

Benard's pov

"Alpha! The trackers are back. They would like to have a word." A Delta said, approaching me as I sparred with a couple pack members on the pack's training ground.

His eyes were cast downwards even as he spoke, and he had a slight tremble in his voice. I gulped the content of a nearby bottle of water, eyeing him.

The training ground was filled up with deltas and pack members alike, male and female. No one was too weak to train in North claw pack. The deltas were the warriors and highly trained ones, responsible for everything that has to do with warfare and training of the other pack wolves.

A lot of training activities were going on as the stench of sweat and andrenaline filled the air.

I finally took slow steps towards the delta before me. My cloak was suddenly wrapped around my shoulders and rings were placed on my fingers. These were the symbol of an Alpha supreme's dominance, think of it like a crown on a king's head. The cloaks were usually made of  fur of large animals, like bears.

" The trackers you say. " I said, standing upright and exuding all the dominance I could.

The delta nodded nervously

" I hope they've brought good news this time." I hissed lowly.

Heading for the exit of the training grounds, towards my office. I was flanked by the delta and two others, wolves bowing their heads in greetings as I sauntered past.

"What about the patrol team? They've been quiet all morning." I asked no one in particular as I headed for the already opened door of the office.

"The beta decided to be on the shift with them. They're probably doing fine, since the beta is around." One of the deltas replied stiffly.

I scrunched up my face in confusion. Mark, my beta didn't tell me he was joining the patrol team. He had paperworks to do.

The deltas behind me must have noticed my apprehension as I halted on my tracks and turned to face them.

" Probably?"

" They are probably doing fine? Are you even sure of that, delta?" I sneered, making all three of them cower.

"The...b..beta.." One stuttered, staring hard at the floor beneath him.

" The beta is no longer with them, dammit!" I growled.

" You would know if you actually tried to confirm it. Aren't you part of the rotation team?" I asked two of them in particular.

I'd mindlinked Mark a while ago to confirm if their words were true. I would be damned if I just go along with whatever they say.

They nodded wordlessly.

" Answer me! " I yelled.

" Yes, Alpha."

" And what is your duty as deltas in the rotation team?"

" To check in with the border patrol and also to give extra assistance incase of a breach." They replied.

" Good. Now, fix your mess." I said, turning abruptly and heading towards my initial destination. I heard them scamper behind me as they hurried to carry out my order.

I was a little taken aback to see the council members and all five alphas of my pack, seated in my office in a heated conversation. The office was big enough to house them all, but it still felt tense...too tense.

A sudden silence fell upon the gathering as they noticed my presence. The aforementioned trackers stood at one corner of the office. They were 4 in numbers.

"Alpha!" Majority of them chorused, baring their neck in acknowledgement. A few elders of the council just stood up, keeping straight faces and stiff forms. Those were the few who haven't fully accepted me as their Alpha supreme. They still think Nolan is alive.

Sitting on a chair reserved for me, I beckoned unto the 4 trackers to spill the beans. They took side glances at each other, wordlessly deciding on who amongst them will take the lead.

My wolf was on edge, and my patience was running out as I tapped my fingers on a wooden desk in front of me.

I arched an eyebrow in anticipation.

One tracker finally stepped forward, holding his head high and puffing out his chest. He bowed his head before beginning.

" Alpha... After weeks of tracking him, we regret to tell you that we lost him. It's like... He vanished." He stated firmly, opening his mouth to continue, before getting interrupted by someone amongst the council.

" Outrageous! Bullshit!!." Elder Steven growled.

" Have you checked the Burning Woods?... Our Alpha loved to run all the way there to have some alone time. It was also where he first found his mate." Another suggested.

Echoes of agreements filled the whole room. A few arguments ensued.

I slammed my hands on the wooden table suddenly, enraged by the open acknowledgement of Nolan, as the "Alpha". The disrespect had my wolf snapping inside me. Can't these useless cunts see that I am a better Alpha than that loser? Isn't a living wolf better than a Dead one?

The room became dead silent again as I stared hard at everyone of them.

" There's a monster lurking in the Burning Woods." A different tracker spoke this time. He had this thick Russian accent, and a lean frame that still looked like he had a lot of strength.

I stared at the tracker with peaked interest. He seemed to take the cue, as he continued.

"A white wolf. Rumor has it that it has no human side and it kills anybody on sight. It has taken up a fortress in the Burning Woods." He said.

" Rouge wolves can only lurk around the border. A few who were bold enough to enter into the place, never came out......alive."

" Wait a minute. How many of you went on this mission?" I asked, trying hard to piece things together.

" We were 13, Alpha. We lost 9 wolves when we crossed paths with it...the rest of us barely escaped with our lives as rouges chased us all the way to our pack borders."

I wasn't the only one shocked by the news. Majority of the wolves in this room literally wore surprised looks on their faces.

