"C! Why are you late? I'm already jealous of your work!" The men burst out laughing, except for Cormac. Because of what Raz said, I also couldn't help but laugh. Because Stoney is so serious, I didn't think his friends are bullying him. He still looks like a bully.
Stoney, the bully. "Why the hell are you laughing?" It was as if I swallowed my laughter when he suddenly spoke, it was weak, so I'm sure he just whispered that to me. It looks like this guy is used to his friends' bullying. He was sitting next to me because that was the only one with ample space. Levi and I were in the middle. The boys were noisy as usual. They talked about anything, about office, work, and occasionally have fun teasing each other. While the man on my left was busy. . . being 'stone'. I want to laugh at myself, becoming a bully. "What are you doing here? Why are you still with that man? Does your boyfriend know that?"I was overwhelmed by the consecutive questions of the man next to me. Boyfriend? What boyfriend?"Excuse me. What are you saying? Me? Boyfriend?" I couldn't help but shout. I think I my blood was going really high for what this man is saying. "Now, you deny it. See? He took your car earlier," the man said coldly. It took a few more minutes before I finally calmed down. Something flashed through my mind as I remembered what my brother had said, "Cormac Carter. I'll see him later. Can you tell me something?" "That motherfucker–" I whispered before hurriedly taking my cellphone out of the bag I was carrying. I quickly excused myself and went straight outside. How dare he say that? "My sister! How–" "What the fuck did you say to him?" I dared to say something because I knew I was the only one in the bathroom. I heard my older brother laugh on the other line. Even in anger, I let it go first and waited for my brother's explanation. "That was nothing, okay? I just want to see his expression. Man to man-" "Hey!" I feel like a fool trampling inside the cubicle. "How is that now? That's embarrassing! You know what I need, don't you?" Kuya Jac laughed again, and I was never pleased there. "Seriously? You are not interested in what his reaction is? I really think he was furious!" I knocked on the door with extreme throbbing. "Wow! How else can I approach a man if he already has a concept in mind like that? For all, I know you may have threatened him more! You know how important AFA is!" I did not wait for him to speak. I quickly stopped the call. I was still rushing out because I was so irritated. I can think of no other alternative plan, so I will direct what needs to be done. I quickly turned the door of the VIP room occupied. Levi quickly waved at me and waited for me to sit down."You don't really have a boyfriend, do you? You won't lie to me," he said quickly, causing the rest of the men to get their attention. I just sighed when I remembered my brother and that I shouted at him. I didn't even give him a chance to explain himself. I am always like that every time we fight but have a quick conscience. I think he goes through a lot and thinks every day, and I add more fire to it. "I do not have a boyfriend." I turned to Stoney, who was also staring at me intently, looking forward to what I had to say. "The one who took the car from C.C Cars is my brother. I called him earlier to confirm if he really said that, and he said yes. He often does that, especially with men." Because of my explanation, Levi kept teasing us even more. I just laugh at what they do. I know Levi. I know he just rides with friends. After a long while, we have already shared each other's secrets. He mentioned that he was still waiting for someone to return, and I really admired that. There are only one in a million men who can wait. Thay conversation quickly consumed time. I can't even count how many glasses I drank, but I made sure that every time Cormac drank, I kept up. I won't let this day pass without even making an effort. I am very popular with friends and co-workers as women with high alcohol tolerance. And for the record, I was able to drink directly ten hours before passing out, but now, I will not let my system be like that. What I see is still very clear, and I know that the alcohol I drink after four hours of drinking is not right for me. Raz is slightly banging his head off, and it looks like he is no longer alone with the music that only he can hear. Levi is okay, but his eyes are wide open, and I know he can no longer stand. He can no longer afford to drive. Percy, on the other hand, is asleep. Seeing that the men were in such a state except for Cormac, who still look chill, I thought of starting the plan. I'm sure of this one. I simply hold on to the sense. Fuck, I've never been a good actress, but I ignored that. "Av, are you still okay?" I slowly turned to Levi and nodded. I tried to reach for another glass there and was about to drink when Cormac suddenly took it. Without a word, he drank it. "Yes, I just need to go to the bathroom–" Because of my sudden movement, I deliberately pretended to lose balance and fall. "I am driving you home." "I'm driving you home."Levi and Cormac spoke at the same time, but only Stoney lifted me upright. Everything's going smoothly as planned. "I am driving you home, Avery." I smiled slightly at him, but I kept my eyes closed. We just