
Mr. Hoodie

Sunshine's POV

Oh my freaking God!

The mere second he looks up I was stunned by his eyes! It's bluish-Grey and it was so bright.

I can not see the rest of his face because of his hoodie but my God those eyes can disarm anyone.

Outside, I am confident but deep inside when I was talking to him. Offering flowers, chocolate like a creep, I am freaking out.

I can't read and write properly but I am not that dumb. His shoulder was so broad and he's still taller than me even if he is slouching.

Once I gave the flowers and chocolates to him. I bat out of there. The whole time that I was walking back to the shelter I am scolding myself.

After the shameless act that I did. I freaking forgot to ask his name and I didn't even ask if he can be my friend.

That guy must be so confused right now.

Oh well, it's already done. There's nothing I can do. I decided that tomorrow if he's there, I'll apologize.

I arrived at the shelter earlier than I used to so I decided to help Miss Lorna to clean the shelter.

I hide my bag and started to sweep the floor. Together with the other volunteers, we mop the floor then once the floor was dry.  We laid out 150 mattress.

The shelter is 3 floors. When I came here when I was 14, I thought that they will report me but they don't. Miss Lorna understood my situation and let me stay here. There are times that I can't stay at the shelter because there are more people needed the space than I am.

There are so many homeless people here in New York and the government can't take care of everyone. Through the kind donations of private citizens,organizations and charities some of the shelters around the city are taken care off.

This shelter was particularly funded by an influential family. I never saw them but they regularly change and upgrade our things here. I call them affectionately my Guardian Angel.

Without them, I don't know where I'll be right now.

This is one of the nights that I can not sleep inside because for some reason there are many in line for free accomodation for a night.

Once I went out. I realize why.

It's so cold. Oh right. It's already December.

I rub my bare arms to generate some heat.

I went inside to see if I can borrow a spare blanket.

"Hi ma'am." I called one of the older volunteers.

"Yes Sunshine?"

"Is there a spare blanket?"

The volunteer expression fell.

"Oh honey. I already distributed the last batch of blankets but hold on I'll check okay?"

I nodded and wait for her.

She came back with a thin but soft blanket

"I'm sorry sunshine. This is the only blanket left.

"No ma'am it's fine. It's better than nothing. Thank you ma'am. I'll return it tomorrow."

I went on to my go to alley to sleep. It's relatively safe because it's beside the shelter.

I lean on the wall and use my bag as a cushion. I able to wrap the blanket around me twice since I am thin and small. I silently prayed for my safety and thank God that Mr. Hoodie is alive and well and of course the Bradford family.

I woke up when I heard the rush hour traffic in the morning. The horns of the cars doesn't stop even if the traffic's flowing.

I stretch my aching body because of  sleeping while sitting.

I sluggishly walk inside the shelter and sleepily smile at the volunteers.

"Goodmorning." I greet.

"Mornin sweetheart. You better move your ass. Breakfast time is almost finish."

I gave Miss Lorna a thumbs up. I again ask for the volunteer's help to wash the blanket I used.

I decided to skip showering and just brush my teeth and change undergarments. My clothes is still clean. I don't want to waste soap and detergent. I never went to any supermarkets but I bet they are expensive.

I walk back to the canteen then Miss Lorna gave me my peanut butter Sandwich, water and milk.

I thank her then sat down to one of the empty tables.

I greeted the people around me. I ask one elder man if he wants to take the half of my sandwich because I think he needs it more.

The elder man shyly accepts my offer and thank me.

I never have any friends here at the shelter except Miss Lorna because my sheltermates are changing constantly and the volunteers are different everyday.

When I went back to Miss Lorna to get my lunch. She gave my lunch then stops me.

"Hey honey." She hand me a pen and paper.

"Our benefactor was asking all our wishlist for christmas. You can write three."

Oh. Boy. I am so excited. My guardian angels are giving presents this christmas! I really love them.


I need to write it.

Oh no.

I thank Miss Lorna and promised her I'll give mine this evening.

