
Chapter 4

“MADAM, the Sir wants to know if you are done,” Rose asked behind the bathroom’s closed door. “He is waiting for you in the lobby.

Kate pulled up the neckline of her dress once more. She was raised in a conservative family. Wearing a sophisticated dress that revealed half of her breast made her a little uncomfortable.

“Y-yes, I’m coming.” She covered herself with a shawl that she saw in one of the paper bags Rose brought last time. It was not really part of the dress, but the color was somewhat bearable since white blends well with other colors.

Rose was smiling at her when she opened the door.

“I will escort you to the car, Madam.” Rose strode towards the main door and opened it for her.

She grabbed her pouch from the side table and went out of the hotel suite.

That day was her wedding day.

Even though Jan’s mother threw a fit at the banquet a week ago, he managed to arrange everything for their civil wedding, which she insisted. And she asked him too to make it private. So, he called his godfather, who happened to be a judge at the regional trial court, to officiate their wedding.

Rose walked past her in the hallway so she could catch the elevator.

“After you, Madam,” she said when the doors opened.

Kate stepped inside without hassle, and Jan’s assistant followed her.

“Rose,” she called afterwards.

The woman turned in her direction with a smile. She could not tell if it was genuine, or she was just smiling at her because it was part of her job.

“What is it, Madam?” Rose asked politely. “Is there a problem?”

She opened her mouth but closed it again. Kate decided to keep it to herself.

“N-nothing.” She shook her head.

The elevator pinged, and its doors opened. Even before stepping out, her eyes caught Jan standing in the middle of the lobby. He was dressed in a navy-blue three-piece suit that made him look more enigmatic.

Jan’s eyes were fixed at her as she sauntered towards him, making her feel a little conscious. She could not tell what he was thinking at that moment. His face was expressionless.

He checked his wristwatch as soon as she reached him.

“We’re running a bit late,” he told her.

“I’m sorry. I’m—”

“Having cold feet?” Jan cocked his head to the side.

Kate gaped at him. Who would not have cold feet with the kind of situation they were in? Of course, there were what-ifs for the last few days, especially those days that she had not seen him. She even thought that Jan had changed his mind and abandoned her because he did not show up to the hotel or call her for the last three days before their wedding day.

“My fear to be caught by my evil aunt is stronger than my doubts and uncertainty of this marriage,” she said that made him arch his brow.

“Let’s go.” He stretched out his hand to her.

Kate sighed and accepted his hand.

“JAN, hijo!”

Jan and his judge godfather hugged each other tightly when they entered his office. The latter patted Jan’s back like a proud dad.

“It’s been a while,” Jan said, smiling. He then wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her closer. “This is my wife-to-be, Katherine.”

Kate glanced at him. He sounded like a real proud fiancé who would marry the woman he truly loves. And he was looking happy at that moment. She could not help but wonder how he was able to do that. Perhaps he has a knack for acting.

“It’s nice to meet you, hija.” His godfather smiled at her and spread his arms, inviting her for a hug.

She looked at Jan, asking for permission.

“Go on,” he said, smiling.

“Ah, you are one lucky woman to marry this guy,” his godfather said while tapping her back.

“You’re scaring her, Ninong,” Jan said in between his hearty laugh.

“Do you really think it’s scary to marry you?” his godfather said after freeing her.

Jan just shrugged and pulled her again close to him. She did not know why he had to keep her close to him all the time. Perhaps that was his way of showing they were into each other. Kate could only wonder how it looks like to be really loved by this man.

“Anyway, I am saddened by the news that your mother was not approved of this marriage. I mean, she wants you to settle down, and yet…”

“It’s just that I kept my relationship with Katherine a secret.” Jan lowered his head on her and kissed the side of her head.

So much for a show, she thought. But Kate could not ignore that surge of sensation it caused to her system. How could Jan even manage to make her feel that way?

“Anyway, let’s proceed to the wedding, shall we?” his godfather smiled apologetically. “As much as I want to spend time with you two, I have a trial to attend this afternoon.”

His godfather ushered them to the room next to his office. It was decorated a little for the occasion. Perhaps Jan thought it would feel a little awkward to get married as if it was just an ordinary event.

“Where is—”

“Sorry! I’m late!” said the man who barged inside the room.

“Daniel!” Jan groaned and shook his head. “He is our witness. And the other one is Rose,” he told his godfather.

“Now that everyone is here, let’s proceed.”

“JAN, do you take Katherine as your lawfully wedded wife?” the judge asked.

“I do,” Jan responded nonchalantly.

“Katherine, do you take Jan as your lawfully—”

“I do,” Kate said in advance, cutting the judge off. Then, she suddenly realized that what she did was embarrassing.

But the judge laughed instead.

