
Chapter 4 "Meeting with the heartless man”

"Oh my god, Who was this daring girl to propose to you ?" Daniel laughed harder, rolling on the couch. Everyone knew Aiden Scott was the man who was feared by many. He had the appearance of a modern king. It has that god-like structure that was intimidating for almost all kinds of women. He has that dominating aura that scared away many women fear to approach him. No one can offend this man except Daniel, his best friend.

However, today was unique. He got proposed by a woman he slept. Daniel already imagined the senior and laughed harder.

On the other hand, Aiden had an annoyed looked on his face. He was regretting even telling this man anything. His mind was filled with all the thoughts of a different way to murder the person infront of him.

Daniel laugh stopped immediately after noticing Aiden murderous expression.

"Alright, I will stop" Daniel gulped before sitting straight on the couch.

"But seriously, you should marry her as compensation. She saved your life. What if you did not meet this girl? That leech would have caught you. It was too dangerous."

Aiden banged his hand on the table. "Those bitch women dare to drug me. I was this close to getting the information," He shouted.

Last night he disguised himself as a worker to get some important information. But his plan fails due to a bar stripper put drugs in his drink to get in his pants. Because of that, something happened in the club, and people around him started to chase him. He would have died yesterday if it wasn't for that girl.

"How did they know your identity? There must be some traitor within us," Daniel asked, thinking intensely.

"Hmmm" Aidan hummed. The drug was too strong. He didn't remember everything after he took that drink.

"Is it possible that the girl gave you that drink on purpose? Maybe it wasn't just a coincidence."

"I have already checked her. She has not connected with him."

"Good, you have to be extra careful now."

There was a knock on the door before Jacob walked inside with some papers in his hand.

"President, these documents needed your signature." Jacob placed the papers on the table and walked toward the exit.

"Wait, Jacob!"Daniel immediately grabbed Jacob and pinned him on the wall. "Tell me, Jacob, who was the girl your boss slept with."

Jacob gulped and looked toward his boss for rescue. "Pre....Preside....nt"

"Eye's here, Jacob, who was the girl. I know you know everything."

" I don't know."

Aidan rolled his eye at them. "Daniel, stop harassing him. Let him go."

Daniel instantly left the panicked man, who rushed out immediately.

"Get lost, Daniel. "

" Come on, Aiden, don't be so boring tell me that women name."

"It seems you are too board, Mr Danile. It is reasonable then to handle all the UK project all by yourself. I am sure it won't keep you, board."

Daniel's eyes widen. "No, no..I already have enough on my plate....I am going by", And he Practically flew out of the office.

"Marry me, take responsibility."

Aiden stopped reading the document. He let out a sign. That woman created little disturbance in his heart. Those words he could still remember her tear-filled eye when she said those words.

Marry her, he can't even date anyone. Being the leader of the top business, he has many enemies around. He can't let anyone be his weakness. It will just bring him down and distract him from his mission. His eye darkens, remembering the incident from the past.

As soon as Danial was out of the office, he signed in relief. He was almost sent to Uk. He straightened his clothes control his expression, and walked toward the lift. Various employees greeted him on his way. Women's shy away from his appearance. He was too handsome for them. He never gave them any attention. His heart was already captured by his beautiful wife, who would beat his ass red if he flirted with any woman.

Danial reached the ground floor and walked toward his wife's office. As he opened the door, he was grabbed by his tie and pushed on the table. Danial holds the table tightly to compose himself. But before he could look into her eyes, he was kissed deeply.

Danial chuckled before he grabbed her head and kissed her passionately. He was hugging her tightly in his arms. After their long kiss, he looked into her eyes and asked in a hoarse voice, “Babe, you have to do this to me now. How can I work after this passionate kiss?”

"Its punishment"

"What did I do to get this cruel punishment?"

"You dare ask me that. As you came back from abroad, you went to your friend. You know I missed you. Tell me who is your wife that Aiden, or me. She shouted at him. "

She turns away from him.

"I am sorry, baby. It was important."

"You say that every time. You will sleep in the guest room tonight."

"What?? You can't do this to me, babe."

"Shut up, get lost" She pushed him out of her office and shut the door on his face.

"You dare shut the door on my face. I am your husband."

"And I am your wife" She shouted from inside. Daniel threw some punches in the air.

"It's all because of that cockblocker"

After composing himself, he looked last time at his wife's office before deciding to walk toward his office.

He was about to enter the lift but stopped when he heard some noise.

Daniel turned around and walked toward the reception, where little employees gather.

A few minutes ago

Crystal stood infront of the tallest building with the giant billboard which said Scott and sons corporation. It took her everything to come here. She gulped before walking inside. The building intimidates wealthiness.

As she entered through the security. She directly went to the reception.

There was a lady with short brown hair. She was wearing a body huge dark blue uniform dress. She has a leather belt on her waist and an id card around her neck. She was doing some work.

"Excuse me" The lady looked at her and smiled.

