
Chapter 4: Deal?


Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. This wasn’t how things were supposed to go. Heck, I didn’t even see this blowing up in my face at all. How could he? How could Dad set such a condition for me?

Thinking about Willow's proposal was one thing. Going after her with a proposal of mine was another. A part of me hoped Dad was joking. He loved jokes. He told them most of the time, and it would have his guests howling with laughter. But when I stopped by his office today to give him his usual cup of morning coffee, he brought up the ultimatum for my coronation.

I had to think of something fast, but my head was blank. The coronation was days away, and I didn’t know where to begin. I had to think of something, and fast, too. Knowing Dad, there was no way he would sit back. I could bet on the old man’s life that he already had a backup plan. A backup plan I was sure I would hate. The only solution was to get myself a Luna before that day. But I was stumped and at a loss of ideas. I had no girlfriend, either.

“Marry me.”

“Marry me, okay?”

Her words echoed in my head. Yesterday, when I’d stomped out of the Alpha’s office, my idea sounded brilliant. But now, the more I thought about it, the more stupid it sounded.

How would Willow react? What would she say? I knew what her answer would be. No. She already turned me down once. I couldn’t allow her to do it again. Another girl would come, so why was I still thinking about Willow? What other girl could I ask? As things stood, she was my best bet. Plus, she had something to prove. That she was fine without Asher.

On my feet, I mentioned all those reasons to myself and stepped out of the mansion’s hallway in search of a certain pretty omega. Willow and I couldn’t exactly be called friends, but there was a tiny string holding us together. Growing up, we were always around each other because her family worked for ours, but as we both grew older, we drifted apart. I was always taunting her, and she repaid the insults whenever she could or totally ignored me.

A whiff of fresh air hit my nose as I stepped into the garden. The sun’s warm glow kissed my skin, and for a moment, I forgot my memories. It didn’t last long, though. The moment I sighted Willow's quarters in the distance, something curled in the pit of my stomach.

“Willow?” I called as I walked towards her house. It was quiet, too quiet, and that didn’t sit well with me. Willow wasn't loud, but she also wasn’t subtle. “Willow? Where are you?”

A pin-drop silence was all I got, and from the look of things, I didn’t think she was home. I turned, but footsteps from behind made me pause.

“Carter?" What are you doing here?” that familiar voice asked. I grimaced. That was another sign she would turn down my proposal, but I still turned to face her. A wave of emotions rushed through me as Willow's face came into view. My goodness. Her pink dress hugged her curvy frame, highlighting her wide hips that had felt so perfect as I thrust into her. No, not the right time for those silly memories. “Are you looking for me? Do you need something?”

“Uh, yes,” I replied. She frowned, and I cleared my throat. I’d come up with a plan, but now that I was here, I wasn’t sure I could pull it through. “Yeah. Actually, the thing is…”

Her teeth bit into her pouty pink lip. “Yes?” she whispered. For a moment, my eyes glued to those lips that razed my body with kisses that night. She stepped closer and snapped her fingers in my face. I tried to speak, but my voice was gone. “Carter? Carter, are you okay?”

Coughing into my fist, I nodded. “Yes, y-e-s. I zoned out. You see, I wanted to ask if you…”

“I really don’t have a lot of time, Carter,” Nova answered. She pointed a hand behind the building. “I really have other things to get back to. Or can we talk about this later?”


“Carter,” she replied.

“Marry me!” I blurted out at the exact moment she said, “Talk or get out.”

Willow stepped back. Her fast lost color, and she whispered, “What?” A variety of emotions flickered across her face. It made me wonder if I’d done the right thing. Recovering from the shock, she laughed. “You’re funny. Really. I swear you got me.”

Oh. She thought this was a joke?

“Willow, I’m not kidding. I mean it.” I shook my head when she tried to speak. “You have to marry me.”

“Are you crazy?” she fired back. “ How can you ask me.”

“Why can’t I? Oh, wait.” Willow took a step forward, but I didn’t give her the chance to speak. I wanted her to hear a piece of my mind. Something sparked deep inside me. Mostly anger. “I’m crazy when I ask you to marry me, but when you ask me the same question, it’s considered okay? No wonder he dumped you. You can’t make up your mind.”

Hurt flashed in her eyes. “How dare you?”

“No,” I cut in. “How dare you?” Her lip trembled That should have gotten me to stop, but something within prompted me to go on. “Does it hurt so bad that Asher rejected you?

“Watch your tongue.”

Too late. I needed a Luna, and she was the only sensible lady around. My mouth opened, and she pointed a finger at me in warning. Closing the gap, she stabbed me with that finger. Her scent of cinnamon and rose snaked through my nose, warming me from the inside.

I closed my hand around her finger on my body. “Or else what? What are you going to do?”

Eyes closed, she yanked back her hand. “Just leave.” When her eyes opened, she added, “I told you I was drunk the other night. I see no reason why you should bring it up again.”

“Because he needs to pay,” I rushed out. “There’s no way you’d let him go scot-free, right? You wanted me to go to the party as your plus one. We can do that, Willow. Hurt him back.”

“No,” she said. “I have no business with that.”

Willow's resistance didn’t surprise me but made me want this more. She was a kind soul, but men like Asher didn’t need angels. I wouldn’t have rejected her on such a momentous occasion.

“Yes. Yes, you do,” I said, my head bobbing aggressively. “And if you’d hear me out…”

Her eyes narrowed, and she sidestepped me. “Goodbye Carter. Go find someone else to pick on.”

Willow took a step away from me, and it felt like watching my chance of being Alpha walk away. My heart thundered in my chest. I had to think, or I may never be the Alpha.

“Instead of taking me to the ball to make Asher jealous, why don’t we make it worthwhile,” I said. Willow continued walking. I bridged the gap and grabbed her arm, forcing her to face me. Her eyes widened with annoyance, but I didn’t give her a chance to react. “Marry me.”

“What? Where’s this coming from?”

Ignoring her question, I said, “What better way to exact revenge on Asher than becoming my Luna?” She stepped back, but her expression changed. I could picture the cogs whirling in her head. “He hurt you. We can hurt him back by making him bow to you. When you marry me, you become the Luna. Everyone bows to the Luna, including the Beta.”

“Wow. But why this all of a sudden? You weren’t interested in being my date, remember?”

“The truth?” I began, exhaling softly. “The truth is, I can’t be crowned Alpha unless I have a Luna. I only have a few days to that, or I will lose my crown. Dad won’t give up the spot.”

“You want me to marry you so…”

“I can become the Alpha,” I finished. Willow twiddled her hands, and when her chest sagged, I knew I had gotten through to her. “In return, we’ll make Asher pay for all he did to you.”

Seconds passed, but she had not said a word. I stretched a hand to her, and she gulped.

“Deal?” I whispered.

Her hand fisted at her side. I counted down to five until she took my hand and said, “Deal.”

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