
Wanting Her To Be As Close To Her Father As She Is To Her Mother

"She is no longer there! Zoe is gone!”

“Emma, Calm down. Breathe.” Ezra said, both hands on her shoulders, trying to smooth her.

Emma raised her gaze at him. “Don’t tell me to calm down. She is gone!” Her eyes were starting to well up with tears. She sniffled.

“We will find her. I promise. First and foremost, we must contact the police." He reached for his phone, but she shook her head.



“No. We can not call the cops."

Ezra gave her a curious look. “Why not? This place is huge. She could be anywhere.”

"What if she injures herself before they arrive? We have to find her. Quick, Ezra. Nothing should happen to my daughter because I will not be able to leave with myself!" Emma yelled as she jerked away from Ezra and ran towards the swing where Zoe was last seen. If Zoe is hurt, she will be taken to the hospital, where the truth will be revealed. If that happens, she will be doomed and imprisoned for the rest of her life. No. She cannot allow this to happen. She needs
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