
Chapter 3: Welcome To Hell


The van came to a jolting halt, tires crunching on gravel. As the doors were wrenched open, I blinked against the sudden brightness, taking in my new surroundings. I was at the heart of the Night Walker's pack grounds - a sprawling, heavily fortified complex. 

While it appeared modern and almost civilized, there was an undeniable sinister edge to the entire place. Heavy gates and high concrete walls topped with curled barbed wire surrounded the compound. Guards with guns and fangs patrolled constantly. Everywhere I looked, the Night Walker's symbol was on proud display - a menacing black wolf with blood-red eyes.

As I was forcibly dragged out of the van, raucous jeers and taunts rose up from the crowds of Night Walkers milling about. I kept my head high, refusing to show any weakness, but inside I was trembling. I was deep in enemy territory now, completely at their mercy.

The guards hauled me straight to a administrative building and into a sterile white room. A bored-looking female Night Walker in a lab coat waited there, holding an ominous metal collar and a scanning device.

"Welcome to your new home," she droned in a flat, affectless voice. "You belong to the pack now. Hold still for identification." 

Before I could react, she clamped the cold metal slave collar around my neck. I heard it click and beep as it synced to the network that would now track my every move. The reality of my situation came crashing down - I was a prisoner, a slave. My lip curled in a silent snarl of defiance.

"Name?" She asked not bothering to meet my gaze. Holding my chin up, I answered with as much defiance I could muster.

"Natalia, daughter of Alpha Alec of the Wild Crest pack."

The technician scoffed, running her scanner over my body, paying particular attention to my torso and abdomen. When it beeped, she glanced at the screen then nodded, as if confirming something. 

"Untouched. A virgin," she announced to the guards. "I see. Have her transported to the lower residence. She'll start in basic domestic service and menial labor."

I bristled at her clinical label and dismissal of me as a lowly servant. But I kept quiet for now, knowing I had to learn what I could about this place. The guards escorted me back outside and across the compound, giving me a chance to study the layout. 

We passed through a bustling central plaza surrounded by various buildings - barracks, training grounds, an armory, even a schoolhouse, though "indoctrination center" seemed more accurate. The scope of it all was unnerving. The Night Walkers were far more organized and established here than I had realized. 

Eventually we reached a block of dreary gray bunkhouses encircled by yet another fence - the slave quarters. Inside was cramped and noisy, with wolf after wolf crammed onto wooden bunks in crowded rooms. Their Watchers, the guards assigned to each unit, eyed me as I was led past.

I was taken to the women's wing and handed off to a stern older female Night Walker named Agatha. Her sharp gaze took me in from head to toe.

"The new arrival, I see. Fresh meat," she remarked. "You'll be starting on kitchen and sanitation duty. Up before dawn, work until you drop. No slacking or you'll regret it." She rattled my slave collar for emphasis, then pointed to an empty bunk. "Sleep there. Training starts tomorrow."

I shuddered as I sat on the lumpy mattress, the reality of my new existence sinking in further. I was considered the lowest of the low here - inexperienced and useless. They would work me like a dog until I proved otherwise.

The other slaves kept their distance, likely warned away until I learned the rules here. Resting my head in my hands, I struggled to rein in my churning emotions. I could not afford to break down or lash out, not when I was so outnumbered. But neither would I roll over in passive acceptance. There had to be some way I could turn this situation to my advantage. Some way I could survive long enough to gain my revenge.

The next days were grueling. Days began hours before the sun rose and did not end until it had long since set again. I was put on every demeaning chore imaginable - scrubbing floors, hauling trash, washing mountains of dishes. The work was designed to be exhausting, mind-numbing, spirit-breaking. 

The Watchers kept us all under constant surveillance, quick with their fists or electric prods if our pace lagged. Meals were bland gruel, just enough to fuel the body but hardly satisfying. The message was clear - I was worthless in their eyes, undeserving of any basic comforts.

At night I collapsed into my bunk, muscles aching down to the bone. Sleep brought fleeting escape, but also vivid nightmares of the attack that had destroyed my old life. I often woke in a cold sweat, stifling sobs to avoid disturbing others.

The only thing keeping me going was the rumor mill among the slaves. In hushed, furtive whispers exchanged while the Watchers weren't looking, I learned more of this place and its leaders.

The Night Walker pack was run by a set of particularly brutal triplet Alphas - Leo, Luke, and Damien. They kept the entire pack under their thumb by fear and violence, ruthlessly crushing any hint of dissent. Public executions were common.

But they also had a taste for pleasure and luxury, sequestering the most beautiful and skilled slaves in an exclusive harem to cater to their every twisted whim. Only those who pleased them greatly earned the "privilege" of being taken to their beds.

A bitter taste filled my mouth whenever I heard the harem mentioned. The thought of willingly going to those monsters, letting them use me for their gratification, turned my stomach. Even if it meant a life of luxury instead of grueling labor, I would never sink so low. I still had my pride.

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