
Chapter 10

JAN did not let go of her until they reached the administrator’s office. It was as if it was his way of marking his territory. That could have been so sweet if only their marriage was normal.

A middle-aged woman greeted them when they got in.

“Jan, I’m so happy to see you,” the woman said and smiled. “It’s been a long time since we last saw each other. When was it again?”

“Oh, it was three years ago when I was the speaker.”

“Oh, right! The graduation.” The woman turned in Kate’s direction afterwards. “So… I presume this beautiful lady here with you is the one you’re talking about.”

“Yes. This is my wife, Katherine,” Jan introduced her.

“Hi,” she nodded shyly.

“Katherine, this is Mrs. De Luna. She is the university administrator and my aunt to my mother’s side of the family.”


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