

Abigail's POV

18+ scene ahead... Reader's discretion.

My breathing was ragged as I dragged my little sister farther away from that monster. It looked like a very large dog...or wolf?

Maria, my little sister was slowing down, making me put in more effort in trying to not get us mauled to death.

My eyes were teary and breathing became more labored. Maria was sobbing and calling silently for our mother. Her hands were subconsciously fiddling with the rosary hanging over her neck. I won't let that monster lay a hand on my sister...ever.

We were currently in the middle of the woods, running through a maze-like path, constantly meeting dead ends and changing routes hopelessly. The only light guiding us was that of the moon, we weren't even properly clothed for such a bitter experience.

" I c... can't...go .. further..p.. please Abby." Maria muttered, in between breaths.

I was already starting to shake my head furiously, dragging my sister from the muddy ground where she lay in exhaustion.

" Maria, we need to find mum and dad quickly. They'd be looking for us...they'll save us. Please buttercup." I whisper-yelled nervously, trying to support her weight over my shoulders.

She was asthmatic, and couldn't take much running. My sister was blacking out and we were still so far from being helped. Her breathing was so faint and terrifyingly slow. I had to act fast.

Putting my 5 year old sister on my back, I started running as fast as my weary legs could take me. Her grip on me was loosening gradually as her head keep falling to one side.

" sss...lowwing you down, Abby." She says, barely above a whisper.

" Ssh.. save your strength. Stay with me buttercup." I pleaded.

She chuckled.

" I like...t.. that n..ame."

I didn't reply, I was met with another dead end. Contemplating scaling the walls of this annoying maze, I decided against it, making a turn... again.

A howl suddenly echoed in the distance, making my heart skip a beat. Maria's eyes widened in fear and her grip tightened around me. They're getting closer.

I quickened my pace, ignoring the pains in my back and legs.

" Put me d..down. I can run now." Maria suddenly said, seeming to have caught her breathe.

I obliged and we immediately started running towards a cliff side. Maybe we'd find a way to jump down and escape those things.

A huge black wolf suddenly appeared in front of us, halting us in our track. It was about the size of a car, it's eyes were red with a malicious glare. It bared it's fangs at us, making us backup slowly, Maria holding unto me instinctively.

Another one suddenly appeared from behind us. This was the one that we escaped earlier. It has found us, Growling and also baring it's teeth.

I tried my possible best to hide my little sister from their view, as they slowly stalked towards us. An idea struck me.. not the smartest, but it could at least save my sister.

" Sssh.. buttercup. Don't cry. Big sister has a plan." I said, not looking at her, as I looked between the two wolves.

If we could just get to the cliff before us, there's a small lake just below it.

I'll distract the wolf in front of us so Maria can jump.

I looked at my little sister, who was looking up at me with tear filled eyes. Eyes identical to my brown ones, that also held a twinge of hope in them.

Nodding my head subtly, she tensed up, slightly releasing me from her grip. A look of determination on her face.

" Now... Go!" I yelled, breaking out into a sprint towards the surprised wolf in front of us. It was probably wondering what kind of crazy dinner I was.... good.

At least, it's attention was on me.

My sister followed closely behind me, heading right for the cliff.

My little fist collided with the furry, wolfy face with a painful force that had me wincing. I think I'd broken a few knuckles.

I started running towards the cliff too at my best speed. The wolf seemed to immediately snap out of it's reverie, growling and giving us a Chase.

Suddenly, strong jaws were clasped around my right arm, making me yell in pain. My bones crushed under the pressure of the bite. I thrashed and wailed, trying to break free.

I was roughly thrown over the cliff in annoyance. Grunts of pain escaped my lips as I fell into the lake, my right arm laying limp by my side.

I gasped when I heard screams above me. Maria!

She didn't make it.

My body sunk into the lake with a loud splash, making me struggle for breathe. I tried to swim up, but something kept tugging me back... again and again. Something cold was wrapped around my feet.

I looked down to see a tiny hand grabbing my feet. Maria's lifeless eyes stared blankly at me, making my eyes widen in horror.

The corpse kept dragging my feet deeper and deeper into the lake, cutting of my oxygen supply. One of my arm was immobile, so I couldn't do much....

She's long dead. Maria is long dead. How is she here.

I gasped for air frantically, as I rose from the bath tub. I had almost drowned myself in it, as I must have fallen asleep after having my bath.

Another one of those fucking, creepy nightmares.

Maria is dead, and I couldn't do anything to save her. I left my little sister to die like some pathetic prey.

Angry tears threatened to spill from my eyes, making me blink furiously. I don't cry! I never fucking cry!!!

Damn my parents! To hell with those monsters I call a family. If they'd cared enough, maybe Maria would still be alive...just maybe.

My hands fiddled with a rosary. An object that I've found myself very attached to. Maria's rosary.

I sighed, stepping out of the bathtub and drying myself with a nearby towel.

Someone was banging on my door like a bitch. Uurgh!! These people never let me be.

" Yo! Abigail. If you don't open this damn door, I'm gonna break in."

I rolled my eyes at the familiar voice. It was Drake, one of my personal trainers since I was 15, after I lost my arm.

" I don't care if you are not decent. Nothing there that I haven't seen anyways." He continued, like an idiot that he is.

Guess you can call him my fuck buddy too. What?! He's pretty good at it if you ask me...can't blame a girl for using the right tools.

