
Prime Omega {Rising Into Power}
Prime Omega {Rising Into Power}
Author: Alice Myra

Chapter 1

    Chapter One: Agony

"Thirsty and hungry," are the words I repeat everyday. In my lifetime, I have only known pain and anguish. The loneliness gets even more intense as the days pass by. I suffer in silence, and cry out but nobody listens to me. They all seem to hate me. I have never known love. I hear the word called 'love' and I have seen others show it to each another, but nobody ever exhibits love towards me.

There are days when I've felt like taking away my mortality and leaving this harsh world, but I resisted the urge to do it. The only thing that kept me going was my plan to escape the pack one day and go far away, to a place where I would never be found. There I will start a new life and know peace. Everyday, I hoped a helper would come. Days felt like months, and months felt like years. The torture felt so long that I was astonished at the fact that I still had life in me.

My name is Laura Monroe, and I am the only omega in a pack of betas. They see me as an abomination because they found out I could shapeshift. They considered sending me out of their pack to join the rogues, but decided to keep me when a beta made me his slave. I served his three sons and they treated me in a more demeaning manner than the rest of the pack. I was always beaten and bruised, even for the slightest error.

The pack does not allow me to eat with them. I was given a small shed under a tree directly in front of the pack's territory. That is where I lived. I was always exposed to dangers of the night but the pack did not care.

My pack was called the Luna pack, and Luna meant the moon goddess. The pack was named after the goddess of the moon. It's territory was deep in the woods of a small town called Margery, named after the founder. The territory was marked by small trees which had the Luna insignia carved on them. The trees surrounded the entire territory so when a member of an opposing pack saw it, they would know that it's the Luna pack and they should not trespass.

I have never been treated with kindness. After the pack found out I was a shapeshifter, I worked as a slave everyday. One day, I was instructed by one of my beta's sons to bring a bottle of wine and serve him in front of their shed. His name was Henry. He was in a discussion with a friend of his within the pack. I gently walked towards them while holding the wine bottle and two glass cups. As I walked, my hands were shaking because I was always terrified of them. Suddenly, I tripped and one of the glass cups fell to the ground".

As soon as that happened, I looked at Henry. His furious gaze sent shivers down my spine. I began to shiver as I yelled 'sorry' more times than I could count. I could feel my heart beating very fast as though it wanted to explode in my chest. I bent down as I shivered in fear and tried to pick the broken pieces of the glass cup. My hands shivered as I began sweating and panting intensely. Suddenly, while still picking up broken pieces of the glass cup, I felt a shadow over me. I looked up and it was Henry. As soon as we locked gaze, he slapped me in the face and kicked me to the ground. I groaned in pain and began weeping, but he didn't stop. He came over me again, and kicked me multiple times in the stomach. I coughed and cried but he repeated the action multiple times and soon began shouting; "bastard! You Omega bitch. How dare you?! That was an expensive glass cup you whore."

Henry kept calling me derogatory names while standing above me. I held my stomach and groaned in pain while I cried. It was the most intense beating I had ever gotten. His friend simply stared at me with no compassion in his eyes. As I wept, I wondered why he would hate me so much that he wouldn't even stop Henry from inflicting such pain on me. This was my hell, and I was getting tired of living in it.

After beating me, he picked up the bottle of wine and the other glass cup from the floor then went back to proceed discussing with his friend".

They discussed and laughed with each other, ignoring my presence. I rolled on the floor repeatedly. I groaned aloud in pain as I wept. Some other members of the pack passed by and utterly ignored me".

After a long session of struggling to get up, I finally found the strength to lift myself off the ground. At that time, Henry and his friend had left the scene, totally snubbing my existence.

I struggled to walk back to my shed. Different members of my pack stared at me as I groaned in pain but did nothing. I had to tend to my wounds by myself. It was almost nightfall. After tending to my wounds, I slept, whilst having both hands wrapped around my stomach. I groaned in pain till I fell into a deep slumber. When I woke up, I kept feeling the pain and had to endure it throughout the day as I laboured once again.

I developed a pale looking body because of the harsh treatment I got from the rest of the pack. I had blonde hair, was average in height and light in complexion. I had no idea if I was physically attractive because such words were strange to me. I couldn't think of such things because I was always too busy struggling to survive everyday. However, there was a time when a member of the pack told me I was beautiful and that I should use my beautiful face and figure to seduce my beta so he could like me.

I always felt famished. There were days when my beta would starve me and not state any reason why he did it. They relished in my torture.

One day, while I was sweeping the floor at the front of my alpha's room, I heard him speaking with my beta, Mark. I sneaked to the door and began eavesdropping on their conversation.

I was able to gather some details about my abilities. Apparently, I was stronger and faster than the average wolf. That was what my alpha told my beta. He also told him to make sure he was careful with me and that if I tapped into my full powers, I could rip apart everyone in the pack.

All my life, I had only known myself to be an abomination. Shapeshifters were deeply hated in my pack. I had no knowledge that being a shapeshifter had it's perks. That night, as I lay down under my shed, I pondered so many thoughts about what I had just discovered. I had no idea I could be as powerful as my alpha described. It gave me a feeling of hope. I loathed everyone in my pack and I finally felt like this was a way I could gain my freedom.

Later that night, I began training my body and mind. I looked deep within myself as I began to search for my inner wolf. That was my way out. That was my escape.

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