

"So this … this is them?" King Terrowin asked, narrowing his eyes, his tone hinted doubt.

"We are a special elite unit, Your Highness. We will hunt down the traitorous elements that defy the ice crown," Kael said, down on his knees in front of the king. At his back were his four subordinates, all dressed in cerulean cloaks as their uniform, with a snowflake badge at the right side of their chest. Along with Tristan and Cedric were Dain and Ryia; the other two members.

A short moment of silence filled the freezing air of the throne room.

"I see no Grand Knights on your team," the king continued with his quizzical face.

"I won't bother those fools any longer, Your Highness. For years they've been hunting those rebel guild but never succeeded," Kael raised his head to look at the cold king, seated on the Ice Throne. "I’ve picked these warriors for I saw the potential in their power and capabilities. We will not fail you."

"As you should … prove to me that I was never wrong appointing you as my Divine Knight," King Terrowin spoke, before he drank on his cup of wine.

"Of course, Your Highness.”

"You're dismissed."

The four members followed Kael out of the throne room, then down through the dark halls of the citadel. Looking at the arch windows, the sun was setting, the skies getting darker.

Tristan let out a sigh. "The king’s more intimidating than I thought," he said, his hands on his pockets.

"That was only his calm state, young man," Cedric replied. "You wouldn't want to see him snap a nerve."

"Where are we heading to now, Sir Kael?" Dain asked, a muscular man, the third member of their team.

"To our first mission," Kael answered. "We'll discuss it in our team chamber."

‘We're going to have to deal with these raiders and bandits first, before we start our hunt of the Forgotten Winter,’ Kael thought, the side of his lips rising in amusement. ‘I guess this will be the perfect time to see what my team is made of.’

As the group arrived in the chamber, two knights standing on guard opened the double doors for them.  The chamber had a massive space inside. Looking up, the unlit, golden chandeliers hung from the white-painted ceiling. The floor was tiled with quartz, the dark walls was designed with golden lines. A long table stood at the center of the room, covered by a blue tablecloth. The fireplace had provided enough warmth inside the chamber, with two long couches resting at the front.

Kael went towards the end of the table and then sat on the big, elegant chair, while the other members took their seats. Tristan and Cedric were on his right, while Dain and Ryia sat on his left.

“Well, isn’t this nice …?” Cedric lifted his chin, looking at Dain. “You’re the famous Ironfist from Casterfall City, are you not? I’ve heard a few, impressive things about you.”

“Please, call me Dain,” the man replied, crossing his muscled arms over his chest. “I look forward to working together, General.”

“And this … red lady, over here?” Cedric raised a brow.

“The name’s Ryia, General Cedric.” The woman removed her hood, revealing her short, auburn hair.

“I’m surprised you know me. You are from the south, aren’t you? From the country of Galadhor, if I recall what Sir Kael told me,” Cedric replied, rubbing his chin.

“Aye, general … however, I was born here in Glacia,” Ryia answered, and then her eyes caught Tristan. “My … I assume you’re the youngest among us, boy. What is your name?”

They continued their talk over the table as the servants brought out their meal. Fancy dishes had been served, including wine and ale.

After their short introduction, Kael finally opened up about their main concern this time.

“Wait… so we’re not yet going to search for the Forgotten Winter?” Tristan asked, confused.

“Not yet, I’m afraid,” Kael replied. "The king wants to get rid of the raiders first, the ones robbing the cargo taxes for the capital. The knights have already tried chasing them, but have come far enough when they found the bandit’s fortress in the far west of the kingdom. This time, we are the ones tasked to handle this. We will slaughter every single one of them tonight.”

"Sir Kael, is it really necessary to kill them all?” Tristan asked. “Why don't we just capture them and take them to prison?"

"Because, country boy,” Cedric answered, “that's how everything works here in the capital. We kill those who turn against the kingdom, as death is the only suitable punishment for treason."

"I have to say, this will be a good warm up, before we hunt down those rebel assassins," Dain spoke up, punching his palm. "What do you think, red lady?”

"My hungry pets will love to feast on human flesh," Ryia replied.