"Yes, ma'am, how may I help you," She said while doing her work.

"I...I want to meet Aiden Scott."

The reception stopped what she was doing and looked at her with wide eyes, and then she turned toward her colleague who was talking on the phone. She was wearing the same uniform as her, just her hair was blond, and she stopped in the middle of a phone call.

Both of them checked her from top to bottom, and the girl with short hair replied.

"Oh, may I know your name, ma'am"


The short hair lady checked something on her screen and then politely replied. "Maam, we don't have any appointment with that name"

"Oh,, I don't have an appointment. I know him. Please call him and tell him my name. He will know"

"I am very sorry, ma'am. We can't do that no one is allowed in the company without any appointment, not even his family member or friends, so I have to request you to go back."

"But it's necessary. He knows me. Just call him."

"Maam, if you know him, please call him so he can ask us to let you in then."

Crystal felt embarrassed. " I don't have his number, but I am telling the truth he knows me."

"Ma'am, please go back, or we have to call the security."

"You don't know how important is it to meet him. I need to meet him today please just let me go in. I swear I know him."

"Ma'am, we can't do that, and we also can't let you in without an appointment."

"Alright, set an appointment then."

"Maam Boss is not accessible for the next three months. His appointments are booked, and Boss don't meet just anybody. "

Crystal looked around; there was a straightforward way to the lift from the right side of reception. If she could run, she may reach the lift and then she can find his office.

Crystal looked at the two ladies infront of her and turned around to go, but she ran toward the lift. Both the receptionist became alert as they immediately called the security.

Scott group had the best security. Just after the call, two big bulky men appeared infront of Crystal and picked her up like a child. Crystal struggled in the man's arm as they took her out of the company.

Her eyes filled with tears thinking about what would happen later if she failed to meet Aiden. She doesn't want to die.

Just as she was thinking of all this, a deep voice was heard in the company's hallway.

"Stop; what's going on?"

The two security guards stopped and turned around with Crystal in his hands.

"Sir Daniel, this women say wanted to meet President Aiden without an appointment. We stopped her, so she ran away inside. The security guards were on time, or she would have gone into the lift."

Daniel looked at the short woman trapped in the guard's hand. Her tears rolled down on her face as her pleading eye made him walk toward her.

"Leave her immediately first. Is this the way to treat a woman. Apologise immediately." Daniel intimidates, and an angry voice rings in every one ear.

As everyone looked down. The guard immediately places Crystal down and apologise to her.

"Give this miss a water bottle," He said to an employee who immediately went inside and brought a water bottle for her. She hiccup as she drinks the water from the bottle.

Daniel looked at this little woman with an amused eye. She was adorable with her red nose and red cheek.

"Miss, why do you want to meet the president."

Crystal calmed herself down and then spoke.

"Sir, I have really important work with him. It is really important.  If I don't meet president Aiden, his image will be slander soon. I am here to save him."

Daniel was in disbelief. He looked at this daring woman and raised his eyebrow at her words. This tiny woman is going to save that devil. Is she crazy?" But then his mind clicked when he remembered his conversation with Aiden in the morning.

"Are you the girl who slept with Aiden?" He shouted with wide eyes.

Crystal eyes widened as she looked around as people started whispering.

"she is the girl who slept with the boss."

"How can the president sleep with someone like her."

"How dare she seduces the boss."

Daniel immediately shut his mouth, realising what he had done. He has committed a grave sin. That devil will hang him to death.

"Get back to your work, everyone!!" He shouted before holding the crystal's hand and bringing him to the lift.

He bangs his head lightly on the lift door, praying for his life.

"What are you doing, Sir?" Crystal spoke, looking at him confusingly.

"What the hell was he doing?"She thought.

Danila turned around and faced her. His expression immediately turned from gloomy to excited face.

"What your name, cutie?"

Crystal looked at him weirdly but then blushed, looking at how close he was.

"Why was every man related to that legend were so handsome?"

Fanning her face, she made some distance between them.

"I am crystal."

"Oh my god, so beautiful name for the beautiful girl."

"So you are the girl who proposed, Aiden" Crystal blushed again and looked away.

"I guess yes. Don't worry; I am his best friend, Daniel; I will take you to him."

He said, patting his chest.

When they reached the 15th floor, Daniel pulled her out of the lift and dragged her toward the president office.

Crystal noticed Jacob coming out of the room and greeted him. "Hi Jacob," She said.

Jacob's eyes widen, looking at the trouble coming toward his boss door.

Jacob smiled awakdly at her and rushed away. He made a mental note not to go to his boss for an hour.

"You know Jacob too," Daniel asked, surprised.

"Ya, he drives me home in the morning."

Daniel opened the office door and shouted. "Hey, boss see what I brought for you?"

"Daniel, you want to go to Uk, I guess?"

"Oh man, look at your girl" As daniel completed his words, Aidan looked up; his eye widened.

"What the---"

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