need to get out of here then I'll make sure everything will follow. "Levi, I'll call Scenic for the three of you." After a few minutes, we were making our way out of that club, so I was all about acting. Even if I just want to laugh, I have to suffer now. I just can't believe I am doing all this for AFA. When I felt the soft seat of the car, I was completely restrained from grinning. How can I be this genius? I think I got the intelligence that did not go to my older brother. "Where will I take you?" I closed my eyes tighter. By this time, I should be asleep. I can't tell him my place. "Avery. . . Avery," I heard Cormac say as he shook my body. I also don't know how I did it, but I seem to have convinced him that I am asleep. "Shit!" Even with my eyes closed, I knew he was also irritated, so I just laugh in my mind. I wish I could see his face, though. My pretense of sleep really stayed because I next felt the soft bed that Stoney lowered me. Stoney—I love that nickname. I remained silent and closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep. It doesn't seem like this is our house because I can definitely hear Kuya Jac's voice just in case. Is this his place? If yes, then consider the plan done, Ma'am Cassandra. I almost froze when I felt Cormac suddenly fall to my side. He was so close that I could smell the wine he drank. Is. . . he drunk? "Avery. . ." His voice was husky as if he just woke up in the morning. I felt his weak caress on my hair. I don't know if alcohol is just right, so what I imagined, but he's seriously brushing my hair gently. "Why? Why. . . Why do you have to come back?" I could feel the twitching of what was in my heart, followed by a rapid throbbing. I waited for a few more minutes for him to say something, but it looked like it had fallen asleep. Slowly I opened my eyes and faced the man. I couldn't help but smile now that it was so close to me, and I could clearly see the soft look on its face. Far, far away from the rude Stoney. I can't explain, but I feel relieved when that look was the last thing I saw before I was utterly fallen to sleep.Before I went home, I prepared myself for my brother’s lecture, but I still couldn’t help but get bored. I know I did not do well, but all of that has a purpose. That thing can’t define what I exactly did! “Quit it, alright? Quit that job!”I quickly followed my brother, who was about to walk out. It’s good that Jacques is busy playing with the nanny, so he won’t pay attention to our fight. “You’re unreasonable!” I shouted back at him. I will not allow him to stop me now. I just want everything to end up with nothing. Also, we don’t have any choice. What are we going to present to the public then? “You’re the one who’s being unreasonable! You are doing too much for that man, Av. There are more–” “Why can’t you understand the fuck out of me?” I couldn’t help but get angry.
I simply took off the sunglasses I was wearing. I focused at the door, looking for Cormac Carter’s parents, who have just arrived from their scheduled flight. That’s the only door they can go out to, so I can’t take my eyes off it. “Cindy, are you okay?” I immediately turned to one of the staff who was with me. I know this might be a lame plan, but this is the first thing that came to mind. “Are you sure, Miss Avery? What if I’ll be called to the police station after this?” Cindy said in a low voice. I just laughed at the woman” reaction and then shook my head. Of course, I will not go to war without a shield and knowledge. Before coming, I got to know a little bit of information about his parents. Both of them love to facilitate outreach programs here in the Philippines, and I can only say that Cormac did not inherit from them b
“You two seem so close,” Mr. Carter said immediately when we got back to the seat. Cormac is now with us. My plans and this will only be ruined because of Stoney. “Of course not.” “Yes, we are.”I almost turned to the man on the side and glared. He just raised an eyebrow at me and then fiddled with his phone. I don’t know what Cormac is planning. Is it to get revenge to visit me again, or is there something else? Because if he wants a fight, I will never stop him. My mother gave birth to me so that I won’t be a loser! “Yes, we are.” My answer became bolder on that part. “Glad to know that. It’s good to meet you now, Avery. I’m sure you will be able to stay at our house more often,” Mrs. Carter said as a matter-of-factly. This is a big misundersta
I collapsed and threw myself on the sofa as soon as I got home. I’ve never been this exhausted in my whole life. I closed my eyes for a few minutes before I heard my brother’s voice. Since I got home early, I’m sure Jacques is still in the nursery at home with his tutor. At an early age, my older brother made sure that he was learning little by little. He couldn’t focus, so we just hired a tutor who dad also recommended. “You should rest, Av.” My heart quickly softened at what Kuya Jac said. Ever since he has really been my running mate, he was my enemy when I was bothered by other things. He knew all my misfortunes, but then, he stayed with me. He still never gets tired of proving that he is there for me. When was the last time I greeted him? He suffered a lot. It is not easy to raise a child who has done nothing but find his mom.
