
Chapter 5

Nicklaus's POV

It was around 10 pm in the evening, my phone rang. I checked it and saw it was Marshall. Whatever I had to tell me could wait. I hung up and he called again and messaged me at the same time 

" It's urgent" 

What could it be by this time? I picked his call up

" What is it"

" Boss, I'm downstairs, I need to see you now. Please" Marshall has never sounded serious. I hung up and asked a maid to allow him in.

He rushed upstairs panting as he held my phone. I collected it and played the video that was on the screen. I couldn't say anything as I saw Jessica, if that's her name, look like a zombie while staring at a burning house. She was smiling, a smile that looked more of someone that had lost everything. She stood still for kind and everyone around there screamed then fell to the ground. It wasn't a pleasant sight but I wanted to hide my expression from Marshall.

Marshall looked at me as if he was about to cry. She smelled of ashes. Like I predicted, he started crying.

" Boss, I have done enough, I can't do it anymore. I don't even know if she's alive or dead. Someone is trying to kill her, I told you. Are you this cruel? " He cried. I felt guilty. She didn't deserve this much.

" How did this happen?" I asked calmly.

" I was on the watch for her and I realized she just stayed in the restaurant and didn't come home so I decided to go get something to eat" he sobbed then continued " and I saw the man I told you I used to see, he entered her apartment and I just stayed there and watch. For hours, they both didn't move, and while I was about to check up on little Miss, the guy came outside and after a few minutes, I saw the blast. Right in front of me. She came back looking lifeless already. I had done a lot for her. It's all my fault". I've never seen Marshall this way. He was really crying and I had no idea what to do. 

I walked up to him and hugged him, which was rather awkward for me, but he kept on crying.

" Boss, please, let's stop right here. Please." He sobbed.

" Okay okay, you should stop crying. How about you go and see her and take care of her hospital bills tomorrow?"

He pulled away and looked at me with concern. " Seriously?" He asked.

" Seriously. And you'll give her a contract too. Tell her to sign it and start working in the company as soon as she gets well"

" Really" he said with a smile. Now there's my Marshall. I smiled and hugged him again. I never knew I cared for this guy till today. And the Lady,I don't know if I should be guilty or not, after all, I didn't cause the fire.

" And also, the next time you see that guy, take care of him. Don't worry, I'll get the contract ready before tomorrow. You don't need to feel guilty anymore. It's not your fault, you only did what I told you to do. I'll give her a job". Marshall's face quickly brightened and she smiled, a genuine one.

" You are dismissed, you should go and rest, it's late" I told him.

" Thank you boss" he said cheerfully and left.

I sat down on the bed and thought about what I watched. She must be in so much emotional stress now. I probably went too far. I should get the contract ready and I know exactly what to do.

Now I have to deal with this little Miss Jessica.

I took my laptop and thought of what to write in the contract. Well, paying her a lot of money would steal her interest. And so I typed that she would be designing and selling our Jewelries. She would also be getting paid $100,000. I thought that was too much but, I'm doing this because of Marshall. 

It looked too simple and too interesting to believe. Racking my brain and resting on the sofa, I thought of what else to put in the contract. After all, it was a contract. We must be bargaining something for something else. She could be useful, maybe I should make her a maid in my house. Nah, she wouldn't be able to work in the company then.bor maybe I should just call Marshall and tell him I was going to make Jessica a maid. Or maybe not.

I stood up and left my laptop on the sofa. Pacing back and forth the room, I really don't see myself just offering this lady a job for free. It's ridiculous. She's not smart, she's too blunt and she isn't really someone with a good temper. What if she does something to one of my employees. 

After what seemed like half an hour, I went back to the laptop, opened it and added " Miss Jessica would serve her boss every night. And be obedient to him. And do whatever he asks of her." I typed it in a complicated font and a tiny text size. She probably wouldn't read it. She should be very vulnerable. I smirked. I naturally wouldn't bother with her if she hadn't kicked my balls the other day. Man! It was so painful, I felt my eggs crack. My balls were part of my pride, she must have regreted it by now

Sent the contract file to my manager. He might not see it. I guess it's late. I checked the time and it was almost midnight. Well, I sent him an email to print the contract first thing tomorrow. Then I texted Marshall to go straight to the company and collect the contract from the manager and he replied immediately with an "okay". I trust Marshall to always respond to me. And that's part of the reason I'm doing this. 

Throwing myself on the bed which bounced me with a pump, I signed, spreading my arms wide open on the bed and staring at the ceiling. " I miss her," I said and closed my eyes.


Yawning and stretching my arms around, I stood up from bed and checked my schedule for the day. " A not-so-busy day" I read out from my schedule on my phone. I'm the happiest man on Earth, I used to say, but that has turned into a cliché now. 

I decided to visit Kendrick. That asshole would be so surprised to see me. Discarding Jessica's thoughts, I drove off to Kendrick's.

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