
Chapter 6 - Reese

Of course, she’s still here. I’d question how she got in, but I know her. She secretly had a copy of my key. She always does that. In truth, if a man doesn’t leave me because he can’t handle being shorter, weaker, or making less money than me, they leave because of her.

On more than one occasion, she’s let herself into my apartment over the years, interrupting me and my boyfriend or date in the middle of having sex.

She’s a walking contradiction. She pushes men at me that she thinks would be a good match yet is constantly hovering, sending many running.

I don’t understand it. Does my mother want me to have a love life or not? Because at this rate, I’m never getting married or having children. I’ll be surprised if Don calls me after this morning’s fiasco of her going all crazy bitch. I can’t believe she went so far as to put a tracking app on my phone. She’s crossing a legal line, and I will not take it.

“I told you one hour, not two. I can’t imagine what would have taken so long. Let alone why you would have been in such a place with that… man.” Mother wrinkled her nose as she spoke of Don.

I clenched my jaw so hard I thought I might have cracked a tooth, but I had to do something not to punch my mother. While I’ve always been ready to throw down with someone, I haven’t had to in some years. Most are too scared of me to dare; otherwise, I must consider that my career and assault charges do not look good for a lawyer.

“Mother, this behavior is unacceptable and illegal. I am an adult. I do not have to report to you or anyone about my whereabouts in my free time. Business hours are the only time I must be accountable to you on my whereabouts.” I began.

“There is nothing illegal in wanting to ensure my daughter’s safety. I knew you went to that petri dish holiday event at the waterfront with your slacker cousins, but I expected you home before midnight, and my calls went unanswered. You’ll understand how it feels to worry when you’re a mother.” Mother dismissed me with a wave of her hand.

“First, if you keep dropping in and butting your nose into every relationship I have, I will never be a mother. After all, it takes two to make a child. And don’t you dare suggest I use a sperm donor. I want a family, Mother. I want a husband who loves me and will be at my side as an equal as we raise our children.” I tried to keep my composure, and I explained this to her.

“You have plenty of time for that. And I’ve been looking for the right match. Michael has invited Cornelius from his firm to the Frost Holiday party. So, make sure you wear something sexy but not too sexy. We don’t want him thinking you’re some loose girl, even if you had a one-night stand with that unsavory fellow.” Mother instructed, getting off the sofa to come to inspect me.

“Oh, that house is so dirty. Your clothes are a mess, and you have dust all over. It’s like you returned from one of Apollo’s construction sites.” She wrinkled her nose, saying my dad’s name with some attitude as she brushed the dust off my dress, having to lean on her tiptoes and stretch to try and reach my shoulders.

I hate how she says dad’s name. He’s at least polite when he talks about her. He always does his best to keep contempt for her out of his mouth. Or at least when Clay and I are around. And he certainly never calls her Sophia. He doesn’t diminish her value and her status as our mother.

“That’s enough, Mother.” I stepped back rather than swatting her hand away. “I have no interest in Cornelius Batts. I’ve already met him at that lawyer mixer you pushed me to attend. You know the one where I met Trevor. And Cornelius is as interesting as watching paint dry. I’d rather watch paint dry.” I sighed.

“And don’t speak that way about dad. He’s a good man and never speaks ill of you in front of Clay or me. You should find the same level of respect and poise to do the same. Just because he’s naturally the bigger person doesn’t mean you can’t be too.” I rolled my eyes.

I quickly held my hand up as her lips parted to make her rebuttal. “It is my turn to speak. So do not interrupt me.” I warned her.

“Secondly, do not dismiss and put down Don or his home. He is a wonderful man with qualities you couldn’t fathom because all you see is the surface.” I sighed, smiling as I thought about all the unexpected qualities he processes.

“His home is a George F Barber. I know you don’t know or care about such things but owning a George F Barber is the homeowner equivalent to owning a Van Gogh. And he is putting his free time and money into restoring that historic home to its glory.” I explained.

“Are you done?” Mother arched a perfect blonde brow.

“No. I’m far from it. Within the time since you opened your mouth, you’ve bad-mouthed so many people—even your nephews. Darius, Elijah, and Forrest are not slackers. Darius is an educator; he molds the minds of our future. Elijah owns his own business with two locations and brings delicious joy to all. Forrest is a renowned manga artist whose work will soon be an anime series. Just because they followed their dreams and did not become lawyers doesn’t make their accomplishments any less impressive.” I ranted.

