
Chapter 1

Six months ago in Canada.

"I can’t believe this; after all my hard work, I still end up here," Grace Bush mutters to herself. Working at the local publishing company in her hometown has been hell, not just physically but mentally. She had applied at Davi Publishing Firm, a big company in New York, but ended up at O.S Publishing Industry in this local town, not even at the headquarters. "OMG! Was I cursed? Am I going to die here, aren’t I? This can’t be all there is to me," she grunted loudly, gaining the attention of the front desk clerk.

“Are you alright, Grace? You are sighing out loud,” Edna asked, sounding worried.

“It’s Miss Bush to you, and yeah, I'm okay,” Grace replied, her frustration evident.

“You don’t sound so.”

“Yeah, well, that’s because you're in my face, Edna; why don’t you go do your work and leave me the hell alone, huh?” Grace snapped. She was being rude, but she didn't care; the challenges in her life were already enough.

“Fine, suit yourself.”

“Great, thanks. Now I feel more [miserable] than ever,” Grace signed even louder than before. What happened to her? She wasn’t always this rude and self-centered. “Well, Grace Bush,” she said to herself, “after everything you have been through, you’re lucky that your manners are the only thing you lost, not your sanity or even your life.” She looked more hopeless than she did when she first started out.

“I need air, or else I'm going to suffocate here,” she said as she strolled to the counter for a cup of black tea and decided to go to the office balcony. “God, I miss my life, my family, my dream, and every damn thing that incident took from me. I wasn’t always this miserable; I had a perfect life, a perfect family, and a perfect dream,” she sighed. “Everything was perfect until that incident eight years ago.

Eight years ago...

She had a lovely family, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Bush; her parents were angels in disguise, the best she could ever ask for. Her mother, Mary Bush, was a wonderful woman, working as an English professor at a state university, and her lovely father, Adam Bush, worked as a publisher and owned a publishing film in Canada. It was not big or popular like other publishing films, but it was the most sought-after.

Many big firms were interested in Dad’s company because of its honesty, loyalty, and publishing style. She was her dad’s biggest fan, wanting to be like him, working with honesty not just to make fame or wealth but to contribute to society.

Her parents were happy when she informed them of her decision to be a journalist and work with her father in his film. Plans were laid out, and she decided to go to New York City to study, acquiring more knowledge to assist him. Her father agreed and promised to help her with reliable study material since he was once a journalist. Everything was going great, and barely two months had passed since she made the biggest decision of her life.

Before she knew it, college was over, and thanks to her father’s connections, they were given a one-day invitation to a university in New York to check it out. Both Mom and Dad decided to come with her. The day came for them to go check it out, and just like any other day, it was sunny and beautiful. Like any other teenager on her first journey to adulthood, she was excited. Mom allowed her to ride a shotgun with Dad.

She was over the moon, fantasizing about how it would be, the cute guys she would meet at the university, and even the apartment where she would be staying. Everything was arranged because she told Dad that she didn’t want to stay in the school hostel, and to her surprise, he agreed.

Yet again, she knew she was spoiled, but truth be told, despite having the privilege of living like a princess, her parents never raised her badly. They taught her the value of life, to be respectful and obedient, and to always believe in herself.

Crazy, right? Rich, beautiful, and respectful—those qualities never added up, but her case was totally different. Living such an amazing life, she felt fulfilled, and just when she thought her life couldn’t get any better, things turned sideways.

Hell became her new home!!!' 

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