It was past five o’clock in the afternoon when I arrived at BSE. I wouldn’t be relieved if Ma’am Cassandra and I would just talk about it on the phone, so after what the woman, I thought I would fly the distance between our home and the office. This must be a joke. Maybe Cormac was just mocking me or something, and I wanted to be sure. “Ma’am Cassie, what was that? What do they agree to?” I asked right after entering. The woman’s gaze remained straight. She shrugged slightly before speaking. “I don’t know what’s wrong with you guys. When you’re about to give up, the other side will agree. What really happened earlier about meeting his parents?” I had trouble sitting down but eventually started telling her what had happened. Starting with the plan at the airport, getting into their house, and how ann
“Dada!” My eyes immediately widened when I heard that loud shout as soon as we entered the place. Even before I could ask, the man beside me hurriedly attended to the kid approaching us. I froze right at my place. Is my intuition right all this time? Is he hiding a child? But why in an orphanage? “Dada, where were you? There are more of us already!” The boy smiled widely in front of Cornac. Bewildered, I took my cellphone out of my pocket and simply took a picture of them. I don’t know why I did that, but maybe I’m just worried I won’t see Cormac’s smile again. “Really? If that’s the case, I know you’ll be happier,” he said, smiling. I tried to ignore what I saw, but I also couldn’t help but smile. The man has this side. He’s not the Stoney that I used to kn
“Everything’s doing fine, sister. It’s great that there are more children here,” Cormac said enthusiastically as he ate one after the other. I have done nothing but wonder. Is Cormac Carter really what I see now? More than what I found out, he wasn’t really his parents’ biological son. It is also surprising that he has such a personality. He seems so different. But then, even though my resentment towards the man was rude, I still couldn’t help but be happy for him. I may be a little out of place, but I ignored that. The nuns here are kind, so as the children. I just don’t know why I can’t socialize with them. Maybe, it’s about the truth. The fact that Cormac isn’t really a Carter makes me even sadder. “I am glad that they are at home. . .” Cormac continued. “The anniversar
“Avery, you can’t do that! We need to please Mr. Carter because we are the ones who asked for his favor.” I hung my head low. I have so much to say, but I know that I shouldn’t do anything else at the end of the day but follow. “I am so done pleasing that jerk!” I sighed. I know I don’t have the right to complain, especially in front of the EIC herself, but I can’t feel used to it. Ma’am Cassandra will surely understand. Also, we’ve been together for a few years, so I’m sure she already knows my habit. “A little more patience, Av. This will be paid off once we win the AFA.” Somehow, those words calmed me down. That’s really what I’m holding on to. Some journalists are even noisier on their respective social media sites. Most of them are already starting to shoot the documentary and are already m
The AFA 2020, or the Antonio Facundo Awards, is a competition for journalists like me. It is also usually open to writers and directors. Unlike usual, here we take a subject, someone who is very popular with people. . . we published to viewers how that person’s life was. We know the life of whoever is chosen just to win. But after all those struggles on getting the right person for the documentary, I imprinted in my mind that I would be the winner. I promised I would do everything for the documentary, especially now that I have something I want to prove to the public. That I am more than the murderer’s daughter they once called. “Avery!” I confronted the woman who called me.. It was Ma’am Cassandra, running her way to me. This boss of mine nearly cried because she said she missed me so much. “The gem of the documentary!” It was as if this was
The court found my father's case guilty. Aside from his confession about what he did, the watch was still there, and some evidence had already come out after murdering Jandro. That was the hardest and the most painful decision of all — opening your eyes to each of those hearings. My father will spend twelve years in prison and mommy can't stand the truth. To help her feel at ease, Kuya Jac and I took her abroad. The public had criticize our family hard that we can’t even chew our food. My older brother was left in the Philippines to continue what dad left in the company. I knew it would never be an easy fight for kuya because the incident affected the state of the company and the people there. Almost everyone left, and it was like we were back to the beginning. Although I don't want to leave Kuya Jac there, I know it woul
“Avery? Dad!”For a few minutes no one spoke, even though the three of us were already in that room. Even though I was just looking at Kuya Jac and daddy, my heart was full of speculations.I can not believe what’s happening. I can’t. . . and will never accept these.In what ways was daddy involved in the murder of Cormac’s parents fifteen years ago?“Avery. . . ”“Please don’t act like this,” I said bluntly. “Please tell me I am imagining things!”Kuya Jac was the one I tried to face this time. Frustration was clear on his face. Fear of what I might say, do, and think. “What is this? Is this what you are hiding from me?”The words tangled at the tip of my tongue. I can’t seem to mutter a word.“Kuya, Daddy, what’s this? Why is it like this? How did it happen?!”I must be dreaming! My daddy w