I could never understand why she was dismissive of my cousins. They didn’t become lawyers or doctors like our other cousins or like me. But they are happy and doing what they love. Even Clay bucked tradition in a way though he works in the construction business with dad, so I guess following in dad’s footsteps isn’t frowned upon. We should all be so lucky to follow our dreams.

“I don’t know where all this attitude is coming from, but you had better get rid of it. I am your mother and will not tolerate such brazen behavior. I know what’s best for you. And while it’s mighty big of Apollo to only bad mouth me in private, that does not mean I must do the same. I speak frankly with you and your brother rather than lie to you.” Mother scolded.

“Now that you’ve said your piece, I will make myself clear. You will not see that bald, out-of-shape bum again. You will come to the Frost party dressed elegantly and be Cornelius’ date. That’s the last I want to hear of this. Now I must run, I have a spa day scheduled, and I cannot be late.” Mother sighed, grabbing her purse as she started for my door.

“No.” I stated firmly.

“I beg your pardon?” Mother gasped, turning to look at me.

“You heard me. I said no.” I held firm against her icy glare.

“I can see anyone I want and will. This isn’t the eighteen hundreds where daughters could practically be sold off to men their parents felt were suitable.” I rolled my eyes.

I threatened her the only way I could, legal action. “You will stop meddling in my life, you will give me the key you secretly made, and you will never put tracking apps on my phone unless you wish to have me file charges against you. Remember, Mother, such activities are illegal in all fifty states.”

“You should be careful who you threaten, my dear. I am not only your mother, but I am a partner at the firm. I control your career. So, unless you want me to break your career so badly you wouldn’t be hired by legal aid, you will follow my instructions. If you care for that bum, you’ll remember it doesn’t take much to file paperwork to condemn a building.” Mother tossed out her threat, her promise, with such ease as she exited, leaving me standing there unable to get another word in.

Even if I could get a word in, what could I say? She’s not wrong. She’s one of the controlling partners of the firm with my uncles and her cousins. And while I’m certain Uncle Shaw and Uncle Adam wouldn’t side with her, they would be outnumbered as their three cousins, Jordan, Gregory, and Ariennah would side with her.

My heart sank as I sank to the floor. I can’t believe my mother. She would do this to her child. What kind of a mother behaves like this? This isn’t love. This isn’t how a parent expresses their love to their children. Aunt Artemis would never treat my cousins like this.

But of course, there’s a massive difference between Aunt Artemis and my mother. My mother is a Frost to her bones. And as I reflect on my Frost family and how the women have treated their children, it’s far too apparent that it’s genetic.

Ariennah has controlled my cousins’ every move since birth like puppets on a string. Emma practically disowned Eddie when he came out as gay, only later accepting him when she realized it was good for her image and would help ease the public into accepting that she’s a lesbian. Fuck, the Frost family is beyond damaged.

Maybe it’s for the best that I never became a mother. I mean, what if I end up being just like mine? No child deserves to have that. With my spirit officially crushed, I moved from my floor to my bed, curling up in a ball, crying.

My tears weren’t just for the threat against my career but her threats against Don. She may have been fluffing about my job, but I’ve seen her destroy the lives of my exes. Some deserved to be taken down a peg, but Don doesn’t.

He’s a good man, way too good for me. So I can’t see him again because if I do, she’ll find out and condemn his home. I can’t let that happen. So as much as it pains me, I’m going to have to ghost the man who not only made me feel normal and like my flaws were what made me beautiful but was the best sex of my life.


WooHoo! Officially signed! On a scale of 1-10, how super villain is Reese's mother, Sophia Frost? I'm thinking a hard 8, but she's pushing it to a 9.

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goodnovel comment avatar
Cyntavia E. Seney
Are you kidding she is a 10
goodnovel comment avatar
Tammy Herring
She’s horrible! I give her an 11. She’s not a mother she’s a shark who wants to eat her young and spit them out in her image. Reese needs to get her brother to help Don finish the construction on the outside of his house. So that he mother can’t say crap
goodnovel comment avatar
Laura Phillips Garrett
Amen! Hallelujah!

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