
Queen of the Rogues
Queen of the Rogues
Penulis: Berlinwrites

Chapter 1

Scarlett cried out as the whip hit her back and the pain came off her body in waves. She writhed and whined to her father. She bit her lip to stop herself from making a sound, but it was too late. She was already heard by her father.

"What was that?" 

"Nothing father," she let out.

Scarlett's heart broke into two as soon as she heard him, she had no idea why he was whipping her. She only spilled just little hot water as she tried to serve his tea. She apologized over and over again but he decided to take it out on her in front of the whole pack.

"From the top," he said, as he cracked his whip.

Her mother stayed on the side screaming for her father to have mercy, but all that fell on deaf ears as Marco, her father struck harder.

"Ahh! Father please!"Scarlet cried as she fell to her knees from the pain but he did not stop. She glanced to her side and the face she saw was not the face of her father. In his place was the monster she had come to know.

Her back feels like it had been torn open, she could feel every rip the whip left behind as it marred her skin.

Her father had haunted and taunted her ever since she turned sixteen. He was angry when her wolf didn't surface and that cemented his hatred for her as time flew by.

Scarlett could hear someone whimpering and it took her minutes to realize that the whimper was coming from her.

"Shut up, mutt, "her father yelled.

Tears leaked from Scarlett's eyes as she lay flat on the ground, shaking on all sides as her father's whip once again descended harshly on her skin.

"Marco, please!"Her mother, Silver cried out as the guards held onto her by her father's orders. Scarlett counted the number of times the whip hit her skin. The guards and pack members were gathered to watch their Alpha teach his daughter a lesson.

Scarlett wondered what she would see in the mind of the pack's members if she could read them. All she remembered before being dragged to the pack grounds was serving her father coffee since her mother was busy in the pack hospital.

She handed her father the coffee and when she was asked who prepared it, she spoke up immediately in fear of having her mother beaten.

The look on her father's face scared her that instant, and He ordered the guards to drag her outside as he thought of the most suitable punishment for her.

"Not a sound," the Alpha barked at everyone before he pointed to his daughter lying on the floor "This is what happens when you disobey your Alpha."I am sorry, father, "Scarlett whimpered.

Her father's gaze turned sharp as he looked down at her. She seemed to realize her mistake as she corrected herself at once. With her head bent, she submitted to her father. 

"I am sorry, father. It won't happen again," She said through her tears.

"What did you say?"Her father asked, cupping his ear in an attempt to mock her. He let out a laugh urging his guards to do the same. Almost reluctantly, the guards let out a laugh as their Alpha asked.

"Marco, please! You are hurting her!"Silver, Scarlett's mother, cried out to her husband as she glanced at her naked, shivering daughter.

However, all her pleas fell on dead ears as the mad Alpha delivered blow upon blow on Scarlett's body.

She lay still on the ground, her battered body bared for the pack to see.

"No! She needs to be taught a lesson."The Alpha said to his wife.

"She has learned her lesson, please let her go." 

The Alpha gazed down at the helpless girl, the one he once saw as his heir yet he has never acknowledged it. He seemed to realize the pain the girl was in as she let out little whimpers between her tears.

"Get up!" Marco yelled at his daughter.

"What are you waiting for, girl? I said get up!"The Alpha yelled again.

Scarlett weighed her options, it was either to play dead or allow her father to make a mockery of her.

The Alpha moved quickly for another flogging when Silver held onto him.

"Please stop, you have done enough." Luna Silver pleaded lowly.

"Very well."He said before he dropped the whip. Without another word, he walked in the direction of his office.

Silver bent quickly to tend to her daughter. She let out soft cries as she cradled her daughter's naked body to her bosom.

"I am so sorry, look what he did to you."She whined.

Scarlett looked at her mother with her swollen eyes as she cried. Her heart broke into a million pieces at the monster her father had become.

"Why are you standing there? Help me carry her to the infirmary." Luna Silver yelled at the guards.

"I...I am f...fine, mother."Scarlett said through gritted teeth.

"Hush child!"Her mother scolded her, mumbling something about her needing her strength but Scarlett didn't want to listen.

Where was her wolf when you needed one?

Scarlett walked down the hallways of her pack, the glares directed at her made her shiver. They hated her per her father's orders. She passed by two girls who were whispering or trying to whisper.

"Did you hear?"


"I heard she was humiliated like that because he found out she was adopted."

"Really? No wonder she is yet to get her wolf."

"I wonder who the Alpha will appoint to be his successor, he can't choose her. She is weak."One spat, making eye contact with her just as she passed.

The girls giggled as soon as they saw Scarlett, they didn't hide the fact they were talking about her, and that made Scarlett irk. She wanted to punch them, but she knew it would attract nothing but more punishment from her father.

Scarlett spent two weeks in the pack's hospital, her recovery was slow because her wolf was not there to help her. She desperately wished she died that day, the humiliation was much. 

The pack members giggled whenever she passed, she lost her respect as well as her dignity that day. It was unbearable and such a terrible experience. She decided not to let it get to her. Her mother encouraged her to bear it as it was her father's way of training her to be a better leader of their people.

She didn't want to believe it seeing as he has been training her before and had never been vile towards her. But she believed her mother and hoped for the best for her father.

She had a role to play, and sooner or later, she was going to take over the Alpha position once her father retired. She avoided him during her recovery as she didn't want to slip up and risk the chance of losing a limb this time.

It was a miracle she survived, the doctors told her so. Without her wolf helping her, the healing process was so slow that they almost lost her.

She buried the information alongside her anger as she passed a smile on her face to get through the day. She was already working on a plan to take care of her father.

A real smile graced her face as she imagined herself standing over her father's body, hearing him plead for his life just like she did. Remembering where she was, she schooled her expression to be blank and miserable just like she felt.


"Weak," she heard them whisper.

"Useless," one spat at her feet.

"She is so unfit, such a sissy."They mocked her.

She heard the names they called her as she passed but said nothing, her chest tightened further from anger as she swallowed their insults. Her eyes were welled with tears that refused to fall.

One day, just one day. She vowed to herself.

Meanwhile, at the pack house. The Alpha and Luna argued their voice echoing around the walls of the Alpha's office.

"You can't tell me how to raise my child, "The Alpha yelled at his wife.

"Don't raise your voice at me, Marco, you were punishing her, "Luna Silver argued.

"I was not punishing her, "He muttered.

Luna Silver stared at her husband, the same man who adored his little girl suddenly changed into a man she couldn't recognize.

"Tell that to a fool. You can't even admit it, can you?"She snapped.

"Admit what?"

"That your attitude has changed towards our baby girl." 

The Alpha rolled his eyes, he had no idea what she was talking about. There was nothing to admit especially not to her face.

"I don't know what you expect from me, "The Alpha shrugged.

"Don't play dumb with me. You are mistreating her because of the prophecy. Are you that obsessed with power?"She yelled at him, looking him straight in the eye.

The Alpha's wolf felt her glare and took it as a challenge. He wrapped his hand around her throat to make her submit, sending out his dominance in harsh waves as it surrounded the room.

"I am warning you," he said in a low tone.

"You are hurting me," she tapped his hand to release her throat but he didn't let up. His wolf saw her defiance as a challenge and demanded submission. His dominance suffocated her as he let out more waves of power to show who was in charge.

He gripped her neck tighter as she whimpered from the pain. She bent, showing her neck as an act of submission.

"Marco," she pleaded to his human side but all that got her was a warning growl. 

"A...alpha" she struggled to let out.

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