

He straightened his three pieces suit and walk away.

I got out from the car and look towards the gate and a car was coming in while I took to my heels I run as far as my leg could carry and as I got closer to the gate the gate began to close slowly and by the time I got to the gate the gate closed.

I look up to the gate maybe I could climb , I couldn’t, tears dripped down my face.

I held the gate and try shake it hard , I hit my hands on it and weep so hard.

I sob and look back and he was staring at me with the remote of the gate in his hand with a smile across his lips.

“ it will do you much favor if you will come in and stop running around, we need to get to business” he said

“ I hate you! I said and got down on my knees and cry.

He walk towards me and I was moving back suddenly I began to feel tired from inside of me and next my head began to hurt more and slowly I fell to the ground and that was what I remembered until I opened my eyes in the hospital.

Well it wasn’t an hospital just a sick bay but when I opened my eyes at first I thought it was a hospital until I thought I was smart and run out of the place and still find myself in his compound.

I couldn’t believe I was still in the same compound and I look back and he walked out , taking his step one after the other.

“ That was an impressive one but unfortunately you belong to me now, no matter how much you try you are still mine and you have no where to go than just do as I say” He said coldly.

I turn back and tears dripped down my face.

I look around again to be sure I was in the same compound and I guess he knew what I was thinking in my head.

" Don't mess too much with your head sweetheart, you are still inside the same house, where you thought was an hospital is just a first aid center for everyone here" he said.

I shut my eyes in disappointment, trying not to cry but I did anyways.

Tears dripped down my face because I thought I had finally gotten a chance.

I look up to the gate maybe I could climb the gate, I know I possibly can't climb that gate.

I turn back and he was coming closer to me, I began to think of what to do and I couldn't think of any

Anything at that moment , I began to plead with him to please let go of me as he walk closer to me.

I began to move backward begging him and I stepped on something I don’t know and I slipped off and I began to struggle not to fall, I shut my eyes in fear and I landed on a arm.

I was surprised I didn't fall on the ground and was going to open my eyes when I heard his voice.

" You should be careful next time" he said softly.

Slowly I opened my eyes and we both stare into each other's eyes and I quickly stood to my feet and wanted to plead again.

He brings his finger to my lips to tell me to shut up.

" Shssssh" he says and pick me up in a bridal style.

" Put me down, I don't want to go with you into your house" I began to struggle , hitting him on his chest with my tiny little hand.

He didn't answer me instead he just took me directly to the bedroom and place me in the bed gently.

I wanted to stand up to run then he trapped me in bed in between his arms, I look at the position both of us are in.

" Don't do anything with me" I pleaded as he undresses me

He undress me and look at me from head to my belly while I quickly use my hands to cover my boobs and under.

He was looking straight into my eyes with his hand on the bed me and I was in between, I shut my eyes and began to beg him not to do anything with me.

" Shut up and relax, you need some rest, your baby needs some rest" he said and tuck me under the duvet.

When he said my baby I became quiet and I could see anger written on his face even though he try not to show his anger.

" I need to get the dirty clothes off you" he said and threw the clothes to the floor.

“ Now that you know I am pregnant would you please let me go” I asked.

“ If I let you go what happens to my money? He asked.

Tears dripped down my face and I try to think back to how it all happened.

I thought back to how we had got the sad news of my dad death that he had a cardiac arrest in his office and he died on the spot.

My dad own one of the biggest construction companies in the US.

My name is Kimberly Scott, eighteen years old, raise and born in Detroit.

I was born to a wealthy family, my mom died while I was four and my dad got married to my stepmom who happens to be my nanny back then before my mom’s death.

I guess he got married to her because she used to take good care of me back then.

At first she felt like the coolest and a stepmom sent from above but things changed when dad died and I knew she never loved me.

I used to boast of having a good stepmom until I overheard her conversation with a buyer when my dad died that she will sell me to the person for prostitution.

I know why she wants to sell me, I am the one to take over my dad's company after his dead and she couldn’t stand me running the company.

I didn’t know earlier but when I overheard her conversation with someone on phone, I just figure that out.

When I heard her conversation I took to my heels and went to my fiancée to stay thinking Ronald place would be the safest place and it turn out to be the most dangerous place.

When I got to my fiancé whose dad was also a Mafia even though I never knew until that day.

He let me in and I was surprised I find my stepsister naked in his bed.

I was so furious that i and my stepsister fought and before I knew it I was hit with a bottle on the head by my step sister.

I thought it was because of the fight my sister had hit me with a bottle, I never knew they had a plan to sell me off until both my stepsister and Ronald took me to my Ronald’s dad who rewarded them handsomely for selling me off to him.

And finally I was auctioned and here I am pregnant and bought by someone whose face is as hard as a rock, someone who bought me for his sexual satisfaction.

I wish I could fight back but I can't because everything has been taken from me , I am just a nobody now but if I have the chance to fight back , I will take everything taken away from me and not just that I will make sure both my stepmom, stepsister and Ronald rots in jail.

I look back to my new environment, the room I was t the bed I was laying on and the whole room itself , it is such a big and luxury room but that isn’t what I want, I want freedom, I can’t be a slave and my child would also be a slave.

Tears dripped down my face and I look into the face of the man who had bought me.

" Will you also treat me like everyone closer to me as been treating me? I asked in a low tone but he heard me.

" And how as everyone treated you? He asked.

“ They all took advantage of me by selling me off, I trusted them but they betrayed my trust” I said sobbing.

He comes to me and hold my hand.

“ I don’t hurt people who obey my rules, all I want is for you to be obedient and we will be cool, I am trying my best to be your best friend and your baby daddy even though I don’t own the pregnancy but I bought you and both you and the baby you are carrying is now mine” he said.

I look to his face in surprise.

“ It’s not like I like the fact that I had to deal with your pregnancy before having you under me but I need to be considerate here, I need to take good care of you until you put to bed” he said and stood up.

I look into his face because I never expected him to be this good, he looks hard on the outside but has a good heart in the inside but still I want my freedom, I have learned not to trust the words of the mouth.

When he left, I quickly sit up and I rush out of the bed, I rush to the closet maybe I would find any dress which I found a male T- shirt.

I pick the t shirt and wear it and it covered me a bit.

I entered into the bathroom, I try to look at the window if I could climb and try to escape.

I try to climb but the window seems to high for me.

I thought of another thing to do and I went to the window of the room, I look down to the floor , I possibly can't jump down.

I try thinking of what to do then he entered and it was his voice that made me realized he was already inside the room.

I turn to him and he walk to me, he look down from my window to the floor and he smirks.

" Don't hurt yourself and the baby when trying to jump down" he said.

I quickly turn back and my met with his face because I was shocked he knew what my plan was.

" Anyways , I came back to you to tell you to go take your bath first, eat something and take some medications before going to sleep because sleeping in that bed without taking your bath is unhygienic " he said.

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