"Very well, then," Kael said. "We will leave at dusk. All of you, get ready now."


The sun had settled and the whole team galloped down the main road, heading for the west city gate. Kael rode in front, while the four tailed behind him.

As they reached the west gatehouse, the guards raised the portcullis to make path for the group.

"The knights reported that the bandits' stronghold is located somewhere in the middle of the mountain ranges a few miles ahead," Kael said, his black hair flailing with the cold wind.

Half an hour had passed and the team entered the wide path between the mountains. Snow suddenly fell heavier from the dark, cloudy skies. The path seemed deserted, but it was a great place for an ambush.

And indeed, Kael was right about it … as the bandits emerged from the top of the snowy mountains, crying and yelling like savages. There were a hundred of them, sliding down the steep slope using their small skates under their shoes. They all had black masks covering their nose and mouth.

"Ryia," Kael called to the red lady behind him.

She responded with a nod, and then raised her long brown staff into the air.

"Summoning, Ysellian!"

A circular portal flashed right above them, blinding all eyes surrounding it. It was then followed by a sudden screech. From the illuminating portal, an enormous beast with dark-feathered wings sprang out. It screeched again as it flew up, its strong flaps blasting powerful wind all around like a storm.

"That's insane …” Tristan shouted amidst the blowing wind, covering his eyes, “Who is she?"

"A mother of unworldly beasts," Kael replied.

"A summoner, huh?" Cedric raised an eyebrow, “not bad, Kael.”

The beast flew upward and then charged down towards the bandits like a falling meteor, brutally slaughtering them with its deadly talons. The bandits screamed, like small ants with their bodies getting sliced in half. Dead bodies rolled down the steep slope, their blood streaming down the mountains like red waterfall.

"Marsevi gir’ad, Ysillean," Ryia said. "Kill them all to your heart's content." The beast screeched loudly in response as it sliced another bandit's body using its long beak.

"Let's keep moving," Kael ordered. They continued riding and picked up their pace through the path, leaving the bandits to their inevitable deaths.

After covering a few more miles, they finally reached the bandit's stronghold, built on top of a tall hill ahead. The walls were built of wood and stone, but not that high compared to the ones in the capital.

A bell rang as the team got close to the iron gates, with two watch towers standing on both sides.

“Stop right there!” said one of the five guards outside the gates, but it didn’t stop the team from trotting forward.

The five bandits cursed and yelled, pulling out their swords to attack the intruders.

"Tristan," Kael called.

The silver-haired young man jumped off his horse. As he landed on the snowy ground, he reached over his back, pulling out his dual swords. Then he lunged, rushing towards the five bandits with his blades drifting on the ground.

Kael studied Tristan’s movements, his lips forming an amused smile. ‘This kid evenly matches any grand knight’s speed and power. But I know he will grow stronger ... and surpass me someday…’ he thought.

It’d taken only less than a minute to send the five bandits on their knees, choking on their blood from their opened throats.

Tristan turned to Kael to watch his reaction. The Divine Knight smiled, then nodded in satisfaction.

"Those gates are strong," Dain said as he swung down his horse. The next he rushed forward, his muscled body made him looked like a charging rhino, about to destroy the irongates. He leaped into the air, his right fist clenched. "But my fists are stronger!"

One powerful punch and the gates broke, easily destroyed as if it’s only a mere wood. After the loud, crashing sound, Kael and the others advanced through the broken gates. Hundreds of bandits awaited for them as they entered the fortress. They lined up in defense, blocking the main road towards their inner base up ahead.

"Annihilate them!" Kael commanded, his voice loud and hard. “Let none of these filthy thieves escape!”

"Gladly." Cedric stood on the back of his horse, holding his lance, then he leaped into the air. He landed and prepared his stance, one hand touching the ground, the other hand holding his spear.

Cedric, Tristan, and Dain advanced, rushing towards the enemies. The bandits gave out their battlecries, raising their swords, and then they charged forward to meet the group. Suddenly they were clashing.

Meanwhile, more thugs came to surround Kael. But then Ryia said she would take care of them, stomping her brown staff against the ground.

