

The sky was overcast when we arrived at Sir Well's rest house, here in Baguio.

I can't fault the interior of the house, it looks like a mansion from the outside, but the furnishings inside the house are antiques, which are obviously expensive.

I couldn't even refuse him, when he said that his business meeting was here in Baguio. Until now, its cheeks are still red.

I don't even have one, at least one thing to replace the one I'm wearing now.

"Your room will be upstairs around--" I was startled when the caretaker of the house behind me spoke.

I smiled and nodded to the old lady.

"Thank you very much"

I immediately text Joyce and Joel's number. I told them that I can't go home and I don't know why.

I threw myself on the soft bed, I yawned from being so sleepy and tired. Because of the length of the trip.

I was distracted by feeling the cold wind blowing through the open window. I stood up and locked it, the wind and rain outside were strong.

I stood up and went to the bathroom to take a
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