relies heavily on his manipulative nature. At least the manipulation had no effect anymore. Nadhea looked closely into Zayn's eyes.

A glimmer of Hope Full of revenge was flowed well by her to make Nadhea sure the game had started after Brittany pretended to be good. It's the same with Zayn who vilifies Adam from behind. "I really enjoyed being with Adam. The time spent by him is divine if you look closely. Don't change the facts just yet."It didn't take long for Nadhea to dismiss Zayn harshly. Xander, who was contacted through an internal connection at the Smith residence, was surprised to get the reaction of the two people close to him. However, Xander didn't realize that he was breathing a sigh of relief.

"What happened to you two? I came because of an emergency call from you, Nadhea."Xander decided to join Zayn and Nadhea's discussion. Xander is the only Beta who is looking for a solution everyone is no exception Nadhea and Adam's special relationship. It's like being put on a gold platter and just doing whatever you want. A gentle pat on the shoulder was enough to wake Zayn from his daydream. It was a surprise to find out that Adam Smith was still alive.

"I want to meet Adam, deliver food and worship him to death. Let me meet him, Xander Jhonson," Nadhea said opening Xander's heart sincerely with a sad lament. Xander bluff himself does not understand can be weak with Nadhea. Zayn comes into the real world when Xander bows his head respectfully. The face of the Beta man named Xander immediately put high confidence in Nadhea.

"As long as you can't do something that disappoints Adam. Please you go with a sense of wanting to muffle his alpha met with your partner."Nadhea gave a small nod, Zayn agreed to Xander's statement as Zayn and brought him to where Adam was. During the trip, Zayn glances at Nadhea from top to bottom and sends an incoming message to Adam that Nadhea is coming there.

"There is something strange about you, you are not aware?"Zayn asked, which was never answered by Nadhea, but turned on the radio to choose his favorite FM. Humming the chosen song made Zayn park his car to pull over. Nadia is not playing. The trip to the company slowed down a little due to an unexpected statement.

"I hear you, Zayn. I'm fine myself. I'm fine with Adam. Ignore it and return to the destination, please. You don't want to get angry, do you?"Zayn hit the steering wheel. The anger of the other Alpha did not frighten Nadhea. Better angry than Adam than Zayn, Xander and the others. "Then don't forget your position."

In front of the Smith Company in England, Nadhea could not forget the absolute power of various fields scooped by the most victorious child in the Smith family-Adam Smith - the perfect. Zayn opened the car door. "You go alone. Adam is waiting for you."Not out of attention, Nadhea drove herself while carrying provisions. Let's hope it's still warm.

Nadia's smile turned to Adam. Just met in person hugging with high affection. Zayn is almost worried that Nadhea's actions are just drama but is dismissed because Nadhea kisses Adam demanding his rights. Carried away, Adam replies in a split second and orders Zayn back to his workplace. "It's the privacy of both of us. Either you go or you get a month's pay cut."

Zayn did not move but Adam's words put a sense of possessiveness should not be disturbed by the other party makes him think Nadhea accept Adam without any problems. Before turning around, Zayn was furious. This plan was canceled so inevitably Zayn asked for a discussion from Brittany. Each report is shared to confront the enemy. Zayn saw him from a distance and passed through the shadows.

"Don't leave him again. Adam Smith is mine not Brittany that bastard, " Nadhea muttered hugging Adam's body while warning herself not to try to leave him for no apparent reason.

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