
Chapter 21

- It is clear. he said, a little forcefully. “I had business, so I stayed at the hotel. I don't know where Adrian is…Jennifer too, mama…Yes, I'll call him and let him know if I know…Yes, mama…" Then his expression changed to horrified, which seemed a little comical. — I love you troppo, mama.

As soon as Pierre cut the call, Adrian started laughing. Pierre looked at him, and I bit my lip and cheeks to keep from laughing too. The horrified look on Pierre's face was very funny. A laugh burst from my lips unintentionally and Pierre turned his penetrating gaze on me. His face went from stoic to smooth in a millisecond, taking me by surprise.

“What happened then? - Pierre asked.

Jenny asked her parents. Adrian answered for me. “Actually, she confronted them. And her parents told her that everything Frederich was saying was true. They were unable to have children and most of the adoptions they tried failed. When they were about to give up hope, the Harrisons entered the game. They just wan
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