"Summoning Caeronvar!"

Another circular portal flashed from the ground with a six-pointed star glowing at the center. The blinding light had forced the bandits to cover their eyes, squinting.

Suddenly, a loud, deep roar thundered from the glowing light. Another beast leaped out of the portal, and landed hard on the ground. It had a lion head, having four muscled legs with wide, eagle wings—an incredibly large beast, with the same height of a six-foot human.

A devilion?’ Kael thought, admiring the demonic form of the beast.

"Feast on their cold flesh, my child! You can have them all!" Ryia shouted to the beast.

The devilion roared loudly, charged, and began slaughtering the bandits. There was nothing they could do but die on the beast's razor teeth and claws. Their swords couldn’t even scratch its rough skin.

In just a manner of seconds, the fort had become a battlefield. Blood spilled and flowed through the ground where countless dead bodies had laid. The scent of blood and death was never new to Kael. It made him remember about the great war eighteen years ago, when the north had fought against the vast demon army. It had been truly gruesome for him to witness countless lives of innocent people dying in front of his eyes. But this time, he hadn’t even felt a single pity for the lives being slain in front of him.

After clearing their path, the team moved on towards the center of the fortress, killing every thug who would stand in their way.

Kael, however, had stayed to guard the gates. "We’ve only seen a few in here," Kael thought, narrowing his dark eyes. "Where are the rest?"

All of a sudden, a spear flew and pierced through Kael's horse, forcing him to jump down to ground. He got on his feet, and then turned around, facing the gatehouse where the spear had come from.

‘Speaking of the devil ... seems like their reinforcements have arrived as expected,’ Kael thought, seeing hundreds of bandits charging through the gate from the outside. The spear had come from the brute man on a horse who, perhaps, was one of their leaders.

"Give me his head!" the brute rider shouted to the bandits, all rushing towards Kael.

"Tonight you will all be punished," Kael said, closing his eyes. “I call upon to open your doors, a quarter of my soul becomes yours …”

Seconds after, a triangular mark glowed brightly at the center of his chest, then Kael slammed his hand against the ground. "Ice Death!"

The ground trembled, causing the bandits to slow down. They glanced around them, wondering what was about to happen. Suddenly, spikes of ice sprouted from the ground, more and more they expanded, impaling every bandit surrounding Kael. Their loud, painful cries followed as all of them, one by one, were pierced by the ice spikes growing from the ground.

"No ..." the rider said, terrified while seeing all of his men getting wiped out. "Who are you—“ He stopped, his eyes widened in horror as he realized that Kael was already behind him.

Kael gave a wide swing of his sword, one-handedly slashing all four legs of the horse. The rider lost balance and hit the ground hard. He lifted his head helplessly, looking at the divine knight who was now walking towards him.

"Wait ... please—"

Kael raised his sword. "I am … the divine punisher.” Then he cut down the rider's neck with no hesitation. Blood spurted out, the filthy head rolling to the ground. That after, Kael turned around and then returned his sword to its scabbard.

The ground became a mountain of corpses, a river of blood. Hundreds of ice spikes surrounding Kael dripped with dark, red liquid. A moment after, his team had returned, Tristan carrying the pole flag of the fortress, while Dain had his grasp on the bandit lord's head.

Kael cast a side grin, satisfied. ‘They pulled it off faster than I expected,’ he thought.

Tristan tore off the dark flag, walked towards the gate, and thrust the end of the pole through the ground.

"Now this should be their flag," Dain said as he placed the bandit lord’s head on top of the pole, piercing its neck through the sharp point. The bloody eyes were still wide open, its long, filthy hair dancing with the night breeze.

"Did anyone escape?" Kael asked, admiring the bloody head.

"Some attempted," Ryia answered. "But they’ve all been eaten by my pets."

“Until now, I’ve never had much fun bashing skulls with my iron fists," Dain said, stretching his muscled arms.

"These minions are weak, Kael. I need some real opponents," Cedric said as he played with his lance.

"Don't worry. We’re already warmed up," Kael turned around, facing the gatehouse ahead. "We're coming for you now … Forgotten Winter."

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