While I was walking towards central park I mull on what will I write on my wishlist.

I did not notice that I already arrive at the park.

My playmates are there so we played for a little while. I greet their parents and some of them even knows my name! I am so happy.

We played tag and pretend tea parties.

Once my playmates went home and it's already way past lunch time. I went to my favorite spot and sat down. I look up and I am surprise to see that Mr. Hoodie is there.

He's early.

I stand up again and dust off my dress.

I walk up to him. Once my shadow overshadows him. Mr. Hoodie looks up.

I grin at him.

"Hello! You're early." I greets.

I made myself comfortable beside him.

I open the container and I gasp. There's a burger and fries inside. There's a can of coke and water also.


This is the second time that I will eat burger for lunch! I excitedly offered it to Mr. Hoodie.

"Look! Look! Burger for lunch! There's fries too! Come on take some fries."

He's just staring at me and not moving.

"Oh no Mister. I'll not eat my lunch until you get some fries or even half of my burger."

I made my point when I cross my legs and face him.

Good thing I am small or else I will not fit into this bench.

"I can wait forever Sir."

I smirk when I hear him sigh and pick the smallest fry.

I 'tsk' and grab the cover of the container as a makeshift plate and using some tissue, I grab some fries and half of my burger then gave it to him.

"Take it."

I saw some changes to his eyes. Is he irritated?

"Please." I blinked my eyes several times to make me look cute. In the end I heard him sigh.

He sure loves to sigh.

His long, strong ang masculine hand reached out and I happily gave him his share.

I start to munch on my fries then talk Mr. Hoodie's ear off.

"My name is Sunshine McBright. No middle name. Oh You know what happened this morning? Miss Lorna gave me a paper and said I should write down 3 wishes. Oh miss Lorna is the manager of the shelter where I lived in."

It's so weird but his eyes is so expressive that if you look very very close you'll see that his eyes indicates his moods and expression.

Like now his eyes are like soft. Is that even a correct description?

"So anyways she gave me this pen and paper." At this point I already finish my food and Mr. Hoodie is still eating his fries.

I bring out the said paper and pen.

"I know we don't know each other but can I ask for a favor?"

Mr. Hoodie stop eating his fries midway then after a beat continues eating it.

"Can you please write my wishlist for me?" I showed him my pen and paper.

Mr. Hoodie's looking at the paper for a while and then he gently gave me back the cover of the container still with his share of hamburger.

He nodded towards the cover so I hold it, then he dust off his hands to his pants then grab the pen and paper I am offering.

I made sure that our fingers did not touch because I did not take a shower today. I don't want to pass my germs to him. I don't want him to get sick.

He poise the pen and wait for me to dictate.

"Oh. Uhmm maybe a thick and soft blanket because at this time it's so cold and it's hard to sleep outside." I said.

At first he looks bewildered but write it neatly on the paper.

Wow his penmanship is so beautiful. It's like those things you see on invitations.

He looks up once he's finished writing. In this angle I can see his pinkish plump lips but still his face is covered by his hoodie.

"Well maybe a shoe or any footwear?" I showed him my flipflops. "This one's already small and you see here" I pointed in the middle and the part where my big toe lies.

"There's a hole so it's hard to walk if the weather is hot."

Mr. Hoodie stare at my flipflops then proceed to write down on the paper.

"Last one, oh I know. A christmas bonus for the volunteers."

He wrote it down.

He hands me back my pen and paper.

"Yey! Thank you!"

I carefully placed it inside my bag.

I look up when Mr. Hoodie stare at a distance.

He stands up and look at me. He lift his right hand then go.

I wave my hand wildly and shouted "Bye! See you tomorrow!"

I thought he did not hear me but I saw him raise his right hand again.

I pack up my stuff and discovered the half burger that he did not eat. So I ate it. Can't afford to waste food.

While I was going back I realize something.

I forgot to ask his name!

A/N in all honesty? I love Greyson's selective muteness😅

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