“I’m going home,” I announced to the man when I talk to him for breakfast.A few minutes after I read that text, the man just left the room. He doesn’t know what I had just found out and whatever I was thinking.He was shocked when he faced me. “What? Wait, Av, why?” Cormac asked.I was still drowning in my thoughts, especially since the truth had suddenly been thrown at me.What did that really mean, then? What about the watch? What if my daddy had such a watch then? Did they already know about the identity of the murderer’s ally?How about my brother? Is he suspicious of our father as well? Why do they have to hide that thing from me?Dad.I have to go to my father.“Avery?”“I have to do something. . . at–at work,” I replied. Take care of whatever else he might think.How did they keep this matter a secret from me? Wh
“Of course,” I said reluctantly and then explicitly messed up my hair. “Of course, you don’t really have anything to look for! What an excuse.” After a few minutes of waiting for what the man would say after arriving in Batangas, I just gave up. This is frustrating! I still thought there would be something, and I would know today. “Cormac!” The man frowned when he turned to me. “Come on, Av. My legs are tired. We have a lot to go to on the first day of our itinerary. Av, you need to walk faster.” Itinerary? I was already left behind. Apparently I preferred to rebel, and I didn’t follow what Cormac was saying. I will never move here until it tells me what Kuya Jac and I are hiding from me. Even if night or darkness overtakes me here, I swear to all god
Two months passed so quickly. Happiness for Cormac and I had continued. That’s exactly what I was worrying about. . . everything seems falling into its proper places. Cormac laughs often, as if he never thought of his parents again. I would definitely say that I’m happy for him.a happiness I can’t hope for anything as I feel a happiness in my heart that I see him laughing, taking time to talk to my parents. There will be days they’ll go out for dinner or lunch, even if Kuya Jac didn’t invite us at all. I love that thing, because from the very beginning, I wanted Cormac to really find a new family—a family that will love and care for him. My mom and dad are the best parents of all time. They love Cormac as their son as well. I’m happy with that thing, but what I just can’t quite figure out right now is why I hear
I have questioned life several times before. Life is unfair. . . I would say that. I don’t know the reasons that your trials have to happen, your difficulties. When I self-pity, I think I am the most oppressed in the world. I always thought there was no hope — nothing would ever change that. Yes, I suffered a lot too. How many times have I wanted to give up on life? Losing my own memories is not as easy as what people think. There are tons of frustration I face every morning I wake up, hoping maybe the next time I’ll wake up remembering all of it. But when I found out all that Cormac had been through, how could the man resist just to get to where he is now? I couldn’t imagine the experiences — I was suddenly embarrassed to complain. I stood up as Cormac violently ran away. I immediately called him out, but the man ignored it. It runs even faster. “Cormac!”
The next morning, I almost turned the house upside down without being able to fumble with the sketch I had watched last night. When Ma’am Cassandra and I finished talking, she told me not to go to the company first because she would take care of it and I should go straight to my parents’ house to stay there first. When I arrived, Kuya had already left, and they had already discussed that I will stay with my parents the whole night. Drowsiness did not immediately visit me, so I distracted myself by drawing. That sketch is exactly the person I see myself in mind. I’ve searched my room, it’s not in the kitchen nor in the living room. I should go by now. I couldn’t go to the office last night so I told myself I was going after having breakfast today. But without that sketch, I don’t know how I will probably deal with Cormac, as
Life can be cruel to us every time. Sometimes we think nothing good is going to happen—that’s where we go wrong. That we are waking up each day, that we are surviving, we can be the happiest person in the world. Waking up is a chance, to make a difference, to do what we want to do. . . to love ourselves and to be true. The first day I opened my eyes with no memories at all, I felt like my life had stopped as well. It was as if I was dead, but I can still feel the pain in my heart. The first day, I couldn’t answer questions about myself. It was like I was being gradually killed. The moment they ask me about my name and I can’t answer. When I woke up, I could no longer remember the people who had been waiting for me to wake up. It was beyond the pain and frustration. One day became a month. . . years. One year t