“Someone’s in a rush to marry you, Jan,” said his godfather. “Well then…”

Jan’s friend came forward with their wedding rings in his hand. Jan got one ring and put it on her finger. Kate followed.

The judge clasped his hands and smiled when they turned to face him again.

“By the power vested upon me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”

Kate gasped when Jan grabbed her by the waist and kissed her on the lips without warning. Well, the judge technically gave the warning. But still, she was surprised that he would kiss her like that.

Daniel, his friend, cheered in the background.

And just like that, the wedding ended.

She and Jan headed to the car right after the wedding ceremony.

“Sir, all is done just as you instructed,” said Rose before shutting the door.

“Let’s go home,” Jan told the driver afterwards.

Kate was sitting with Jan on the passenger seat with space between them. It was not intentional on her part, though. It was Jan who distanced himself from her the moment they got in. But she did not say a thing. Of course, Kate felt like she did not have the right to do so. After all, their marriage was not as normal as it seemed.

She leaned her head on the windshield and closed her eyes. If they were not going to talk the whole trip, she might as well pretend to be asleep. But Kate did not expect that her fake sleep would lead to a real one. She was awakened by Jan when they reached their destination—his house.

“We’re here,” he told her before getting out of the car.

She heaved a sigh and reached for the knob. But even before she could open the door to her side, Jan had opened it from the outside.

Kate got off of the car and was surprised to see a familiar face standing by the doorway. She could not be wrong. It had been two years, but there was no way she would forget the woman who stood by her side for the longest second to her parents.

“Nana!” she exclaimed and ran towards her nanny.

Before Aunt Bernice sold the mansion, her nanny was fired, and since then, she had not heard from her.

“Kate…” Nana Talia hugged her tightly. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

Kate hugged Nana Talia even tighter, and they both cried.

“I thought I won’t see you ever again,” she said in between her tears.

Nana Talia distanced herself a bit to cup her face and gently caressed it.

“You’ve got thinner from the last time I saw you, sweetheart…”

Suddenly, her chest felt heavy. Indeed, her nanny did not know how much she had suffered since the day she arrived at her aunt’s house.

“It doesn’t matter, Nana. I’m glad you found me—” She briskly turned her head in Jan’s direction and found him standing behind her only a few steps away, watching them. “I-it’s you… right?”

He nodded and smiled.

When he asked him to help her get back what her aunt sold out, she did not mention her nanny. But he managed to know about Nana Talia and found her in more than a week. That only proved that he was capable of things.

“I know you want to catch up with each other, but we must get change and eat,” Jan said nonchalantly and walked towards the door.

Kate turned her gaze at her nanny, who just nodded at her knowingly.

She grabbed her nanny’s hand and said, “We’ll talk later, Nana.”

“I can wait until you’re available.” Nana Talia tapped her cheek.

Kate let go of her nanny’s hand and followed Jan inside the mansion. He was already climbing up the grand staircase when she got in.

“Jan!” she called.

He halted in the middle of the grand staircase and slowly turned in her direction. Kate blinked consecutively. Jan looked so majestic as he stood there. He looked like a prince who just came out from a fairytale book.

Kate pulled up the hem of her dress and ran as she climbed up the grand staircase. She was huffing when she reached Jan in the middle.

“How did you… know about Nana Talia?” she asked in between her gasps.

“I have means, Katharine.”

“But what made you think that—”

“When I learned that she was your nanny for eighteen years, I thought you’d want her to be by your side since you’re now an orphan.” There was a hint of empathy in his dark, deep-set of eyes.

“Thank you…” she said with a smile. “This means so much to me…”

Jan’s hands reached for her chin and lightly pinched it. “I told you not to thank me yet. I haven’t done much for you, Katherine. And oh, you must prepare yourself tonight.” Suddenly he sounded so serious.

“Why?” she asked with furrowed brows.

“Well, we’re husband and wife now.”

“Yes. So, what now?”

“We have marital duty to fulfill.”

“W-what?” Her bile went straight up to her throat.

His brow arched. “You… don’t know what it is?”

Of course, Kate knew.

“I… I thought it’s not necessary—”

“I’m sorry, but we have to consummate this marriage. Mom will check it, I swear.”

She felt her cheeks burn.

“How come your mother would know if we did it or not. She doesn’t even know if I’m still a virgin or—”

“This may sound a bit strange to you, but I made a vow to marry a virgin.”


“I told you before I don’t like hassles.”

“H-how did you know that I’m a v-virgin?” Kate swallowed hard.

His hand reached her cheek and trailed down to her chin.

“I’ve been with a lot of women, Katherine. A virgin shiver when touched. It must be thrilling, I guess.” The side of his lips twitched. “And oh, you always blush.”

She abruptly cupped her cheeks and turned around. Kate heard Jan’s soft chuckle and his footsteps as he climbed up the stairs.

He gave her butterflies. But he also made her step on a landmine.

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