

As Tyler fought to free his bodyguard, Katherine, from the chains, Sofia, the vampire queen, watched with a mix of amusement and satisfaction. The dim light in the chamber cast eerie shadows on her face, accentuating her sinister beauty. She had planned this moment meticulously, knowing that separating Tyler from his trusted protector would weaken his resolve and make him more susceptible to her influence.

Sofia approached Katherine, her steps graceful and predatory. A sly smile played on her lips as she extended a hand, offering assistance. "My dear Tyler, why do you struggle so? Accept your fate, and I promise to release Katherine unharmed. Join me in this world of eternal darkness, where power and pleasure await."

Tyler's eyes blazed with fury as he glared at Sofia. "I will never surrender to you. Katherine has sworn to protect me, and I won't let you use her against me."

Sofia chuckled softly, her voice laced with a hint of malice. "Ah, dear Tyler, you underestimat
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