
chapter 24

Chapter 24

Mara’s POV

I ran into the room and slammed the door behind me.

‘Stupid stupid stupid’ I said hitting my hands against my head as I rested my weight on the slammed door.

I heard him walk away and I breathed a deep sigh of relief.

‘Your husband just kissed you and you graciously slammed the door against his head. I bet he’s regretting his actions.’ Gretel teased as my insides whooshed.

‘Gretel. Don’t be unreasonable, I had not seen that coming.’ I will have a nice shower and sleep because I have excess adrenaline from this evening.’ I told her as I raced into the bathroom and stripped off every piece of clothing on my body.

I lay in the warm bath as more hot water poured into the tub. My head was numb and devoid of every thought.

I managed to keep the thoughts at bay as I washed up and changed back into my pajamas.

‘Now, you have more time to think about how foolish you had been today’ Gretel said as I got into bed.

‘You are so supportive Gretel!’ I grounded irritably as he
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