Any wolf that can single-handedly do all that damage, was no ordinary wolf. The fact that it is a white wolf is also very disturbing, because those breeds are supposed to be extinct. They were vicious and very blood thirsty... freaking strong, and often killed  for sport.

White wolves were the exact opposite of how they looked. They have no assigned hierarchy in a pack and can take on just about anyone. Hell! I wouldn't want to go against one.

According to legends, they used to be the sole protector of the werewolves from the other supernaturals. Having a great deal of immunity against wolfsbane and silver, they were almost unstoppable.... almost.

Still not some chance any sane wolf will be willing to take.

" If Nolan wandered into the Burning this territorial White wolf, then..." One of my alphas, Steven, spoke up for the first time.

" Dammit! Aren't you suppose to tell us this first?" I pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance.

" I'm sorry Alpha... We also found this in the burning woods. It had a mix of his scent there, fading, but still there." The Russian tracker spoke again, placing a folded piece of clothing before me.

I reached for it, seeing that it was truly one of Nolan's sweatpants. It was badly torn in alot of places and it smelt more like blood than him. Maybe those thick headed council members will get it now.

" The white wolf must have gotten to him first. He must've deliberately let her kill him." I said, my eyes closed as I sniffed the sweatpants.

"Her? ...the white wolf is a female?" Alpha Ryan blurted out this time.

" According to legends, white wolves that were males are very rare. Most, if not all of the white wolves to ever exist are females...still incapable of shifting to a human forms, and making them more feral."

Silence once again, washed over the whole room. This information was surely alot to take in.

" Now that we've established that Nolan is dead, let's focus on building the strength of our pack. Humans are gaining on us everyday, wiping out a lot of packs in the south. It's only a matter of time before they get to us." Elder Moriah spoke up. She was one of the oldest she-wolves in our pack, and certainly one of the wisest too.

I sighed in agreement to what she had just said. Attacks from human hunters have been getting too close to home lately. Wolves from neighboring packs have been going missing.

" Reports says they've been taking only deltas. They have very lethal weapons too, and they're highly trained." Alpha Peter spoke up, seeming to have gathered a lot of information about the hunters in question. Good.

" Beta Mark told me this morning of an approaching disturbance, Eastside of the pack borders. He took some deltas with him to check it out." I said, running my hands through my hair.

"He could be walking right into a trap!" Elder Moriah screeched.

" You think I didn't consider that? He told me they just wanted to check things out, and would call for backup if need be." I fired back, frustrated with the turn out of events.

I could just mindlink him, but mindlinks only work within pack borders. Only high ranking wolves like Alphas, Lunas and Betas are capable of mind linking. We could communicate to any other lower ranking wolves and elders, and they'll be able to respond. Even elders in the council cannot initiate a mindlink. Generally, wolves In a pack are all connected with a special bond. We could all feel each other's life force, and we all feel it when a pack member dies.

" Alpha Bernard. I think we need to consult with the neighboring packs. To ask for more information on these human Intruders. We should get rid of them first." Another elder spoke up, making try to remember his name.

"Oh! That wouldn't be necessary, Elder Dmitri." Alpha Peter spoke again, wearing a smug smirk. Oh! So that was his name.

My attention was drawn to Alpha Peter, who was looking like he had won a fucking lottery. The smartest of the other alphas in our pack, and one of the few who decided not to challenge me for my title.

" The Cut, as we all know them have recently destroyed a witch coven nearby." He spoke, an aura of seriousness and authority engulfing him.

Murmurs and low pitched arguments echoed throughout the room. I raised my ringed fingers, an annoyed look on my face. Everywhere went quiet.

" My sources have discovered that they have established a base somewhere here in the northern forest. Naturally, they'd have their sight set on us since we are the biggest pack in the north. But they've been attacking other species, and keeping a low profile.... almost like they're hiding from us."

A lot weren't adding up. "The Cut" have been a blood thirsty army of supernatural hunting mercenaries. They were never afraid to attack, and they've never been known to hide. Something was definitely not right.

" So far, only 3 deltas have been reported missing from neighboring packs. I suggest we infiltrate their base, find out what they're up to." Alpha Ryan spoke this time, rising from his seat.

"Think about how dangerous that would be. That's pure recklessness. We would be dancing to their tune if we do that." Elder Dmitri complains.

"Actually, I have a better idea. We need to do something that they won't see coming." I suddenly spoke up.

" What do you propose, Alpha?" Someone asked, making me smirk subtly.

"Pedro Sanchez, is it?" I mused, crossing my legs and assuming a more relaxing position on my seat.

" Let's see how it feels for him to be burnt by the fire he started." I continued.

" We're paying our human friends a visit, aren't we?" Alpha Peter asked with a mischievous grin.

" Fuck yeah! And we're bringing back hostages too." I chuckled darkly. Everyone was in agreement.

" Prepare the deltas. Let's go on a trip to Nevada."

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