" At the count of three.... 3"

I wrapped my long blonde hair in a towel, not bothering to wrap one around my very naked body. I sauntered out of my bathroom, after drying my body a bit.


I smirked at the childish antics, unwrapping the waterproof cover I had on my bionic, metal arm. I don't like it when water gets into it, even if it still functions.

Walking to the door of my room, I rested an arm on the door frame and one on my hips in anticipation.

" And....3"

The door clicks open as Drake barges in... very rudely, if I may add. He didn't see my leg, positioned before him as he tripped and fell with his face to the floor.

A groan escaped his lips as he rolled over, laying on his back. I let out a low chuckle in amusement, looking down at him.

"Well hello there, unclad female." He said, rolling his eyes at my unabashedly nude state. I was now standing directly over him, giving him a good view. It has been a long time since I got laid, I wouldn't mind a quickie right here and now.

Drake seemed to know what was going through my mind, as he just lay quietly beneath me, his heated gazed directly on my nether regions. Oh he was in for it alright!

With that thought in mind, I lifted him off the ground, throwing him unto the nearby bed. The idiot was smiling smugly the whole time, letting me manhandle him. His eyes were roaming all over my body without shame. Not that I'm complaining, I've been in need of an outlet for all my bottled up emotions...need to feel something else, something different.

I was above Drake again in a flash, as I helped him take off his damn shirt. Sitting on his ever hardening bulge and facing him, I let my hands roam his broad chest as he assaulted my neck with kisses.

I grabbed a handful of his hair in my hand as I shoved his face to my breasts, giving him access to my already hardened nipples. He cupped, squeezed and sucked them almost immediately, making me bite back a moan.

I could feel a pool of wetness in my privates, as I grind myself against his bulge. I needed more.

He slid a finger into me suddenly, making me gasp in surprise. He smirked wickedly, sliding another one and thrusting into me in a slow and sickening sweet pace. My mind was in a haze.

I suddenly ripped his pants off him in a flash, getting impatient with whatever foreplay we were doing.

Eyeing his hard erection, I smirked....this will just do. My body was buzzing with renewed excitement as I crawled closer to him. He lay with an unbothered look on his face, arms crossed behind his head and his erection twitching from being so hard. An idea suddenly crossed my mind.

I let my tongue graze over his tip playfully, making him react instantly.

" Fuck..... Abigail!" He groaned, looking at my lips as I licked them with my tongue. He had his hands gripping his hair in euphoria. Good.

Taking my time, I slowly mounted myself on his manhood, holding his impatient body down in place. This was my moment, I wanted to have control of at least one thing in my life.

He got the memo as he hesitantly relaxed, allowing me to continue my teasing and sweet torture. I grind myself against his tip, making his body jerk up immediately. I moaned in delight.

Suddenly I sank him completely inside me, loving the feeling of his hardness and how it fills me up. I was already dripping wet and found it easy to ride his length very slowly. I wished the moment of pleasure would never go away.

Excitement was spreading over my entire body from my nether regions and I was a sweet mess.

Drake wasn't any better. He had his hands tightly gripping my hips as I thrust him into myself in a straddling position. He was at my mercy.

" Please... Abigail.. please!" He pleaded with me from where he lay helplessly beneath me. I raised my eyebrow in question as I sat still with his length inside me.

He groaned, understanding my unspoken question.

" Please let me take you. Let me also ravage you right now."

My insides were on fire with those words, and I nodded subtly.

Almost immediately, Drake turned us over. He was now above me, thrusting himself inside me with a very hungry, Savage pace. I gasped, grabbing a handful of the sheets.

I decided, after a few more thrusts that I wanted my control back, not liking the idea of him being above me. Immediately, I turned us over to our initial position. Except this time, I was grinding against him with an erotic and sensational force. I was riding his length hard and fast and we were both a messy sight.

Pressure was building inside me with every thrust as I was nearing my euphoric edge. I thrust harder, letting out low moans. Drake also kept jerking himself up slightly with each thrust, making me come closer to coming undone.

" Fuck! Im about to..." He started, but I covered his mouth, cutting him off. I knew what he wanted to say...I wanted it.

Suddenly I felt his hot release inside me as his breathing became ragged and his eyes dramatically rolled over to the back of his head. I kept thrusting him inside me until I also came shortly.

Waves of pleasure washing over me as I sighed in bliss, falling down on the bed beside Drake. My desires were sated...for now.

I needed to take a shower and get a good night sleep. I'm gonna skip dinner tonight.

" That was.... Mind blowing, Abigail!" Drake suddenly said, making me raise my head to look at his smiling face and very flaccid... You know what.

I started to stand up from the bed and head towards the bathroom when I heard a knock on my door. We both froze, knowing people don't usually come knocking on my door.

" Shit! I forgot to tell you." Drake suddenly got up from the bed, hurriedly putting on his pants. I was perplexed.

" Your parents sent me here to get you. They wanted to discuss an important matter with you over dinner." He suddenly blurted out, buttoning up his shirt roughly.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance, like I said before... Idiot. I continued my way towards the bathroom.

The voice I heard next stopped me in my tracks.

"Abby honey! Open up the door for momma. I know you are in there." My mom called out from outside in a sickeningly sweet voice. A voice she had purposely used to agitate me on many occasions. She also called me a name she knew I hated being called.

I clenched my teeth in rage as I glared at the door. She knows. They all know.

Hey guys😉.. extra long chapter here. I'm so glad to have another update.

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